
The lost Tome

It seems you've found my tome. Well, are you ready? To join a journey? with someone?

Code_L · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

I readied Death's scythe once more. The second William that held Death down started dashing towards me. I swung the scythe to his stomach, to which he ducked down to dodge. Just what I needed. I tilted the scythe's blade downward and pulled it hard, cutting the William's body in half. It's body turned into smoke, as another William popped out of it, with a punch I barely dodged to the side. I readied the scythe I was holding, as the 3rd William started dashing towards me. I swung the scythe upward, slashing the William like butter, and turning it into smoke as well. The fourth William started dashing towards me as well, attempting to tackle me. Using the scythe as a rod, I made it stand on it's blade as I flipped on the other end of death's scythe, balancing on it with a headstand. When the tackling William was about to tackle into the scythe, I dropped myself towards him with the scythe's handle, as he passed by me. I pulled the scythe's blade towards me as the William runs into it, getting himself get cut in half. As I got up, a William managed to tackle me, dropping me to the ground.

"AAAAAAH!" I shouted as I fell down.

"Very tenacious, human. But it's all ending here." The William said as he was about to punch me.

I moved my gaze away from William, closing my eyes from his punch when... I felt smoke? I looked to find that Death managed to slice the last William.

"Well, I'll be! You're good at fighting, Child!" Death said as he reached out his hand for me.

I took his hand, as I felt sudden pain from my hands.

"Ow!" I said as I fell back down.

"And that's why you shouldn't use my scythe next time, child." Death said.

Death made me levitate after snapping his fingers, as I hopelessly get dragged with him to his fireplace. He sat me down as his skeletal hand reaches for my hand.

"You won't kill me, right?" I ask, reluctant to giving my hand.

"I don't plan on it." Death put his other hand on top of my palm as he holds my hand gently, making it emit some sort of light. The next thing you know, my wounds healed.

"Thank you." I said, closing my healed palm.

Death silently took my other hand and healed it as well.

"... I'm sorry. About what I did." I said.

"Ah, Child. Please, don't be concerned about that. I'm actually happy to see someone like you." Death said as he wobbly went back to his seat.

"Wha- Are you okay?" I asked, immediately getting up from my seat.

"No, I am fine. It's just that it's the first time I used magic in awhile." Death asked, massaging his nonexistent forehead in his hood.

Before I knew it, an intense earthquake hit the mysterious space I'm in.

"Hmm. It seems that it's finally time." Death said, seemingly satisfied.

"What do you mean?" I asked, concerned.

"Your body needs your soul. Now, don't worry, we'll talk again." Death said as he got up, tapping my forehead with two of his fingers.

I suddenly felt heavy, my body began dropping to the floor.

"Worry not, child. You'll be fine." Death said as my vision blurred.

"The poor chil-" Death said something but I can't seem to make of what it is.

I was asleep for a good second. Before I knew it, I felt like I was being shaken by someone.

To Be Continued...