
The Lost Tales of Sinners

Short stories of a young man discovering about his dormant lust. No story had any kind of connection with the other.

Fethmelle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
215 Chs


Outleraid Warehouse, Sunday, 8:44 pm

"I'm so tired of this shit! I've been training for almost thirteen hours straight!" Chojiro Yanagi shouted at the Outleraids on the second floor of his abandoned building.

Shinji and the rest of his small clan just waved at him, without really hearing his complaints.

"Sorry, Chojiro, but you haven't reached four thousand push-ups yet." Shinji sighed, leaning back against that tattered, old sofa. He had his feet kicked in a box and his arms behind his head, giving the impression that he was not telling Chojiro.

Neither does Hiyori, the resident loli with anger problems. "You have to keep training bald! You won't get anywhere with your mask on if you don't improve your body, idiot!" The little blonde screamed, taking off her sandal and ready to throw it at his head.

Chojiro got off the floor and cleaned himself up. "You idiots! I've been here in a minute! What else do you want from me?" He asked them.

"Perfection?" Aikawa replied sarcastically. "We all have ours over a few minutes."

"Because you have had centuries to train and improve your powers! I'm just a teenager!" Chojiro defended himself.

Lisa scoffed at that while flipping through her erotic magazine. "A teenager who regularly struggles with spirits and other dead shit. Honestly, it doesn't look too bad for a manga idea."

"Yes, I kind of like the sound of that idea." Aikawa smiled and adjusted his glasses. "We could make billions out of it."

"Can I be labeled as a producer?" Otoribashi asked. "I think I could contribute to the soundtrack if an anime was ever made."

"We will be full of money." Aikawa said.

Chojiro looked like he was about to burst a blood vessel in his face because of the anger that was getting. "Now you're not even paying attention to me!" He yelled at them, making them look at him when he got up and started to walk away. "Screw you guys I'm going home!"

"What? You can't go anywhere yet, you still have training to do!" Hiyori shouted, getting ready to throw her sandal at him.

"It's school night! I have to go to school tomorrow!" Chojiro shouted as he put on his jacket.

Hiyori was amazed. "What the hell is school?" She asked, turning to look at the other Outleraids for answers that everyone except Shinji shrugged.

"This is not good." Shinji yawned as he stood up and stretched. "We need him to train much harder before the end of the month." He said.

"Well, you better go after him." Kensei grunted when he and Mashiro returned from the kitchen.

Mashiro, upon hearing the prospect of a chase, which meant leaving the old warehouse, jumped for joy.

"I'm going to get Berry-tan ~" Mashiro sang as he dropped the plates he was holding and stood in front of his de facto leader. "Let me go get it, Shinji! Leave me! Leave me! Leave me! Leave me!" She jumped up and down on tiptoes in excitement.

"You better let her go, Shinji, she won't stop until you agree." Aikawa sighed.

Lisa nodded at that. "Please, let her go just to shut her up." The brunette agreed with the blonde.

Shinji rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't see any problem with that, do I, Kensei?" Shinji looked at the gray-haired man.

"It's not my problem." Kensei grunted as he sat down on the old sofa.

Seeing no problem with that, Shinji shrugs and nods. "Alright Mashiro, go track him down and bring him back here." Shinji ordered.

"Yes sir!" Mashiro greeted him. "'Operation: Get the Berry-tan back' is ready!" The green-haired woman announced before leaving the old warehouse.

Lisa lifted her glasses and sighed. "Why do I feel like we just did something horrible?" She asked no one in particular.

Everyone else in the room apparently agreed with Lisa and nodded.

With Chojiro

"Bullshit bullshit ..." Chojiro grunted as he kicked a random trash can to the side and walked down the street. "What do they expect from me? I think I am progressing at a very good pace!" He kept telling himself, trying to get his mind off the rigorous and completely useless training they tried to get him through.

When Rukia was around, he just did something, and she would correct him if he was wrong. With Urahara it was either dodge, duck, dive, dive or dodge again and learn as he went. Saya ... Saya's training was a very different story and he preferred not to think about it until he was alone at home or in the shower ...

But that was just stupid and boring! Chojiro knew he sounded like a child when he used these adjectives to describe what training was like for him, but honestly it was the most accurate description.

"Hey Berry-tan! Come back!" He turned when he heard a distant scream echo through the empty alley. Chojiro saw the only person with a more bizarre hair color than his own running towards him at the speed of light.

"Mashiro ?!" Chojiro asked as he started to step back, afraid to run into her. If only poor Jiro knew that this was just the beginning of hot women with green hair throwing themselves at him when he least expected it. "Y-slowly! You're going to hurt us both!" Chojiro warned, extending his hands in front of him to try to prevent his quick chase.

However, with surprising skill, Mashiro managed to stop right in the middle of the path just inches away from him. "Berry-tan!" Mashiro smiled as she addressed him for the hundredth time with that horrible nickname she gave him when she met him. "Come back!" The green-haired woman commanded him.

Chojiro gave her a strange look, really wondering if he would take his request seriously. She was kidding, right? He just said he was going home because he had class tomorrow. Of course, he had to save the world as he knew it, but he couldn't just abandon his responsibilities. He had to have a life out of all that shit, unless he was wrong to assume that Soul Society wouldn't pay its bills.

"Uhhh ... no?" Chojiro said before turning quickly and walking down the alley, without worrying about paying more attention.

Mashiro pouted his lips and puffed out his cheeks. "It looks like we have to do this the hard way ..." She told him before crossing her arms and walking behind him.

"The hard way?" Chojiro raised an eyebrow in question and felt it invade more of his personal space. "What the hell is- hey! What the hell are you doing, Mashiro?" The orange-haired teenager started screaming when she put both hands on his broad back and started pushing him in the direction she wanted him to go, which was towards a vacant lot.

"I told you, if you don't want to come back with me, we're going to have to do it the hard way, Berry-tan!" Mashiro told him before turning hard and pressing his back against the stone wall behind him.

"Ow! Mashiro!" Chojiro groaned, rubbing the back of the neck that had hit the hard stone. He didn't know why she was suddenly being so aggressive, but he felt his heart drop when the gorgeous but bulky green-haired woman crouched. "What the hell are you doing there? Get up!"

Mashiro did not call him and just maintained his personal mission to "persuade" him to return to the warehouse. She probably could have fought him if it was any other circumstance, but she needed to be disguised, since the Soul Society would be hot on her heels if they caught any trace of her Spiritual Pressure. In addition, she found that this method always seemed to calm Kensei and get him to do what she wanted.

"Just relax Berry-tan, just relax." Mashiro smiled when she started to fiddle with his belt buckle and take off his pants.

Chojiro's face flushed as soon as he realized what Mashiro was planning to do with him right here on open and empty ground, with nothing to hide them! "No! Stop it! Get off your knees!" Chojiro started screaming and trying to push her away from him.

The green-haired Outleraid didn't hear him and pulled down his school pants, as well as his boxer briefs. As Mashiro was a very attractive woman and Chojiro was a teenager, she was greeted with a quick blow to the face when Chojiro's member was released and began to fill with blood.

"Wow, Berry-tan!" Mashiro licked his lips and marveled at the size of Devil's penis. To further attract beauty, Chojiro's tip leaked with a constant drip of pre-enjoyment, dripping into the cold cement under his feet.

Chojiro's face couldn't get any redder than it already was. This was the first time he was exposed to anyone, not even a family member saw him plush. Well, Saya saw him, but that was something else entirely.

Being the straightforward girl she was, Mashiro raised his right hand and tried his best to wrap it around his sturdy base, which proved to be an almost impossible task, considering how tight his penis was. Her brown eyes traveled its length and admired each of the veins that protruded against her skin, telling her how powerful she was.

The poor boy almost bowed and knocked her over when she started to stroke him, rubbing her soft hand back and forth across its sturdy length. "Wow Berry-tan, your dick is too big and fat. I bet it would hurt a normal human girl." Mashiro watched aloud.

"C-shut up!" Chojiro shouted, not wanting to be more embarrassed with the woman below him. "H-what the hell do you think you're doing?" He asked.

"Convincing you to come back, silly!" Mashiro said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Is this the first time a girl has touched you, Berry-tan?" She asked in a provocative way.

Chojiro looked away and avoided eye contact. "I prefer not to answer that question." He said with steam rising from his head and face.

Mashiro laughed as she leaned closer until her bulbous head was just a touch from her full lips. "I know exactly what to do to cheer you up, Berry-tan. Mashiro's Super Suction, activate!" Mashiro invoked his powers before giving a fat, wet kiss to his red tip.

"Uhh." Chojiro grunted as he felt her super soft lips on his head and the warmth of his mouth spreading over the first few inches of his penis. He had never felt anything as warm and cozy as Mashiro's hot mouth moving over his cock. She closed her eyes and started humming, almost as if it wasn't a big deal for her. It was like this was something she was used to doing, so she had no problem doing it.

Wet the first two inches of it and gather enough data by running her now wet lips and tongue over her head, her cheeks sinking when she started to suck. Chojiro's face contorted with pleasure when she sucked his cock.

"Argh." Chojiro groaned. "Holy shit Mashiro ..." Chojiro's blush increased significantly when she answered him with her skillful mouth. The combination of his tongue, lips and sucking proved to be a skillful weapon in his arsenal that could leave any man defenseless.

Suddenly, the green-haired woman walked away with an audible pop and her cock rocked up and down with the action. She kept her right hand holding the loaded member, but did not stroke it.

"Mmm Berry-tan, you taste interesting!" The crazy girl told him with a smile too innocent for someone with a mouth that could be classified as a weapon of mass destruction.

Chojiro looked at her in disbelief. "I've been working out all day! All you taste is sweat!" The orange-haired offender said.

The woman in front of him just shrugged. "I like it when there's a little salt." Mashiro replied, not bothering with what he said. Now, before he could form a replica, she took his cock back in her mouth.

Chojiro visibly trembled when she used that experienced mouth to massage his throbbing cock. Those full, succulent lips wrapped his shaft in a tight seal and his tongue teased each of its protruding veins. She was just too good for him!

His other hand, which was numb on one knee, reached out to gently hold his hanging balls and played with both testicles with his thin fingers. Mashiro gently pulled and played with the wrinkled bag and found that Chojiro let out soft murmurs when she teased him.

Now Mashiro had passed his fourth inch and was approaching the fifth, but that was as far as she went. She saw no special reason to try to take the remaining two inches. Chojiro would not reach the deep throat of this naughty and happy Outleraid.

She treated him with surprising care, treating his saliva-covered member as if it were a rare delicacy that she could only taste. His tongue seemed to know exactly where to tease and poke to get the most out of his pleasure. Chojiro could only guess that this was an experience that one could only get after a few centuries of life.

Mashiro pulled away again, but kept the head of his cock still in his mouth. Gently and gently, Mashiro started moving his head back and forth, sliding his head around his penis, as opposed to the other way around. Her short hair swayed back and forth, and her eyes were closed. She seemed at peace with it and it only made his cock throb harder and his balls swell in his reach.

Loud, obscene sounds echoed through the small area they were in. The lewd melody of his groans combined with his grunts formed a perverse symphony. The wet sounds of her sucking on his cock also brought Chojiro much closer to his climax, which was fast approaching.

"Mashiro ..." Chojiro groaned his name when his fingers found his home on the top of his head, entwined with his vibrant green curls. "I'm coming!" He told her.

Mashiro smiled internally when he heard that and pulled his mouth away, but made up for the lack of his wet hole with the quick replacement of his right hand. With great skill and expertise, Mashiro moved his gloved hand back and forth on his hot cock, massaging it easily thanks to his saliva and the release of pre-seed that flowed from his opening.

"I want you to come in my face, Berry-tan." Mashiro purred as she lowered her head until it was directly below her meat obelisk. "I want to know if these big balls of yours are for display only or not." His wicked and provocative smile was something he would never have expected from the real Mashiro.

Moving towards the pelvis, Mashiro lightly kissed his hanging bag and began to worship him, bathing the wrinkled flesh with kisses and adoration. His soft, swollen lips easily wrapped around his testicles, already thanking them for the abundant load they would certainly produce.

Oh Mashiro just couldn't wait until he distributed his hot, sticky load on her. She tastes and bathes if she can. It would rub on your skin and reap the benefits of your protein. Maybe she would even prove it.

Chojiro's knees wobbled and his stomach felt like it was below the waist. In fact, he was going to give her that big load of courage she wanted so badly. Mashiro got a nice facial for his efforts.

"M-Mashiro!" Chojiro grunted when his balls, which were being sucked by the woman in front of him, pulsed violently in his mouth, telling her that he was reaching a climax.

In a great hurry, Mashiro pulled away and closed his eyes with a smile, feeling hot, sticky strands of his semen rain down on his face as his hands deftly pushed his sniping member. She felt a few strands rise in her hair before catching her sockets and the bridge of her nose, finally dying with a few drops on her lips and chin.

"Oh Berry-tan ..." Mashiro chuckled softly as he wiped the pearly white sperm from his eyelids before opening his brown eyes. "You really make a mess! Has anyone ever taught you not to ruin a lady's face?" She joked, knowing full well that a messy face was what she had wanted since she crouched down in front of him.

Chojiro just gasped, not really finding the need or desire to argue with her after such a hot orgasm, especially one that was done long after her last masturbation session.

Mashiro jumped up and jumped, as before. "Well, Berry-tan, that's all you're going to get now!" Mashiro chuckled, still having not removed his sticky explosion from his face and instead chose to use it as a trophy.

"What?" Chojiro asked, pushing against the hard wall. He didn't want to admit it out loud, but he really hoped it could go further. "What do you mean by that?"

She waggled her eyebrows at him. "If you want to get more, you have to go back to the warehouse and train some more." She told him.

Chojiro did not look happy. "Really? Are you really going to hold this in my head?" The orange-haired teenager asked.

"Yes!" Mashiro said. "Go back and train, and I'll reward you later with a special surprise. That's the deal." Mashiro explained.

'Am I really going to degrade myself by crawling back there just to have sex with this strange girl? 'Chojiro wondered before looking at Mashiro who was giving him a lascivious look before licking his lips suggestively. 'Oh fuck ...'

"I'm in." Chojiro agreed. "But wipe your face before we get back, I don't want them to know about this business."

Mashiro chuckled before hanging on his arm. "Understood!" The crazy woman said. She knew this was going to be a fun night. "After finishing the day's training, go to the shower, I'll be waiting."

Chojiro nodded.

Warehouse Showers, Sunday at 10:51 PM

"... fifteen hundred ... huh ... ready ..." Chojiro gasped as he got up from the hard, cold floor. As far as he was concerned, the prospect of what was coming in the shower gave him extra strength and vitality to get up there, Hiyori and Shinji be damned.

Shinji gave Chojiro his wide smile. "That kid Chojiro, I'm glad you changed your mind and went back to training. But I have to admit, I was a little upset that you would rather go to school instead of going out with us." The blonde said.

Chojiro just passed the former captain. "Yes, yes, that's fine and all, but where are your showers?" Chojiro asked abruptly, already taking off his shirt that was soaked with sweat.

Lisa lifted her glasses and gave him a sly smile that told her she knew exactly why he was in such a hurry to get to the shower. "Go up the stairs, turn left and then down the hall." The obscene reader told him.

"Thanks." Chojiro nodded before leaving, without saying another word to the exiled Shinigami group.

"What a weird guy ..." Shinji scratched the back of his neck.

Hiyori snorted and crossed his arms. "Even more bald than you."

Upstairs, Chojiro walked down the corridor at an accelerated pace. With his shirt over his shoulder, he was busy undoing his belt. He could already hear the shower noise, which means that Mashiro was already there waiting for him to give him a stick, something that we were almost happy to provide.

Standing in front of the bathroom, Chojiro undressed and put his clothes in the basket right by the door. He entered and silently thanked the Outleraids for having a sense of cleanliness. But the condition of the bathroom didn't matter, it was the shower that had steam dripping from the top of the glass shower and cloudy in it that was its focal point.

Chojiro swore he never gripped the door handle as hard as he did the glass door to get into the shower. "Mashiro?" He shouted, getting into the shower. When he didn't receive an answer, he tried to get out of the shower until he felt a smaller body pressed into his back.

"Are you ready, Berry-tan?" Mashiro chuckled in his ear, his voice sounding like a low purr. She pushed him back into the shower and closed the door behind her.

For the second time that day, Chojiro felt his back press against a cold wall behind him, but this time Mashiro was attacking his lips with hers, kissing him avidly. This was the first make-out session Chojiro had been to, but he could tell that Mashiro was fierce and knew what she was doing.

He felt her move her long, powerful legs up and wrapped her left leg around her waist and followed with the other when she felt it would be safe. His erect penis that was overflowing with its pre-enjoyment was trapped between his stomach and his sex, being washed in both the shower water and the juices that flowed from its flower.

"You can put it on me now, Berry-tan." Mashiro gave him permission to insert his meat stick in it, getting rid of his damned virginity and started to fuck his fool.

Bending down, Chojiro grabbed his rigid erection and pointed it upward, pressing on the first hole he came into contact with, in this case the first hole being the back door unused.

"Oh my!" Mashiro screamed in shock and pain when Chojiro's thick cock hit his asshole and filled it with his first two inches.

"Ahhh ..." Chojiro's head touched the curve of her neck and her jaw dropped. "I never knew a pussy would feel like this ..." The orange-haired teenager smiled stupidly as he began to slowly try to push more of his furious erection into his tight sleeve.

"Because this is not a kitten! This is ... This is my ass!" Mashiro groaned when she felt him push even harder inside her, even grabbing her and trying to force her down on his meat stick. Because of the shape of his cock, it was stretched even further when it was reaching the middle of the shaft. It looked like she was being torn!

However, despite the excruciating pain, she couldn't find the willpower to say no to him. Even though it was so painful, she also never felt so full. Anal sex was giving her a feeling she had never experienced before. It was even better than a tough, messy face.

"You are so tight!" Chojiro bit his bottom lip and wrapped his arms around her small belly, hugging his face to her upright breasts. He wasn't even fully wrapped in his ass, but that didn't stop him from jumping in and out of his tight hole. His thrusts were quick and sharp, hitting her so hard it made her big ass sway and clap against her thighs.

"Ooooohhhh! Chojiroooo!" Mashiro shouted, not even bothering to try to call him by his nickname. How could she tease him when he was busy trying to fuck all his thick cock hard in her ass.

Mashiro's eyes were tightly closed and his jaw dropped. Tears of pleasure and pain streamed down her pink cheeks and she had the most absurd expression on her face as her tongue hung out. Mashiro was totally intoxicated and was not even six inches inside the tense anus!

Since he started punching your ass, Mashiro has not stopped coming. It was just one after the other. The cheerful young lady never imagined that a deep and strong anal fuck would be as pleasurable as it was.

The sound of water hitting the tiles could not drown out the sounds of their meat hitting each other and their passionate screams and moans. No doubt, the other Outleraids could hear his rough fuck.

Chojiro's fingers dug into the skin on his back and his mouth was pressed against the tender flesh between his neck and shoulder. "Mmmmhm mmm." He groaned in his body, sending chills down his spine. He could feel her pussy explode against his abdomen and give his pelvis his own bath with the fluids straight from his femininity. Her soft, messy lips tickled her skin as she rubbed it more.

His penis would no longer go inside her. He was either too thick or she was too small. Despite this, this did not stop him from experiencing the pure pleasure of anal sex. Your asshole squeezed his cock in a death grip and heated it to the core.

"Fuck me! Fuck me!" Mashiro sang to him, wanting to receive his full passion. She was doing him a favor like letting him grate her hard, never used before, idiot. So the least he could do was to pierce it with all the power he had at his disposal to leave her in a writhing and chattering mess. "Fuck me in the ass!"

Chojiro heard it loud and clear. She wanted everything he had to offer. In a quick, fluid motion, Chojiro reversed his positions and his back against the wall and moved his hands from his back to her full, fleshy ass that rocked while he fucked her. His fingers dug into the pasty, malleable flesh and squeezed it, using it as a kind of cable to fuck even deeper.

Mashiro really appreciated his quick and sharp thrusts. They were short, but they had tremendous power. Her entire body shook and she felt his power flow through her when her body collided with her smallest.

In fact, the two were surprised at how long it lasted. It was so unreal. A virgin who was now experiencing the tight attack of fucking a woman's ass would have popped her nut in the first minute. Perhaps this was proof of your resistance training? Mashiro would have to thank Shinji and Hiyori for improving his stamina, that meant that she could hold the berry for a little longer if he could last that long. The green-haired Outleraid shuddered at the thought of him fucking her cunt.

"II can't stand much longer, M-Mashiro." Chojiro grunted, showing his teeth as he still tried to fit his last inches into his warm back door. Undoubtedly, it would be incredible to come inside her with all her shaft buried deep in her constriction hole.

Mashiro seemed to have the same idea when she subtly jumped into his hands, trying to help him squeeze in his tight passage. Her thoughts were on the line of trying to absorb as much of his penis as she could. She always preferred the feeling of a hot, throbbing cock over a cold vibrator.

"Give me your sperm. Give me your sperm. Give me your sperm." Mashiro repeated, trying to extract another hot batch of semen from him to his intestines. That would be the best ending for this anal excursion, Chojiro's thick, sticky semen filling his ass to the brim.

Chojiro closed his eyes tightly and let his mouth open in a silent scream, signaling that he was currently in the process of climaxing. But his hips didn't stop. As his balls throbbed and his cock throbbed, Chojiro released a torrent of his thick seed into her ass and continued to fuck her while he did this.

"Chojiro!" Mashiro screamed, she came even harder than before, literally squirting her bottom half while he pumped his semen into her. "Fuck it! It's so thick and hot!" She closed her eyes tightly and reveled in the familiar sensation of having begun to fill, even if this time it was in her ass.

But Chojiro's climax didn't mean it was over. Far from it, in fact. They were just getting started. He wouldn't stop until he filled it.

He bent down on his knees and pushed her against the floor, still inside her, and started to fuck her ass. Mashiro squirmed in the cold, but still wrapped his legs around his waist to make sure he continued to give her everything he had in his tank.

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