
A night to remember

Gliding through the dark pathway, I saw a mysterious figure approaching the alley. My heard was racing rapidly,giving unusual beatings. clouding my mind with so many thoughts.I tried to divert my mind,to something which would wipe away the giddiness I was feeling. deep inside me, I was fighting fear with every step i took . As I got closer, I could see his dark figure,and his scorching eyes filled with rage

I had never seen such an award sight .His face was filled with bruises ,part of his ears were missing..as if someone has sliced it off perfectly. he was finding it difficult to breath .I could feel sweat sliding down my spine, I tried reaching for my mobile. My hands were trembling with fear, I dug deep inside my favorite leather handbag, finally I got hold of my mobile .Quickly I pulled it up ...and started puching my friends number. At that moment in time,I was finding it difficult to remember the last digits of his number. My mind was clouded up ...with so many scary thoughts .." what if my life ended today" all my dreams will be left in vain ... who will take care of my cute cat .

Out of the blue..I saw a mere glimpse of light approaching at a distance, from where I was located. Finally a ray of hope was rising within me. I was feeling bit warm now, without giving further thoughts .I picked up the speed of a racing car..My legs were wobbling with each mighty leaps I was taking. The cold breeze swept my hair as each braids flanged in the mist . The clouds were filled with the twinkling of the dazzling stars .. I could hears my heart giving peaceful beatings,despite the speed of my pace...With my last strive I reached the light that gave me hope.

I saw a glamorous sight daring me. The sight was disturbing. My eyes widened up. I was out of words, everything seemed to have stopped at that moment in time. My thoughts ...my imaginations ...the breeze that was blowing, seemed to have freezed with the daring sight .the stars seemed to frail away. I could feel warmth of the tears that were forming within the lines of my lower liners. My mouth was opened in a wide motion..

A new branded vehicle was smashed half way...hitting the pole that was in its way. From what I could gather ...the driver lost his wheels ....trying to save a cow that was crossing the road. His attempts went in vain, poor cow was lying lifeless few meters from the vehicle.

The guy I saw in the alley was hanging halfway from the vehicle .His ears were badly damaged just as i saw in the alley....sliced by the window glasses. I fell on my knees...