
The Lost Tales of Sinners

Short stories of a young man discovering about his dormant lust. No story had any kind of connection with the other.

Fethmelle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
215 Chs

Jake Lane: Extra

Kronos State Park

"Alright mom, run home with you!" Astra chuckled as she helped her dog into the back of the car.

Jake and Astra spent the day together at the mall and doing things that kids their age often do (other than drugs), when Astrid called and asked to be found in the park so they could give their new dog some space to stretch their legs apart. the huge Pedragon Mansion. Jake and Astra had no reason to refuse the beautiful blonde, so they found her there.

Before Astra got in her car, she looked at Jake, who was standing next to his mother. A little too close. But Astra didn't think much of it, it was probably just her mother playing with her. But Astrid knew what she was doing with the poor boy, after all, she had chosen some very daring clothes that somehow managed to fly under the radar of most lustful clothes.

Astrid wore the classic look of Duke Daisy with a plaid button-down shirt that had her sleeves rolled up and her blouse tied under her wide bust, but still left a few buttons unbuttoned to show the vast extent of her cleavage. And as for the shorts, you guessed it, Dukes bright daisy blue that didn't even reach mid-thigh.

But, fortunately for Jake, Astra chose more conservative clothes. A white top and a simple pair skirt. But somehow the younger blonde managed to make him more attractive than simple.

As for Jake? He just wore a graphic T-shirt and a pair of exercise shorts. Very simple.

"Are you sure you don't want to come back with me Jake?" She asked her best friend.

"Nah, I'm fine!" Jake waved at her with a smile. "Also, Ms. Astrid said she was having trouble fitting the new dog cage to the back of her car, so I thought about trying to help."

"Go ahead, dear, we'll be right behind you!" Astrid encouraged her daughter to get in the car.

Astra just smiled and waved before opening the driver's side door and getting in. Jake and Astrid waved at her when she started the car and started driving. But as they waved at her, Jake reached out to hold Astrid's supple ass firmly.

"What a thing, what a thing, someone is getting ahead a little." Astrid whispered, looking at him out of the corner of her eye.

Jake laughed. "Well, it was your idea to do that, so I thought you'd be more than happy to let me start."

Astrid bit her lip gently as his hands roughly gripped her firm flesh. "Oh, I'm ready for you to start well." She smiled.

"We just have to hurry, otherwise Astra will be suspicious if we don't show up." He warned, his hand still busy massaging his cheek.

Astrid looked around and noticed how nearly empty the park was, all the remaining stragglers already on their way to their cars to go home. In just a few minutes, they would have the entire park to themselves.

"Oh, don't worry, I can make an excuse and she'll believe it." The mother said, this time her own hand reaching for her shorts and beginning to feel the agitation in her groin. Your beast slowly rising from its sleep.

"Well, what about these other people?" Jake asked as he moved closer to her and lowered his head to the curve of her neck to lick the tender flesh.

"I'm the owner of this park, remember? I don't give a shit what they think!" Astrid threw her head back, her panties getting hot when he started to stimulate her body. She pressed herself closer to him, pressing her huge bust against his side. Astrid looked around for somewhere they could occupy themselves. But around it were fields and trees as far as the eye could see.

But there was a bank ...

A single outdoor bench.

Astrid knew it would be risky, even if she owned the damn place, but luckily she told the security guard to go out at night so she could have fun.

"Jake ..." she whispered. "Let's go to that bank." She suggested.

Jake nodded with a smirk. "As you wish." He said before taking her in his arms and carrying her. Fortunately, no one was around, or else they would see the huge tent in their pants.

Astrid chuckled, happily kicking her legs and enjoyed the ride. Of course, she didn't just wait for him to go to the bench to start loving, so she started to gently kiss his cheek and let his hands roam over her shoulders.

But as he was horny and as well as ready to go, his pace to reach the bench would make the pace of any runner a disgrace.

"You really are ready to go, aren't you?" Astrid scolded as she gently fell from his arms and knelt.

Jake looked back to make sure he didn't fall when he sat on the park bench. "Well, you're the only one who's already on his knees, so who's ready for this anymore?" He asked maliciously.

Astrid spread his legs and put his hands on his thighs to raise himself to a more suitable position. "Touchy touchy." She bit her lip. "I wish that head was as silent as this ..." Astrid sighed as she looked at her insane groin tent. His tongue attacked her ruby ​​red lips in anticipation. She liked it when he got so hard he almost made a hole in his pants with just the stick!

Jake remained silent, instead, he lowered his shorts to help Astrid with access and now the only thing that was between her lips and his cock was his boxer. And as if it were paper, Astrid almost feared they would open up and let his penis jump free, protruding from his pelvis like a powerful column of flesh.

"Wow ... every time I see it I can't help but be surprised." Astrid hissed in awe. His heavy breathing caused the rigid sting to pulse sporadically with attention.

"Astrid ..." Jake shouted in an irritated tone. "Hurry up!" He pleaded.

"Oh, I will, Jake, I will." She smiled. Slowly, she leaned over and placed a meaningful kiss on his bulbous head. "I think I know what I'm going to do ..." She smiled. Astrid removed her hands from her lap and immediately placed them on the huge globes of flesh that were her breasts.

"Oh hell, yes ..." Jake bit his lip, starting to caress himself as he watched Astrid's hands struggle to hold her huge breasts. Fucking boob in the park was going to be his new favorite activity.

If it had been at any other time, Astrid would have liked to play with him and tease him with looks from his impressive occupation, but today she just wanted to start working. Then, with a tug, Astrid tore off her despicable blouse and let her huge knockers ricochet, swinging tantalizingly as they settled on her chest.

Jake's cock apparently jumped with excitement when her perfect breasts were slowly wrapped around him, coating him in her warm, cushioned softness. Jake drooled when his shaft was enveloped in the hot tunnel with its tip so close to his delicious lips that he could feel his breath fall on him.

"I think you have an addiction to breasts, sir!" Astrid joked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Jake blushed and looked away sheepishly. "Shut up ai-uhhh ..." He could finish his sentence as Astrid put the head of his cock in his hot mouth and quickly started to slap his tongue in her slit.

He just decided to shut up and help by slowly moving his hips to the bottom of his fleshy globes, causing the twins to jump and swing hypnotically around his cock. It was even more obscene when Astrid's saliva ran down his shaft and made wet crushing sounds as he fucked her breasts.

Astrid's eyes searched his, teasing him without saying a single word, just sucking on the tip of his cock.

Unfortunately for him, he wouldn't be able to enjoy this much longer, since he had spent an entire week free without sex, Lucille told him to restrain himself for her when she returned to the city. Needless to say, without an entire week of sex, Astrid's expert care proved to be highly effective on him.

"Fuck ... not yet ..." He begged his body to give him a little more time, but it looked like his own anatomy was working against him.

Astrid smiled around her axis, but inside she was a little upset. She couldn't enjoy teasing him. But it's alright.

It's time to make it burst!

Astrid got ready and-

"Aha! I knew I would find you two here!" Astra screamed as she ran towards them, pointing her finger at them. Astra was not at all happy, in fact, she was very angry with them.

"Damn it, you two! You two can't behave for a single hour!" The young blonde looked ugly.

Astrid immediately took his cock out of her mouth, but still left it between her big breasts. "Honestly, it's your fault for having such high expectations of us." Astrid snorted.

Jake just awkwardly looked at his best friend with wide eyes and a blush on his face.

"Mom!" Astra blushed as soon as she saw Jake's cock still between her mother's breasts. "Put your ... dick away! This is disgusting!" She whimpered.

Astrid just rolled her eyes. "I swear, we wouldn't be having these problems if you two were already together."

"Astrid!" Jake shouted. "I'm with Lucille now! Besides, I already have you and Natasha, I don't need another girlfriend."

Astra just looked at him. "Oh, no, you won't! Don't act so loud and powerful when you're a prostitute!" She poked his chest with a pointed finger.

"What !? She is my girlfriend!" He defended himself.

"Natasha too! And you are also Lucille's man! You should be with her!" Astra said.

"Lucille is still out of town." Jake rubbed his head nervously. "I wish she were here. But she said she would be back tomorrow."

Astrid finally decided that she and Jake wouldn't end up here, so she looked at his cock longingly before reluctantly taking it off her amazing shelf and sliding her breasts back into his shirt. Jake just put his cock back in his shorts, sighing, as he was still hard and ready to release.

"Okay, let's stop!" Jake groaned.

"For now ..." Astrid whispered.

Astra smiled. "Great! Now let's go home and play a little-"

Astrid's phone started to hum.

"You can only be kidding me." Astra sighed.

"Not." Her mother laughed as she took the phone out of her shorts and answered it. "Hey?"

"I wonder who it is ..." Jake asked rhetorically. He and Astra watched Astrid interact with the person on the other end of the line, obviously having a conversation about something serious.

"Truth?" Astrid put her finger to her lips. "I think we could. But see, the point is, I kind of just want to go home ..." She laughed. "But I think if you really need it, we will. Okay, until then. Bye!" She hung up.

Astrid then turned to Jake. "Jake." She called.

"Yes?" He looked at Astra and then at Astrid.

"Natasha needs us, we have to go." Astrid said as she stood up and made sure she was presentable.

"What? Why?" Astra asked, crossing her arms over her huge chest.

"It's something about her cabin, she didn't specify, only that she needs Jake." The older blonde replied.

"Ugh, her hut high in the mountains !?" He groaned, pointing to the mountains in the distance, right on the Kronos border.

Astrid just grabbed him by the ear. "Just come on, what's the matter?"

"Bears ..." Jake said.

"You fool." Astra laughed. "There are no bears up there."

"You're just saying that because you don't have to go." Jake pouted.

"Where did you hear about bears?" Astrid looked at him strangely.

Jake looked directly at her with a calm face. "Natasha."

"There is!" Astrid laughed, "I remember she used to tell you and Freddie that to make sure they didn't run away. But I can guarantee that there are no bears there. Besides, if there are any, I will protect them." Astrid smiled.

"How? Are you going to fuck the bear too?" Astra snorted.

"If his dick is bigger than Jake's, then maybe." Astrid smiled.

Jake pouted. "This is cold Astrid. I thought you loved me." He whimpered.

"Ah, yes, dear, I'm just playing with you, that's all." Astrid kissed him on the cheek, causing Astra to express her disgust. "And I'll see you tomorrow morning, Mrs. Grumpy Pants." Astrid said goodbye to her daughter.

"Yes, yes, see you, mother." Astra waved.


Mercury hut in the Kronos mountains, 21:22

Jake sighed as he stretched as he got out of Astrid's car. The trip there was so quiet that he almost fell asleep!

But for some strange reason, as he breathed in the fresh mountain air, he felt revitalized. Years have passed since he was here. He remembered fond memories of him, Astra, Stella, Freddie and Nemo, all running around here while Malu and Organ acted like they were above them with their children's games.

He also remembered Natasha trying to sell the property to Francisco to make money fast. Now that was hilarious.

"Well ..." Astrid groaned as he stretched his muscles. "We are here. We might as well get in. Although it doesn't look like many people are there." She scratched her head.

Jake nodded in agreement. "Yes, this place looks almost deserted ..."

But before they could continue to express their skepticism, Natasha came running out the door before hitting her after her. She was running at full speed towards them in her normal clothes, but a backpack on her back.

"Oh, thank God you're here!" She cried frantically.

Jake and Astrid immediately went on high alert. "Natasha! What's wrong !?" The two asked frantically, concerned for Natasha's well-being.

She didn't answer until she crossed the gap and ran into Astrid's arms. Once in the blonde's arms, the black-haired mother couldn't help herself and started to cry.

"Natasha!" Jake quickly put his hand on her back. But as soon as the mother felt his comforting hand, she moved away from Astrid to cling to him. "What is wrong?"

Natasha wiped her tears on her shirt and, with a trembling lip, told them what was wrong. "I'm drunk and horny ..." She sniffed.

Jake and Astrid's face spread in their anguish. "I can't believe I was really worried ..." Astrid snorted as she crossed her arms and watched as Natasha tried to take Jake's hand and the young man striking his hand.

"Stop!" Jake laughed as Natasha tried to plant soft kisses on her neck as her hand roamed the abdomen before venturing further down.

"Come here, big boy!" Natasha purred lasciviously when she jumped on him in heat.

Astrid just pouted and went back to the car. "Well, come on Jake, I think I know where tonight is going, so we can also pick up Lucille at the airport."

Jake put Natasha on his back for a walk on his back and the mother seemed to have a great time when she started rubbing her hips on his back. "But Astrid, Greendy won't be back until tomorrow!" Jake said.

Astrid just showed him his phone. "Well, Lucille just sent me a message and asked me to come and get it." Astrid said.

"Well, then what are we waiting for!" Jake smiled as he ran for the car. But when he was about to return to the passenger seat, Natasha began to whisper in his ear. Then, with a sly smile on their face, the two climbed into the back seat of Astrid's car.

Astrid groaned, upset that she had to drive while they played.

"And I'm not even paid for it ..." The blonde mother sighed as she fastened her seat belt. She looked in the rearview mirror to see Natasha and Jake already sticking each other's tongues in their mouths. What a horrible thing!

With another long sigh of defeat, Astrid started the car. "Next stop, airport."


Kronos airport

"Ah!" Lucille exhaled as he left the terminal, stretching his limbs. Even though she rode in first class, it was still very tight in her opinion. Besides, she didn't have her big Jake teddy bear to snuggle up to. At least he would have made the flight bearable.

Throwing her only bag, which was a backpack, over her shoulder, she entered the airport's main hall. Compared to other people around her, Lucille was walking at a fast pace, but she didn't notice. She had other things on her mind.

But because of her brisk walk, she walked the entire airport in the blink of an eye. She was reserving! She just hoped Astrid would receive her message and be waiting for her ... she wasn't in the mood to call a taxi.

Then, after dealing with all the business that involved leaving an airport and returning to the city, Lucille finally managed to get out onto the boarding slopes. And sure enough, Astrid's car was parked there and was still working. It was obviously Astrid's, with its cherry red color and dark windows.

"Finally." Lucille smiled as he hurried over, frantically waving Astrid to open his window.

"Hey Girl!" Astrid's mature voice welcomed her when her window came down. "How was your trip?" She smiled.

Lucille smiled warmly as he tossed his backpack in the back seat before closing the door and climbing into the passenger seat. "Ugh, a lot of work! It's like no one at Crocus didn't know how to advertise! The market down there is difficult!" She complained.

Astrid looked at her, laughing. "I told you, Greendy, you could come and work for my company's advertising division whenever you wanted!"

"Yes, but let's be honest here, you would favor me." Lucille stated.

Astrid scolded the seat belt. "Yes, you are probably right." She giggled.

Lucille also tightened her seat belt while laughing, but decided to dive into the subject she was most interested in. "So ... how is he?" She asked anxiously.

"Who?" Astrid asked, looking at her before looking back in front of her as she left the pickup.

"You know ..." Lucille blushed, playing with his thumbs in his lap. "... Jake?"

"Look at you! Blushing like a little girl!" Astrid joked. "He's fine! He was in this car for less than an hour!"

Lucille looked at her. "Really? Why?"

"Well because, well, you know." Astrid blushed when her mind turned to the gutter. "But now he's at home with Natasha. But don't worry, they're not having sex ... yet ... I hope ..."

Lucille raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"I don't think I told you that, but I kind of kept him under a strict sex ban law last week. I may have told him it was your idea ..." Astrid blushed.

Lucille quickly shook hands. "Oh, no! My poor baby! He's probably full!"

Astrid joked. "Really? Are you worried about his semen supply?" She asked.

"Shh!" Lucille silenced her. "No time to talk! Take me to my baby Jake!"


Pedragon Estate

"What do you mean there is no red! There must be! No self-respecting crayons don't have a red!" Jake complained as she rummaged through the box of crayons Astrid gave him. How should he finish the picture of his red dragon without any red ?!

Natasha continued to look through the box. "No! But at least they have blue!" She was drawing an ice iceberg! She was actually on the Arctic scene for some reason. "But at least your- woah woah woah." Finally, Natasha understood. "We could have had sex all the time ..."

Jake's jaw dropped. "We could ... but dammit, if a box of crayons and a notepad are not a distraction! No wonder how Astrid made so much money!" He banged his fist on the coffee table.

"Well ..." Natasha purred as she slowly leaned forward. "What do you say to make up for lost time?" She asked with a sly smile.

Jake mirrored her smile with one of his own as he, too, leaned forward. "That's right..."

With Astrid and Lucille

Lucille almost slammed Astrid's car door when she got out.

Astrid sighed heavily. "Oh, come on down, do you really want to run just to see him?" The blonde mother asked.

"You're right, I have to make sure that I'm presentable first!" Lucille slammed his fist into the palm of his hand as if making some kind of discovery.

"You look good ..." Astrid joked again. And man, she was right, Lucille was still a knockout. The white summer dress she wore only exemplified her beauty.

"So let's move on." Lucille declared when he turned and started to make a beeline for the front door. Astrid feared what was to come. She left Natasha and Jake with a distraction, but she was sure that they understood now. So, since Lucille was about to enter the house, that the front door immediately opened onto the living room, they were about to start a fuck party. She wasn't against the fuck, it was just to clean up, then shit.

Then Astrid ran after Lucille and soon they both crossed the garage and were now at the front door, Astrid fiddling with the lock.

"Hurry up!" Lucille encouraged. "I think I can hear them!"

"I'm in a hurry. I'm in a hurry." Astrid said.

Finally she found the right key and put it in the lock, unlocking the door. But as soon as she took it out, Lucille unlocked the door.

"Jake!" Lucille shouted happily as he opened the door. But the happiness that was in his heart was quickly replaced by a pure and unbridled jealousy for what he saw.

So much for the non-sex rule ...

"Oh Jake! This is it! This is my big, beautiful beast!" Natasha moaned ravenously as she jumped on top of Jake. The young man was lying on the coffee table, completely naked, while Natasha, equally naked, was riding his cock in a cowgirl position.

Jake's fingers dug into the lustful flesh of Natasha's pasty ass, her big ass shaking and swaying as it collided with his thighs whenever she threw herself down. Both were panting and moaning as if they were in heat. Jake and Natasha were fucking each other with passion.

"Natasha! Your cunt is so ... amazing!" Jake groaned, biting his lip. Her eyes watched her soft breasts dance as she jumped on him. Man, the whole week without sex really had a negative effect on him, he was already feeling his balls tighten and getting ready to unload.

But before he could even think of alerting Natasha about his impending orgasm, his vision was suddenly blocked when a woman stood above him with her feet on either side of his head so he could look at the peak of her thighs and see her almost prey snatch that was already flowing with excitement. He didn't have time to question when the woman crouched down and his mouth found her pussy dripping. But never one to give up on a serious request, Jake started to lick.

'Wait a minute ...' Jake thought as he lessened his licks and started to taste the pussy. 'I know that taste! 'Jake smiled and his heart was beating at a million miles an hour. His hands grabbed the healthy thighs and squeezed them lovingly.

"That's right ..." Lucille smiled, not paying attention to Natasha while the dark-haired mother had fun assembling Jake's pillar of hard meat. She felt him hit her folds harder and knew he recognized her.

But while Jake totally forgot about Natasha, he was suddenly reintroduced into his impending orgasm. But for some reason, he didn't care.

Natasha was grabbing his muscular chest as drool dripped from his tongue, which was out of his mouth. She had spent an entire week without that stick and now that she had it back, she was going to ride it so hard. She was vaguely aware of Lucille's presence, but she didn't care, the greenette could have fun when she broke up with her boyfriend. Jake was currently his toy and Lucille would have to back off.

But Natasha knew that she was so close to orgasm. The knot in her stomach was slowly unraveling, but she needed just a little more of a push to finish the job. But she didn't know that she would get exactly what she wanted almost instantly. She felt his big shaft pulse and throb before suddenly firing its hot, sticky load right into her uterus.

' Oh my God! It really came inside me! - She came out of her orgasmic state. When her release matched Jake's and slowly slid down her pole to form a pool in her stomach, Natasha felt the full weight of her situation hit her.

Lucille didn't know why Natasha stopped, but a word from Astrid also brought her out of her own happiness.

"He wasn't wearing a condom, was he?" Astrid guessed with a 'I-told-you' look on her face. She had just taken off her shirt, but it didn't take a genius to find out what happened.

"No ..." Natasha squeaked, suddenly losing her appetite for sex.

Lucille just looked at Natasha, hate burning his eyes. "You bitch!" The emerald-haired beauty screamed as she jumped from Jake's face and threw Natasha on the floor.

Jake was completely shocked that Lucille would do something so bold as to attack Natasha. Suddenly, it reminded him of his relationship with Freddie. He felt pride rising in his heart when Lucille totally dominated the cat fight that took place on the floor.

"So Jake ..." Astrid slid her arms over his chest as he sealed. "Now that you've officially given the three of us a creampie, which pussy do you like best?" She asked.

Jake just looked at her, starting to sweat nervously. Now Astrid was the one looking for trouble. He just hoped that the two on the floor wouldn't hear Astrid.

But they did ...

"Come to think of it ..." Lucille started.

"... I'm kind of interested in knowing too." You finished.

Now all the mothers looked at him anxiously, waiting for an answer.

"I don't know ..." He started, but chose to continue because he knew the girls would not go, except as an answer. "But what I do know is that we have an entire night to test and choose from."

Then Astrid, Natasha and Lucille looked at each other wearily as they approached Jake. Jake didn't know what he just did, but then he would find that out, that same sentence started a total sexual war from that point on. With him in the center ...

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