

Vedant_Patil_1255 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


(Universe K)

(Timeline-100years ago from current time line)


" Why am I not allowed to go outside the palace?" said a boy who had white hair and purple eyes who looked like a 15 year old to a lady who looked like his servant.

My highness it's an order from your father that you are not allowed to leave the 'Palace of Snakes' because there are many threats and dangers outside. And yet you haven't mastered your powers and you are not capable to protect yourself.

But Hydra had made his mind that he will explore what's outside the palace. sneaking out from everyone's eyes. He escaped from the palace.

He went towards the market he saw many people dressed normally and no one was addressing him as highness because no one noticed him. Roaming here and there, a familiar hand came from behind he turned around and it was his father.

He questioned him "even though you were not allowed to leave the palace what are you doing here? didn't you realise this place is dangerous for you?" While questioning a loud sound of explosion came from the other side of market.

Apollo went to check on what happened everyone near the explosion were dead. One of Apollo's minister came and told him that it is what you are thinking it is CERBERUS. "Please tell me he is alone" No he is not he is with his army and two of the greatest swordmen ranking 15 and 16.

As soon as Apollo heard this he became tensed and answered it's time to protect our people and planet. Through the smoke he saw army of men and creatures which looked like big dogs with something different in each one. Leading the army were two two swordmen cutting down people in halves.

After seeing this Apollo transformed himself into a ten headed yellow snake each head representing different power. And his trusty minister his only hope save his city took a form of a 100 metre tall snake. Followed by people of Apollo which also transforming themselves into different snakes with their own power.

The battle began. Many explosions took place near that site. The whole place was turned into battlefield . Through the smoke he saw a familiar figure appeared, it was Cerberus in his humanoid form with a smile on his face.

"Why are you here wasn't it enough to kill people of different planets that you are here to kill mine?". "You know the answer Apollo I am here to take that stone which you were protecting from generations." I will not give that stone to you for your dirty works".

There Hydra was confused and was thinking what to do. And the fight started between Apollo and Cerberus. Apollo was the best warrior on that planet and was also known as "Twenty eyed monster".But it was of no use because he was fighting with a man which was capable to destroy galaxies with his bare hands.

Such a power which was not imaginable.

Apollo knew he was no match in front of him,but was still ready to fight for his people. "I adore your braveness you are a great warrior". "I don't need compliments from you Cerberus".

Apollo tried to attack him and failed, Cerberus killed him in one blow.Hydra saw his father getting killed in front of his eyes.

A thing he never imagined to happen as his father was a great warrior.

They tried to find the stone but failed they thought the stone wasn't there. But what they didn't knew was the stone was with Hydra And...

To be continued.......

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