
The Lost Tomb : Tibetan Sea Flower Part 1

People from all walks of life gathered in Gila Temple. Is all this a coincidence or someone deliberately arranged it? What is the meaning of the mysterious scorpion? What exactly is "the limit of the world"? Why is Wu Xie the only one who can save the Zhang family? Are the Zhang family members of the Hong Kong faction credible, are they plotting evil or accomplishing their mission? This is a brand new journey. Wu Xie and Fatty follow the footsteps of the stuffy oil bottle into the hinterland of the Snow Mountain. This time, can Wu Xie solve all the mysteries?

LittleClouds · History
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Chapter 11 Gold More Expensive Than Gold

  In the end, Dong Can was not found by anyone. The only clue was that a letter from him was handed over to a lama (Deren). Inside the letter was a drawing of some strange figures—it was a horoscope.

  However, the letter did not reach the recipient. The letter was intercepted, and the person who intercepted the letter could not understand the painting in the letter. They did not know that the painting was a map indicating the location of the valley.

  However, those who do not receive the letter will not give up. So, a stuffy oil bottle came to Medog. He came from the big Chinese family to which Dong Can belonged.

  He's the stuffy oil bottle.

  The stuffy oil bottle came to investigate Dong Can's whereabouts. He had a local contact person, who was Naruhito at that time.

  I can only speculate here that Deren must be the person in charge of a contact point set up by the Zhang family in Tibet. He may just be an ordinary lama, and his master is also called Deren. He is cultivating, waiting for the time to come, and also accepts an apprentice named Deren.

  If the stuffy oil bottle didn't show up, all he had to do was to be his lama, and when the time was right, find the next connector for the Zhang family.

  But the appearance of the stuffy oil bottle completely changed his life. The name Naruhito is no longer a fixed monthly salary, his boss has appeared, and he is going to start working for the salary that his name enjoys.

  I can also infer here that Dong Can's activities here may well be a pretense. He may have another plan here, which is related to a secret in the snowy mountains, so the Zhang family needs to set up a hereditary contact person like Deren in Tibet.

  And the concept of ten years makes me think about it even more.

  However, something happened to Dong Can. Maybe Dong Can did not continue to perform his duties, or he died, so the Zhang family sent a stuffy oil bottle to find out the situation.

  At that time, the Zhang family should be on the verge of falling apart. However, the matter is very important and cannot be ignored, so the stuffy oil bottle came alone.

  However, he did not find Dong Can in the end, only the place where Dong Can lived, and in his room, he found an oil painting. Dong Can lived here, but everything has been removed, only the oil painting remains.

  I need to imagine here. From the notes, I can't judge the inner thoughts of the stuffy oil bottle, but I can substitute myself into Naruhito's heart to deduce some details at that time.

  It was an oil painting of a huge lake. The color of the lake was extraordinary. When he saw it, a burst of joy and shock flooded Naruhito's heart. He didn't know that the water in the world could be so distant, mysterious, The way of being isolated from the world, where is this beautiful lake?

  Deren then saw the reflection in the lake. There were reflections of snow-capped mountains on the lake. He recognized that the one standing on the edge of the lake seemed to be Gangrengebo Peak. The sky reflected by the lake was gray and white. Through this artistic conception , makes people feel that this lake is sacred and extraordinary, with an extraordinary atmosphere.

  Naruhito is quite resistant to the so-called evaluation of beauty and truth in religion, but when he sees this painting, he seems to be able to integrate some things that he could not understand before.

  He imagined that if the light source in the oil painting changed, what would it look like, and the various light rays refracted by the lake would form a gorgeous beauty, and imagined various climates, such as strong winds, heavy rain, light rain, snow, hail, It was foggy, and I thought again, what will the fish in this lake look like? Will it be different from the fish in other places?

  He stared at this oil painting for a long time, until he realized that the stuffy oil bottle beside him was gone, and then he reacted. The stuffy oil bottle sat alone at the door of the room. Among the people who worshiped Manidui, he was the only one who was not facing the temple, but the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

  After Deren walked over, the stuffy oil bottle asked him, "Where is the lake in the painting?"

  Deren shook his head. He had never seen such a beautiful lake. If he were to say it, it must exist. in heaven. However, looking at the reflection of Gangren Gebo, it should be in the snow-capped mountains, probably in the hinterland of the Himalayas. He told these inferences to the stuffy oil bottle, and the stuffy oil bottle asked, "How can I get into the snow-capped mountains? I need your help, it doesn't matter how much money I have."

  It is very, very difficult to organize a team to enter that snow-capped mountain, but if you find the right person. Not without hope.

  The first thing Deren thought of was the caravans that took goods at the border. Only this group of people had the experience of going deep into the snowy mountains, but the part of them that went deep was the road that the predecessors had dug out with their lives and time, not those who were completely Places no one has been before, and those roads now look as much as none.

  Another thought he had was that if these people also felt that it was impossible, at least they would be much more persuasive than himself.

  However, the development of things was beyond his expectations, and he easily found three porters who were willing to accompany the stuffy oil bottle into the snowy mountain. He didn't know if it was because of the open price of the stuffy oil bottle. Obviously, the price was quite tempting.

  A week later, the three porters led him to the depths of the snow-capped mountains. The day before the departure, he told Deren that he would come back to him in ten years.

  When Deren watched the stuffy oil bottle leave, he imagined his entire journey deep into the snow-capped mountains, the ending he might encounter, the snow-capped lake that was as beautiful as a gem, what was he looking for in such a beautiful scenery?

  Of course, ten years later, Naruhito has died, but according to the rules, there is still a charcoal stove at the entrance of the temple' waiting for the arrival of the stuffy oil bottle. After saying goodbye to Naruhito, the stuffy oil bottle plunged into the unknown snow field.