
The Lost Tales of Sinners

Short stories of a young man discovering about his dormant lust. No story had any kind of connection with the other.

Fethmelle · Fantasy
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215 Chs

Vermillion Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Shell Cottage; Charlotte's Decision. (Part 004)

It's been a week since your last meeting with Christopher.

Charlotte was supposed to be preparing an event at Grian Orions, but instead, she was lying on her bed, unblinking, still trying to grasp the latest accomplishment that derailed every expectation she had of her life. She was taken aback by the words that escaped her mouth that night, but even so, they were true, were so much truer than ever. Her heart raced whenever she thought of Christopher. Not that she didn't feel guilty about her marriage and the fact that she had betrayed her husband, in body and soul, but it was a light and distant feeling, unable to find control in the emotional turmoil she was suffering under. In her thoughts, only Christopher really mattered.

Charlotte took a deep breath, going over her options once more. The first option, the one she should follow, was the simplest of all. Charlotte needed to go to Christopher and explain in no uncertain terms, simple and etched in stone, that their time together had been a mistake and there would be no repeat. But even though she recognized it as an option she still ached deeply, it wasn't just something emotionally, it was also something physically. Charlotte felt suffocated, her heart clenching at the thought of never feeling Christopher's body press against hers, his smoldering gaze capturing hers, reducing the world to just one another. Charlotte admitted that their time together would not end, at least not through action on Charlotte's side.

The second option was still pretty simple. Charlotte kept things just as they are, and continued to meet Christopher whenever Noah and Minervina were absent, for whatever purpose. But, she knew that, sooner or later, someone would notice, and disaster would come. If it was just her life she was ruining, she wouldn't have any problem, but she would also ruin Christopher. The public loved her heroes, but she loved taking down those heroes even more. And Christopher Bharash Redfield, having an affair with the wife of another "War Hero" was juicy enough to last for many months. And that was before she added her Sabin heritage and the inherent prejudices deeply rooted throughout the Society of Hyperion to anything related to non-humans into consideration.

"Charlotte dear, are you ready?" A shouting voice entered her ear. "We're almost late!" She screamed the voice of her husband, Noah.

Charlotte got up on the bed with a grimace appearing on her face. Charlotte rummaged through her wardrobe for something conservative and not at all pleasing to her eyes. The last thing she needed right now was some stupid inbred pureblood idiot trying to flirt with her. A smile appeared on her face as she fastened the [Adoration Inhibiting Necklace] around her neck, despite the uncomfortable feeling, her mind going back to the shopping mall, what happened when she last wore the choker and what immediately followed. after removing it. However, the choker looked very expensive and would bring up several uncomfortable questions that she wouldn't know exactly how to answer, so she cast a spell to divert unwanted attention from the choker elsewhere. So Charlotte wore a conservatively-length blue skirt that fell just below the knee and was wearing a similar long-sleeved blouse when her husband walked into the room without knocking.

"You look really amazing in that outfit, honey." Noah said with a small smile. "Maybe we could afford to be a few minutes late."

Charlotte felt her skin crawl at the suggestion. So Charlotte relied on a solution she had used several times since the arrival and awakening of her bloodline. Charlotte brought her [Adoration] to the fullest. It didn't take her husband a second to look at her with empty eyes, an amused smile on her lips, and Charlotte followed up with one of her own memory shuffling spells, pushing a vague memory of having sex into her mind. The spell she used wasn't as strong as [Imageless Memory Forger], but it worked seamlessly with her [Worship] in implanting sex-related memories, with the added benefit of being almost completely undetectable, only another Sabin could detect the spell accurately and only after a long time analyzing it carefully. Charlotte pulled on her blouse and left the room, leaving her husband panting with imaginary satisfaction.

Charlotte wasn't disappointed that she was wrong here, but that didn't stop her anger from exploding. Christopher was able to take his [Adoration] at full power, only getting more aroused and following through with a wild and merciless fuck. Her husband, on the other hand, became an air-suffocated and catatonic fish. Blessed Mavis, as she wanted to say just screw the consequences and use a [Salire Auferetur] for Christopher's house, but she was scared, not only out of fear for the possibility of getting caught, but also for Christopher's possible response. Charlotte was afraid of what rejection would do to her, and she couldn't imagine how she would react if Christopher reciprocated her feelings. The only thing Charlotte was sure of was that she was powerless to reject her advances.

Her husband appeared on the stairs with a silly and slightly blank expression on his face.

"That was just amazing and wonderful, honey." Noah said. "How about we go together now?" Noah asked, holding his arm invitingly to use a side [Salire Auferetur].

Charlotte ended up acting as if she hadn't noticed his invitation and disappeared with a bang, leaving her husband behind with a confused expression plastered on her face.


When the vision shifted from just darkness to just a residual image, Charlotte found herself in one of the small rooms in Grian Orions, which were dedicated as a destination area for the [Salire Auferetur] for human servants. Noah quickly appeared in her field of vision just seconds after Charlotte, a frown on her face, but Charlotte decided to act as if she hadn't noticed.

"We must?" Charlotte said in a monotone voice, and started walking without waiting for Noah's response. The sooner they join the others at the event, the sooner they can leave. Charlotte happily wished that her presence was not mandatory, but her presence was critical to the Dwarves at such events, helping them to sell the idea that they secretly supported the underground resistance through their human employees. It was a lie, it was a completely blatant lie and Johnson Percivall Bond was more than aware of it more than anyone else, but it helped the illusion that everything was fine and settled after the Second Blood War as he acted in support of these actions. to deceive the public. It wasn't quite a lie, but it was a lie.

One of his countless co-workers pulled Noah aside, but not even paying attention to Charlotte who was practically next to him.

Charlotte smiled happily. She was happy to be wearing the choker. It felt a little uncomfortable, it was like a feeling of constant pressure of hot, humid air, but still, it was so much better than the lust-filled, greed-filled looks of all the men and some women within a hundred feet of her. . The one who dragged Noah along and was happily chatting with him was one of the worst, and this time he had barely paid attention to Charlotte.

Charlotte's relief at being away from her husband only lasted a few seconds later when she spotted a woman in the crowd, this time a Brains daughter. Minervina Cornelia Brains. Charlotte could only sigh in annoyance. This was the first time she had seen Minervina in a few months, something she had not suffered from during her period of absence. Charlotte had never really liked Minervina, with her disdainful attitude and constant insults to everyone and everything, but Charlotte wasn't prepared for a surge of anger that welled up inside her chest. Charlotte felt the air around her hands gradually warm. The choker was the only reason she didn't have a fireball in her hands and she was covered in feathers, but she could sense that she was in an attempt to contain her magical powers. Charlotte took a deep breath, trying to focus, and her power dwindled before anyone noticed her momentary lapse with her strong emotions temporarily heightened.

Charlotte started walking towards Minervina. She wished she could avoid her more than anything, but doing this all night would be too hard to control, especially when she was accompanied by Andressa Vermillion, who still had no concept of her own personal limits like all those years ago. Charlotte didn't have the best relationship with Andressa either, as Andressa always blamed Charlotte for Thomas's little episodes of drooling idiocy when she was around, although Charlotte did her best to suppress the disgust and disgust in her eyes whenever she looked at Thomas Wulfric Brians, though Andressa never said so explicitly. It wasn't like she liked watching the lazy, disgusting pig trying to fill a bucket with her own drool, but that didn't stop Andressa from needling Charlotte after every episode of Thomas's mental disability.

"Greetings Andressa, greetings Minervina." Charlotte said, scoring a point for Minervina's grimace. As always, Minervina really hated being called by her full name and preferred to be called Minerva at the most if possible occasions rather than Minervina.

"Hi Charlotte." Minerva replied with a frown. "Noah arrived with you?"

"Yes, he arrived with me, but he is talking about sports or business with others." Charlotte said, shaking her head. Charlotte took a deep breath, unsure whether to ask the next question or not, but decided to go with it anyway. "What about your escorts?"

"Thomas is late…again…as usual." Andressa said in a low voice and with a sigh of disappointment and bitterness. "He must have stopped for something to eat before he got here."

"And mine is taking a little bathroom break." Minervina said with a big smirk, but for some reason, Charlotte's eyes looked strained.

For just a single moment, Charlotte panicked as one possibility above all others popped into her mind as to the real reason for her panicked state. Charlotte was about to make a hasty retreat, she didn't want to risk a public meltdown if Minervina knew about them, and opted to confront them halfway down the hall. And even though Charlotte could only imagine the tension in her face, it didn't feel right to see Christopher and Minervina together, flirting and touching each other publicly. Charlotte wasn't sure she could control herself. But before she could leave, Minervina spoke again.

"Look at him here!"

Charlotte pressed her nails into her palms, hoping the pain would help her resist seeing Minervina and Christopher with their lips closed... But then, to her great, magnificent, fantastical surprise, an unknown male figure walked past her and embraced her. Minervina, their lips touching in a brief but passionate kiss. Then, without saying a word to Charlotte and Andressa, he walked away, dragging Minervina with him.

Charlotte stood there, speechless, trying to process what had just happened. The question probably reflected on her face, because Andressa spoke almost instantly about what she wanted to ask. "I see, haven't you heard the latest news then? What existed between Christopher and Minervina is over. They broke up just a few days ago."

"Serious?" Charlotte said, trying to keep her face neutral but failing terribly in the process.

"Yes, although it would be more accurate to say that Christopher broke up for real. It was almost out of nowhere. Five days ago, after a big fight, they broke up. I don't know the exact reason, but I honestly don't want to know, but Christopher did. rather adamant is their final decision, although I think Minervina is still hoping they'll get back together in a few weeks." Andressa shook her head, clearly showing her disappointment on the subject. Though if it was disappointment with Christopher or Minervina, no one could tell but herself. "However, if she thinks her attempt to make Christopher jealous would be a help rather than a hindrance, Minervina knows Christopher far less than I originally thought in this case. And honestly Christopher isn't even here. The only reason why he showed up here last year was Minervina's constant insistence that the Dwarves had to show that everything was fine after the end of the war. Christopher used the Right of Conquest to gain control of most of the coffers of Salazar Alfredo Mussolini's supporters. The Dwarves were very afraid that Christopher would withdraw all of his funds and change them to the Pot of Gold of the Goblin of Alvares or the Malleus' Nontradables. Christopher represents nearly 30% of the gold stored in the vaults of Grian Orions. that Christopher really seems to hate the Dwarves, they really didn't want to risk anything at all."

"Got it…" Charlotte said with a neutral expression, her voice cracking miserably despite her best efforts only to keep her free from her influences, especially her own strong emotions. "So would you know where Christopher is staying?" Charlotte asked, trying to act like it was just a small, idle curiosity that made her ask about Christopher's whereabouts.

"Probably in his house in the mountains, the one that has a spa with a hot spring, he's probably in a bad mood." Andressa said with a thoughtful expression. "He can be turning into a grumpy bastard whenever the weather hits." Andressa said looking at Charlotte with an eyebrow raised in curiosity. "By the way, are you sick? You're looking kind of weird and all, but I can't tell what's wrong."

"That? It's no big deal and just a Sabins thing." Charlotte muttered.

"Ahh, got it, I won't ask about it anymore if you don't want to tell me." Andressa replied with a small smile.

Before Charlotte could say anything about changing the subject, Johnson Percivall Bong ended up interrupting.

"Hi Charlotte, mind if I borrow Andressa for just a few minutes real quick? Thanks, you are a lifeguard." Johnson Bond said quickly as he pushed Andressa away from Charlotte, leaving her frozen in the process.

Charlotte didn't really care about that at all, as her mind was rapidly buzzing with Andressa's latest revelation about the news of the relationship or rather Christopher and Minervina's now non-relationship. Charlotte needed to find Noah, explain to him that she wasn't feeling well, convince him to stay at the event's celebration, walk to the nearest starting point…


Charlotte made it through sheer luck and didn't strangle herself in the process. Just standing at Christopher's doorstep brought back to her a semblance of control and order she was desperate to maintain.

Charlotte pushed open the door without even pausing to knock or announce her arrival, glad that she was already added to the wards during the last party Christopher and Minervina threw to their closest friends in celebration of the end of the war and those who were gone. Charlotte could see Christopher sitting comfortably in a soft, comfortable looking armchair, only his golden-yellow hair exposed.

"Just get the fuck out, I don't want to see you ever again!" Christopher yelled angrily, not turning back.

Charlotte immediately froze in shock at the sudden rejection, and fumbled with her wand, intending to use a [Salire Auferetur] and back away as far as possible, tears filling her eyes. But, in her shaken state, her wand dropped to the ground, allowing Christopher to speak another sentence.

"I told you, my decision is final, Minervina! No! There is! More! Nothing! Come in! Us! I can't be with someone I've never loved if I'm in love with someone else!"

Christopher's words crushed Charlotte like a freight train, destroying the last bit of emotional control Charlotte still possessed. Charlotte could feel the tears pouring from her eyes and running down her face, contrasting with a huge smile that quickly spread across her face. Charlotte did absolutely nothing, just walked over to Christopher and sat on his lap. A crystal-clear laugh escaped Charlotte's mouth at the sight of Christopher's shocked, disbelieving expression.

Christopher's mouth opened and closed constantly trying to speak, but unable to utter a single word, but Charlotte had other plans, she had disagreed with the actions of speech and words, now was not the time for words but for actions.

Charlotte leaned in, sealing Christopher's lips with hers. They tasted more delicious than even the sweetest wine. Christopher tried to pull away, trying to say something, but failing miserably as Charlotte had no plans and no intention of actually letting it happen. Charlotte needed a physical connection. Charlotte pushed her tongue into Christopher's mouth and explored minutely. Before long, Christopher's tongue entered the fray, massaging it thoroughly instead of forming words. Christopher's hands began moving up her back, reaching for Charlotte's neck.

Christopher unhooked the [Worship Inhibiting Necklace] from her neck. In his absence, Charlotte's [Adoration] hit Christopher with all his might at full power, but his only response was just a kiss that was even more passionate.

Charlotte was ecstatic, a total and utter ecstasy she had never felt before in her entire life. Something clicked in her brain like that fateful night after shopping. Charlotte pulled away from Christopher and said with great joy and excitement in her voice. "I'm going to divorce Noah."

Christopher didn't say anything at all, but he didn't really need to say anything. Christopher's lips formed the most loving, happy smile Charlotte had ever seen appear on Christopher's face, then Christopher leaned down and pressed his lips against Charlotte's lips. It was a simple, affectionate kiss, but it filled Charlotte with elation and joy. After an eternity, Christopher pulled away and whispered three words in Charlotte's ear. "I love you."

Charlotte then hugged Christopher, resting her head on his heart, listening to his quick, calming beat. "I love you too." For a while, they stayed like that, just enjoying each other's presence, then Christopher placed his palm under Charlotte's chin and gently pulled her head up, pulling her into another loving, electrifying kiss. Charlotte swung one of her legs over the other side in an attempt to sit more comfortably in Christopher's lap, with the welcome benefit of feeling Christopher's presence, pressing hard and directly into her core. Her hands reached for her shorts, releasing them, while Christopher's hands traveled up Charlotte's leg, winding her skirt around her waist.

Charlotte pulled her panties to the side and Christopher pressed his fleshy shaft against her entrance. Little by little, Christopher's fleshy shaft began to core him. Charlotte went still, her presence inside, satisfying, warm. Her robust physical presence was the only thing that proved Charlotte wasn't in a wonderful dream. A dream could never be as good as reality.

Charlotte rocked her hips slowly, her lips never parting. Time became meaningless as they made love, slow and loving, wild and brutal...


Charlotte was lying on the warm sands, separated from the burning sand dunes by the courtesy of a thin towel. A bright but gentle sun settled over her head like a source of heat, its worst excesses blunted by a calm breeze. The waves followed the wind's command, gently lapping the sandy shore in a mesmerizing beat, a distinct lack of distractions...

But all of this was not enough to calm Charlotte down. Her entire body was covered in dull pain, filling every face of her being. It hurt to move her arms and her back torturing her every moment she was on her feet. Charlotte felt miserable. And all this because of that damned Christopher Bharash Redfield!

So when she saw Christopher Bharash Redfield, the source of her discomfort, walking towards her, it was a very reasonable reaction that she sent a fireball at him, aiming at her face with that smug smile. "Redfield, you smug idiot!" Charlotte cried out, annoyed at the ease with which Christopher dodged her attack. But, contrary to the gravity of the situation, a wide smile of joy was on her face. Charlotte sent a few more fireballs toward her, intending to wipe the smug look off her face, only for Christopher to dodge the circular blasts of fire easily and just as easily follow.

"Looks like someone ended up waking up on the wrong side of the bed today." Christopher said, in an usually calm tone of voice as he continued his walk with light steps towards Charlotte.

Charlotte sent another fireball in Christopher's direction for daring to do very little about her current situation, one that Christopher dodged just as easily. "Redfield, you smug, insufferable bastard." Charlotte screamed aloud. "I curse the day I heard his name."

Christopher laughed once more, his pace steady despite Charlotte's apparent anger. Then Christopher dodged one last fireball and wrapped his arms around it. "Did you know it's quite weird for you to curse the name of Redfield?" Christopher said with a smile on his face. "After all you are Lady Redfield now." Christopher said as his hand slid down, caressing Charlotte's slightly curved stomach. "It's as important as you are, you're carrying the Redfield family heir right here."

Charlotte sighed, her emotions shifting with extraordinary intensity even for a Sabin, and only possible with the emotional imbalance brought on by pregnancy. "I hate that." Charlotte muttered. "I'm fat, I'm ugly and my whole body is aching-" Charlotte began only to be silenced by a pair of lips that sealed the rest of her words inside her.

"You. No. Are. Fat. And. You. No. Are. None. Little. Ugly." Christopher said in whispers, placing kisses on Charlotte's neck between her every word. "You are my beautiful and sexy wife."

As usual, her husband's undivided attention made it all better, but still, Charlotte was pouting. "You're just saying that because I'm your wife." Charlotte muttered, hoping to coax him into a more direct form of display.

Christopher's next actions lived up to Charlotte's expectations. Christopher's movements increased the pace, moving closer to the places that were covered by the bathing suit, at least for the time being.

"How about I prove once more, my beautiful princess, that I love you." Christopher whispered into Charlotte's ear before moving to the nether regions, caressing the edge of her bathing suit with a trail of kisses. Charlotte let out a happy moan as she felt her husband's passion enveloping her body like a physical presence. Charlotte felt her pain drain as her [Adoration] was burning in response, swirling her arousal around, enveloping her with overwhelming force. Any other man would have collapsed into a drooling and babbling mess with a faraway look, but not Christopher Bharash Redfield, her husband. The only reaction Christopher gave was the slight acceleration of his movements as he explored Charlotte's body with a deep passion.

Charlotte let out a moan as Christopher slid one of her breasts, larger by a cup full courtesy of pregnancy, and more importantly, far more sensitive.

Christopher pressed his lips to her areola, his tongue stroking her sensitive pink nipple repeatedly. "The feel of your skin is as intoxicating as ever." Christopher muttered between breaths.

Charlotte gasped and struck with the urge to taste his lips one more time, Charlotte grabbed her hair and yanked it up, catching her lips in a heated kiss. Christopher showed his enthusiasm in the form of an aggressive tongue, caressing every slit in his well-explored mouth.

"I love you." Christopher whispered after pulling away from Charlotte's lips, turning his attention to her breasts once more. This time, Christopher reached behind Charlotte's back and tugged at the strings of her blouse, leaving her completely naked.

"Christopher!" Charlotte gasped. "Not in public."

Christopher paused to devour her breasts and looked into Charlotte's blue eyes. His blue-green eyes sparkled with excitement and appreciation, filling Charlotte's heart with comfort in a way words never could. "Come on, my dear and beautiful wife. What's the use of having a private beach at the back of your house if I can't play with my beautiful, pregnant wife outdoors?"

Charlotte was unable to argue, so she did the next best thing. Charlotte slipped one of her hands inside his swimming trunks and wrapped her fingers around his fleshy, rock-hard shaft. Charlotte began to move, evoking a moan of appreciation from him. "Why do I have such a naughty husband?" Charlotte whispered in a sexy voice. "Daring to molest your own wife in a place everyone could see." Charlotte liked the sudden growl that left Christopher's throat.

"You are mine." Christopher said, before biting Charlotte's breast hard enough to leave a bite mark, underlining his observation full of desire and love.

Charlotte shivered physically, her instincts responding to her affirmation with another flame burning from hers [Adoration], trying to envelop her magical presence, trying to make her give in vain to the temptation of carnal pleasures. Charlotte opened her mouth to tease him, but Christopher's hand was slipping inside her bikini bottom and she exchanged Charlotte's words with another moan. Her hormones roiled once more, and arousal hit Charlotte full force. Charlotte moaned and tugged at the strings of her bottom bathing suit, leaving her completely naked in the warm rays of the sun.

"Is there anything you want, my dear wife?" Christopher said in a tone full of teasing infecting her voice.

Charlotte growled. If Christopher wanted to provoke, she was more than willing to settle down. Charlotte concentrated on her magic and her nails gleamed sharply. Charlotte dragged the knife-like nail down Christopher's swimming shorts, knocking him to the ground in two pieces. "Less talk, more work, my dear husband." Charlotte said, pressing her nail gently into his fleshy shaft to show how serious she really was.

In response, Christopher shifted position and lay down beside Charlotte. Charlotte turned her body on her side, pressing her plump bottom against his hardness. Charlotte missed the wild sex they were having, even using the magical sex swing they had in positions that would have porn producers scratching their heads in bewilderment. Unfortunately, with pregnancy at an advanced stage, even most traditional positions were not allowed. Then her husband's shaft slipped in, making her problems with a limited range of positions possible and irrelevant. Just feeling her husband inside her, throbbing with lust and love, was enough to make it all worthwhile. Charlotte patted her belly. Especially with the fruit of your love on the way.

Christopher started to move, eliciting a series of moans from Charlotte. Charlotte felt Christopher's lips pressing into her neck, so she turned, meeting his lips midway in a gentle kiss, matching his gentle movements as Christopher glided in and out, heightening her arousal. Her warm sense of courage was proven enough as the last step to trigger a climax in Charlotte, her juices flowing around her shaft, mingling with her seed…

Charlotte felt a gentle calm spread through her body as Christopher placed his hand on her stomach, whispering softly into her ear. "I love you, my sweet princess."

"I love you too." Charlotte mumbled back, then soft sleep overtook her, and she closed her eyes for a short nap. Charlotte was happy… totally and completely happy… and full.