

Luna Amethyst, a college student who has been suffering in surviving life after her parent's car accident meets a sly fox who came from another world. The fox was looking for his tails which has been stolen and brought to earth. With the help of Luna, the fox conquers earth to take back what he had lost and bring back the power of his beloved kingdom.

TAMEKA_REI · Fantasy
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2 Chs


What did I just bring to myself? What is this? Earlier, did the man just transform himself into a fox? And transformed himself into a human again?

Is this real? Who is this man? What is happening? There's no way this could be real.

I looked back to see the man laughing while watching TV in my living area. He's still naked but good thing he agreed not to take the blanket off. I tried to kick him out.

I pushed him but he wouldn't even move. I threatened him with a knife but it doesn't even affect him at all. There's no way I can do more than threaten him! He's still a person! I brought him here so it was my fault! I can't just stab him. I could never do that. I knew I shouldn't have brought that thing into my apartment.

And the worst thing is that he doesn't want me to turn off the TV. I've had enough of the electricity bill this month. I can't waste any more energy on him!

"Ahh, I need to turn this off," I said while trying to pull the remote away from his hand but he just won't let go of it. I tried to pull it off from his hand but he'd just move it to the other direction. "ARGH! Give it to me!" I yelled at him but he just won't give it to me. And the worst part is that he's still laughing and he's not even looking at me!

"HEY!" I called his attention.

"HEY!!!" I called him louder but he just won't pay attention to me.

"HAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHA" He laughed because of whatever is happening to the cartoons he was watching.

I had no other choice than to risk my TV getting broken by pulling out the plug from the socket. "hey you! Whoever you are! Please get out of my apartment!"

"Eh? Gone?" he asked and pressed the remote multiple times.

"Are you even listening to me?!" I yelled.

"Bring it back,"


"Bring it back!" he acted like a small child but finally, he was paying attention to me.

"Where do you live? Are you planning to stay here forever?" I asked him.

"Bring the vegetable back," he said referring to what he was just watching.

"You don't get it, I need you to leave, you can't stay here!" I told him but he just looked at me. "Are you even listening?"

"Bring the--"

"AAhh!!!! Stop acting like a child! Just leave!"

"I can't leave," he finally said seriously. It is the first time I have heard his serious voice.

"And what do you mean by that?"

"I.. just can't..leave," he said seriously and looked away. "Bring the vegetable back!!" and went back to acting like a child again. I wonder what that was. That strange feeling came from him.

I had no other choice but to plug the TV back and turn it on. Why did I even turn the TV on earlier?

This guy is going to bring me a lot of trouble. I don't even know him. All I know is that he transforms into a tailless fox. I forgot to ask his name. "hey! What's your name?" I asked him.

"Name? They call me fox," he said and looked at me with that smile again.

"You don't have a name?"

"I have," he said, "FOX,"

"That's not a name!' I said.

"They call me that," he replied.

"You don't have a name,"

"Then give me one,"

I was taken aback when he said that. What does he mean? Me? Give him a name?

"No," I refused.

"Hah?" he asked, "I am No now?"

"I said 'No'! I am not giving you a name,"

"But you said I didn't have a name,"

"Give yourself one," I said.

"I can't. You have to do it,"

"You can! It's simple to just choose a name!" I said and went into the room to stop him from talking.

But when I entered the room, he was already sitting like a dog on the bed with the blanket covering only half of his body. "What the-" My eyes widened and immediately looked back to the couch but he was not there anymore. Did he teleport? "What was that just now?" I asked him.

"I give you the honor of choosing me a name,"

"Honor?" I asked sarcastically. "But that just now, how did you do that?" I asked him again.

"Give me a name first," he told me again. I sighed.

"Fine," I said and leaned my side on the door opening. "What name do you want?"

"You choose," he said. He didn't even move from that odd position. h literally looks like a dog now with his hands in front of him ad his legs parted.

"K-Kairo," the name suddenly came out of my mouth. I didn't even think about it. I also don't know someone who owns a name like that. It just came out naturally.

He then smiled. But not the ones he's been doing earlier. A different one. He went and stood up from the bed. When he did that, I wanted to step back and get away from him but I couldn't. My body didn't move and I stayed in that position while looking at his red eyes that I have only noticed right now.

He suddenly appeared in front of me and it made me terribly surprised. He took my hand. "What are you doing?" I asked him but he didn't bother to answer. He raised my hand and put it on his chest.

"I accept the name, Luna"

How did he even know my name?

When I felt his skin on my palm, I pulled my hand away but he resisted it. I was about to pull it away for the second time when unfamiliar images flashed into my mind.

An old man? and a person on the bed?

"Help him, "

"Help him,"

"Help him,"

"help him,"

The words of the old man with white air and a long beard felt like it was pulling me inside of a realm and it made me very dizzy. I opened my eyes and it felt like I just woke up. The floor was moving and the moving slowly started to fade while I stare at the floor longer.

'W-what was that? Just now?" I asked him as I look up only to find him smiling widely.

"You're mine now,"