
The Lost Shard of Fate

Shortly after loosing her uncle and her home in a tragic fire incident, Hazel Troyanda finds herself facing severe charges in the Kragon kingdom. She had only been seeking refuge in a town near the border when she was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment for attempted murder on the second prince of Kragon. With no means to defend herself and no evidence or witnesses to prove her innocence, Hazel has no choice but to serve her sentence. But five years down the line, the warden of the no-name prison strikes a deal with her. He offers to set her free, convinced that she's some heir to a very wealthy family in the kingdom of Algarve, in return, she has to reward him handsomely after she has claimed her rightful position. Hazel agrees despite the doubt about the warden's theory. Her goal is to find the person behind her family's demise and her false accusatory. On her search for the perpetrator, she comes across a claim on her as a supposed heir to the Algarve throne and a certain prince that turns her world upside down. He's the brother to the man Hazel has sworn to destroy and he would do anything for his family. Hazel has nothing to loose and is ready to chase after her revenge with everything she has, even if it means going against the royal family of Kragon. Will their oaths and beliefs turn against them as they transcend the path of undeniable attraction and romance, or will they betray their feelings and find their demise in revenge? ***Excerpt***

Arnaliva_Vale · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Finley's organisation.

~ Continuation of flashback ~

"The faster you confess to your crimes, the faster this is going to end so I'll ask you again," the warden's tone was flat and Hazel could tell from his voice that he was starting to get irritated. "Hazel Troyanda, did you attempt to kill the second prince of Kragon?"

Hazel remained silent. The open wounds on her back hurt like hell and her body felt slick with sweat. She had no energy to utter even a word.

Her silence was rewarded with lashing from the burly man behind her who had no ounce of humanity. The leather whip tore Hazel's skin open and fresh blood dripped down her back. She bit her bottom lip until it bled but she could no longer hold it in and wailed at the top of her lungs, clutching the chains holding her in place tightly.


As the painful screams subsided in Hazel's head, she drew in a long breath and stared ahead. At times she would try suppressing the memories, but some times she just needed to remember what she had been through. It was truly a miracle that she was alive.

"We're here," Martin announced excitedly, looking like a child who had missed home.

Hazel looked ahead but all she saw was a clear path between trees and small hedges.

The three men dismounted their horses one by one and Hazel followed suit, walking forward with the horse reins in her hands. Though still feeling a little bit down, her eyes had a glint as she looked around eagerly like a curious child.

They walked for a long while until a rooftop started appearing in their view. With every step she took, Hazel's eyes widened with amazement.

When Finley had told her that he started another training centre here in the capital, her imagination was limited to what she had seen back in Drakin. But the building that stood before her… she wasn't even sure it could be called a training centre. It was a fortress of a building, with a structure like that of a castle. The surrounding environment was serene and there were black iron gates that were already open.

"Home sweet home," Lewis smiled with relief as he breathed in the fresh air.

The long trees cast shadows on the path, leaves scattered on the ground. Apart from the leaves rustling and birds chipping in the distance, Hazel could here no other sound. She momentarily stopped as she took in her surroundings, filling her lungs with the soothing air as the breeze from the trees whipped her hair back.

"You can stay and admire the place while I go and rest," Finley's voice startled her and she turned around, chuckling softly.

"It is breathtaking to say the least. Is this truly a training centre?" She asked as they continued trotting side by side with their horses.

Pride swelled in Finley's chest as he spoke about the place. "It is much more than that. An organisation is what we call it. I did leave out some details when I mentioned that I started a training centre," he admitted.

Confusion flashed across Hazel's eyes. "What details? I want to know everything since I'll be staying here."

Lewis and Martin had already walked farther ahead and they could no longer see them.

Finley heaved a sigh. "There a lot of young men in here. All of them come here to train but it's not like Drakin. They no longer go back to their homes after their training is done… not that they don't have a choice," he added to make sure she didn't misunderstand.

"So, they live inside the organisation?"

"Yes. There are jobs for them, some missions that could take days and others just small assignments. That is how they earn their living."

Hazel was quiet for a few moments, her brows furrowed deeply as if in deep thought. "Why does that sound like an assassin organisation?" she asked and Finley smiled, admiring her quick way of thinking.

"It is an assassin organisation," he confirmed and Hazel suddenly stopped, turning to him.

"I'm not intending to be an assassin," she declared without batting an eye. "I'm only here because I must take revenge for my uncle and my years in prison then if still possible, I can go back to Drakin and start my life there."

Finley regarded her with an equally serious expression. "I do understand that and I will not recruit you against your will. But you will need money to survive, Hazel."

Hazel frowned.

"Think of it as me offering you a job. You'll only do it till you earn enough."

Hazel looked away from him and resumed walking. "It's not that I'm against assassins master Finley," she remarked, a slight smile showing on her face. She thought her reaction must have been misunderstood by Finley. She was only considering the offer.

"Apart from money, I'll need your help to find the man I'm looking for," she looked at him to see a reaction but Finley's face remained stoic.

"That'll be no problem at all," he answered, relief washing over him. He knew Hazel would be an asset to his organisation because she was not only a fast learner, but also a smart and ruthless woman. It was the perfect combination and he thought she would need more convincing but luckily, she also needed him.

The organisation was not only magnificent on the outside but also in the inside and Hazel looked around in wonderment.

It was a great improvement from the shabby training centre he used to have in Drakin. The building had dormitories where the students and the trained assassins stayed. There was also a kitchen adjacent to a large dining hall. There was an office building for Finley and underground was where all sorts of weapons were stored. Some Hazel had never seen and she let her eyes roam the collection in amazement.

The weapons ranged from combat knives and swords, arrows with different shapes of arrowheads which Finley explained, to firearms that also ranged from rifles to shotguns.

Hazel took one shotgun and turned it back and forth in her hands, admiring the weapon. She had never handled or even seen a shotgun before.

"I suppose you have never used a shotgun before," remarked Finley as he observed her carefully.

Hazel nodded in affirmation. "It is a bit heavy. How far can it shoot?" She asked, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Far enough. But the aim is better when you're closer."

Hazel held the gun in one hand, just testing out how it would feel.

"Let's finish the tour first. I'll show you how it's used later," Finley offered and Hazel returned the gun in its place, muttering a thank you.

In the underground there were also cells where Finley explained that sometimes clients wanted to capture people alive and they held them in cells.

Hazel listened attentively to everything, digesting every bit of information and she didn't know why all this gave her a bad feeling. A training centre was supposed to be a simple place where people could cultivate their fighting skills or improve them, but this organisation all sounded like something dirty to her.

"Is it legal?" she asked, unable to contain her curiosity.

Finley gave her a skeptical look then nodded his head. "Yes, of course it's legal. It wouldn't exist if it wasn't approved by the royal family. They're quite… attentive," he explained but from the look on Hazel's face, he wasn't sure she was entirely convinced.

They exited the building to the back where there was more noise than anywhere else in the entire compound. Men in different appearances were scattered all over the training grounds, some engaging in combat, others sword fighting and some training alone with knives and daggers. On the far distance she could also see some shooting with firearms and arrows.

Her expression quickly turned from gloomy to glee as she took in her surroundings. The blood in her veins hummed back to life and a smile slowly curved her lips.

This was what it felt to be alive. To be free. She couldn't wait to join these men and move her muscles.

"Attention everyone!" Finley's strong voice called everyone to attention and they all stopped what they were doing and gathered closer to where Finley and Hazel stood.

"Everyone, this is Hazel. She'll be joining us from now and perhaps some of you can learn something from her."

From where she stood, Hazel could feel glares and scowls directed at her but she kept her gaze steady, not the least intimated by the number of men looking at her.

"A woman?" Someone sneered in the crowd and Hazel's sharp gaze found the half dressed man staring at her mockingly.

"Yes, James. A woman," Finley said calmly.

The men were far from impressed.

"I don't understand. Is she supposed to be a fighter like us?" Another person asked, a look of clear confusion on his face. Hazel was tempted to retort to their annoying questions but she refrained from it and let Finley handle them.

Instead of reassuring them with praises for Hazel, Finley decided to let them fight her because only if she beat some of them would she be worthy to join them in their perspective. There had never been a woman in the organisation, let alone a fighter so he understood their hesitance.

"We have travelled a long journey and we need some rest but I assure you, once Hazel is well rested she will prove herself to all of you."

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