
chapter 5

It's been 2 days already since, the last attack, Hoshiro, Shizune and even Ton-Ton, were locked down in Senju Compound by Tsunade

Tsunade was enraged and scared by that accident she thought she lost her family again but fortunately, nothing happened and so she started teaching Hoshiro, Harder, Danzo no matter what his motives were, was right, Tsunade was too soft on him, but not now, she has to accept, he is the Senju clan heir, the clan that was once feared in this entire world.

The only way to skin, Discover the limits of what is possible, is going through and beyond them, to the impossible (My favorite line from Gandalf)

She trained him past his limits, He trains 18 hours out of 24 hours a day, and it's not just him, she toughens up towards Shizune as well, Tsunade terror was so great that both Shizune and Hoshiro became closer because of that hellish training

And just like that 1 year passed by,

"Punch, Block, dodge, kick, jump, wait, Your movements are weird, Do it again, Whether you're learning dance or Senju Clan Taijutsu Arts, you must train so that every basic movement has no deviations. As for whatever you improvise using the basics, you can do whatever you want with it. However, your foundation must be perfect. Just good, is not enough. Just being an expert at it, is not enough either, It must be acknowledged by me as perfect…" Tsunade laid on the rock and said. Her words had a seriousness which made Hoshiro feels even more pressure.

"After you are able to absolutely perform, Senju basic Taijutsu Arts, we will move on to the advanced training

"But Aunt Tsunade, these are just basic stances, punches and kicks, People only learn it for few months, I am doing it for 1-year straight, don't you think I could learn Advance taijutsu arts now"

She shook her head, "Senju Clan don't have the Advance Taijutsu Arts, We create our Own Arts, remember, we are the clan with thousand Techniques, Do you know what's the greatest Taijutsu Art is?

Hoshiro shook his head

"The greatest Taijutsu is the one that is the fastest to execute, and the first to strike your opponent's weakness. One without any wasted movements and that can most quickly achieve your objective", Tsunade Started

"No matter, how graceful one moves, no matter how much fancy a move is, the fact is, a punch or kick will land in one place, just one single place, and if there are multiple enemies, you can just dodge, don't get swayed with fancy and ever-changing moves, focus on the big picture, block the knife with the fastest reaction possible, dodge the punch with the swiftest speed possible, but all in all it just requires, Basic", She ended


In the Garden under the leadership of Tsunade, He meditates, according to the secret scroll arts left by Hashirama, about the usage of Mukoton. His weariness and mental exhaustion faded away slowly as he went deeper in his meditation. Here, in the bosom of Mother Nature, there was no one, just him, and the darkness and the light he follows, Slowly, everything around him faded away, chirping of birds, buzzing of insects, shuffling tiny feet of rodents.

The more he went deep in him, the more he could feel subconsciously that things were changing in him and his surroundings. However, he couldn't care less, as he stopped all conscious thought and just drifted away.


(After 36 hours Straight)

"Is he still like that?", asked Shizune as she and Tsunade watched Hoshiro sitting on the ground without moving for entire 3 days straight.

"According to the scroll, that Grandpa left, This should be the last day of his meditation, and after today, he will be able to control and use mukoton"

*Tsunade smiled, things are ending on a high note right now

There were subtle differences, but ultimately, sizune could see that all the Trees were all slightly but surely turning and stretching in a certain direction. When her gaze followed that direction she was dumbfounded

Stunned as to how she did not notice such a major change.

The trunk part of the large tree in the corner of the garden was entirely hidden because of a wall of plants. She couldn't believe it, neither that a wall of plants hid the tree and she couldn't perceive that, nor the fact that such a wall growing in the span of a few hours was not possible.

The weird thing was there was not a shred of chakra, instead, it's all nature, that Shizune could feel, Tsunade could not feel, Hoshiro chakra either, This is where Grandpa scrolls said that Mukoton training is reaching the critical part.

Shizune eyes were continuously wide open, even Tsunade was no exception for surprises, this is something, she can't do, neither can Orochimaru experiment can copy this, Hoshiro was there safe and sound, seemed to be in some kind of deep meditation, unable to be disturbed by outside influences. His face was peaceful and radiated an aura charged with energy and vitality that made them relax just by being in his presence. His face was as if glowing with an inner light, and if someone concentrated, they would see faint tiny runes, swirling and blinking on his fair colored skin, like stars in the sky. He was looking more and more like the young Hashirama, no it could be said that This was the exact copy of Hashirama's face, His velvety black hair was flowing graciously and vigorously, streaks of runes could be seen between his locks.

But the thing that took the cake was his surroundings. All kinds of small animals like squirrels and rats could be seen sitting around him in peace, some even sitting on his lap. Few little birds hopped around him, finding food, few even sat on his head and shoulders, tucking in their head under their wings and sleeping. The most amazing thing was the Trees, which were stretching towards him with their branches and leaves bowed as if paying respect to their ruler.

And then he opened his eyes...

Suddenly a huge forest that covered the entire Senju Compound grew up out of no-where, Young's Hoshiro Vitality took a huge lift, his chakra that could be felt again, felt like a huge gigantic monster that is perfectly in tune with nature.

The forest disappeared just like it appeared, the trees grew smaller, the entire forest disappeared, as Hoshiro looked at Shizune and Tsunade

"Shizune-Nee, Aunt Tsunade, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Shizune, Go and prepare for the party that we have been invited into, he has awakened", Tsunade Grin

"Yes shishou", Shizune smiled softly


"But Aunty I truly doesn't want to go...Can't you make some excuses", Hoshiro was trying desperately hard to convince Aunt Tsunade to not go the party.

"Nonsense, You are the Clan Heir, You have to make, friends with other clan Heirs of your age, Hiashi is the current head of Hyuga clan, but despite that, he in person came to give us an invitation for his daughter's birthday, Hinata is a good child and she is the Hyuga Heir, Hoshiro Senju, you are coming with me, and you are going to be on your best behavior out there", Tsunade suddenly smiled and bent down, "Also, you will meet many children of your age, it's not a good thing to coop up in home the entire time."


At the Hyuga party, they saw each other for the first time ever, Hyuga Hinata, the girl who became the irreplaceable precious person to him. and Senju Hoshiro, the boy who became the most precious person to her.

And this is where our story starts....