
The Lost Seeker

What do you do when you already have everything at your fingertips, but then decide to drop everything and escape? That's what the MC did and he now finds himself in a bar filled with dwarvs and drunks on another continent. "Oh God" ~MC

JustEndless · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 25: Unexpected Meetings

"By the way, can I ask what your [Class] is?"

I looked at the kid with some curiosity, I saw and felt teleportation but this, this was different. Wholly different. It's like I was devoured by a beast's mouth and was spat out in a different place.

He didn't reply and kept staring at me without saying a word. Are we having a staring contest? Probably not.

"Well it's fine if you dont wanna talk.

Giving a light chuckle, I went back to grilling our dinner, the chicken(?) slowly spinning round and round around the fire. Its cooked scent assaulted my noses, I think we were both salivating right now.

I Leaned back against the wall, and was making sure that I didn't burn it. Everytime i tried to cook in the past, there was usually a large fire that soon followed. Cant have a fire at an enclosed space, we would die.

I shrugged. I felt a tug at the hem of my robes, and when I looked, I saw the boy being teary eyed, his eyes being slightly watery. What the hell.

"Don't be mad…" weep at the dark robed boy. I could see that tears were accumulating in his eyes and in my panic, tried calming down the boy again.

"Look I'm not mad, it's fine if you don't want to tell. It's understandable."

The boy didn't seem convinced by his words but he nodded his head and replied.

"I dont know…"

What? How can he not know what his [Class] was? Did he live under a rock? Ah, I see. I gazed around the cave and suddenly understood.

I asked him if he knew how to summon it and he nodded his head. I then asked him if he could summon his [Lexicon] and he did it without hesitation.

The [Lexicon] was half and half in color, half black and half white with the left side being white and the other black. Strange thing was that the name engraved on the [Lexicon] was blurry. Wipe off using an eraser, yet its residuals were still there.

Staring at it for a little while, I leaned closer to the book until it was touching my nose. The moment I touched its covers with my nose, I felt something rise within me. Two sides that locked into combat for control. A sense of dread reared its ugly head.

It threatened to tear apart my insides, both that of my body and of my mind. The things fighting in my body felt like primordial monsters intending to devour the other, leaving nothing left as it desired control.

Just when I thought I would be done for, my [Lexicon] shined a radiant light, washing over my almost torn body. I let go of the [Lexicon] and backed away into a corner of the cave.

"Cosmo?" the boy called in a worried tone.

I looked back and weakly replied, "Yes I'm okay."

Even though I felt a little terrified of the boys [Lexicon], I still couldn't remove the overwhelming curiosity bursting inside of me. Last time I did this, my eyes were almost burned out from my sockets.

"Oh this is interesting."

Mr. Lucius appeared behind the boy with an interested gaze, like a child finding another fun toy. He scanned him from up to down with the boy responding by vanishing from his spot and melding in the darkness.

Mr. Lucius wasn't flustered. He was deep in thought for a little when a look of realization dawned on him.

With a slight clap he said, "So that's it, I see , I see."

He smiled in a particular direction as something was suddenly thrown out of the darkness. It was the dark cloaked boy falling to the ground on his but. Shock was all over the boy's face and a tinge of fear, wondering about how someone found him.

"Take care of him." he stated, before vanishing again.

Huh? Hm okay then, I was going to do it anyway.

I felt someone tugging my robe. I looked to see who it was and it was the kid. "Are you okay? Don't be mad at Mr Lucius, he's like that sometimes.'' I stated.

He nodded but there was still a hint of fear in his eyes.

I even felt his hands shaking through my robes. I gave a sigh as i walked out of the cave and dragged the kid along with me. A good walk in nature might do the trick. Mother always said that I should take a walk when I'm feeling bad.

We got out and i realized now that we were out of the cave. We were somewhere in the forest and my previous plan of escape seemed to be unnecessary.

Peering back at the boy, he also looked at me with those puppy dog eyes, and felt that maybe going home could be delayed. Well at least for now. I smiled and started strolling towards the forest, not worried that we would be lost.

I have the best compass with me right now. He followed closely as he was holding the ends of my robe. Though it was a little awkward, it was fine for now since he was a little upset.

We don't know where we were going but we kept walking anyway, yet somehow the terrible feeling I had a little while ago intensified. My heart rate suddenly skyrocketed as I halted, with the kid slightly knocking at me.

Not noticing it, I felt the terrible gut feeling I was having, the cause of it, was getting closer. I summoned my Scythe without thinking and was about to warn the kid, when I saw that he himself felt it too. He no longer had that innocent look on his face and was replaced with an expression void of anything that seemed human.

He inspected our surroundings and he stopped in a particular direction. He pointed at it as he said, "There."

Not understanding how he knew, I trusted it and started electrifying my feet. I gripped my scythe and readied for the enemy.

The dangers I was feeling in my heart stopped and that meant one thing. The trees shuffled for a little until a person came out of it holding a sword.

I was about to attack but stopped at the last moment when I realized who it was. Utter confusion took over my face as I wondered why she was here. She had no reason to be.


The trees rustled as a shadow passed by it at high speeds. Sounds of birds chirping have gone mute, with only the gentle caress of the wind can be felt.

The shadow was clutching her right shoulder as she ran. Her blood trickled down on her shoulder, leaving a trail of blood on the ground.

A whistle could be heard. When she heard it there was only a cold expression on her face, yet the sense of death looming over was cracking her composure.

She gazed at the stars above and had a sudden thought in her head. 'Why am I here?'. There was no reason for her to be here since it was that bastard's problem, not hers. They weren't close and yet here she was.

A slight chuckle escaped her mouth, feeling as though the situation was a little funny. She searched all over the forest and the only sign of him ever being here was from the psycho that tried to kill her.

Giving a sigh, she wiped off the unnecessary thought in her head as she focused all her efforts into running. And yet no matter how fast or how far she ran, she could still hear the damned whistling in her ears.

She gritted her teeth when suddenly she felt a presence. This presence didn't feel like the massive one he felt with the man named Aki. Because of this presence. She felt like a cute bunny. A ripped muscled bunny but a bunny nonetheless.

And there was only one guy she knew that resembles that bunny.

Strange thing was that she also felt another presence beside him. This one felt more ominous and in total contrast to the bunny. She felt that the presence itself felt like an endless abyss.

She wiped it off her mind as she can solve that later. So for now let's get to him first, she thought. She dashed in another direction and ignored the freezing temperature in the air.

There was an open path in the distance and she ran faster and faster. Until she broke out of the forest and saw a man holding a massive scythe and a dark haired boy clad in a black robe.

She was a little confused as to who it was but she can think about it later. She approached Cosmo in the next second and ignored him calling her name.

"Let's go, there's no time."

"Wha… Amy? What do you mean? I mean why are you here anyway?"

"I said no time, lets go before he-"

"Too late."

The temperature suddenly felt like he was dipped in a cold ocean. A man slowly walked out of the forest with a silver fan in hand. He grinned from ear to ear as he oversaw the situation. Feeling as if the hunt was about to be completed, and with a bonus too.

"Hello everyone!"