

The death of a professor of history at New York University during an expedition in Iraq triggers a chain of events that have been prophesied since biblical times of the flood, where The Book of Nimrod, the most powerful man, was hidden, and now the world is about to succumb to the power that God himself once feared. Gregory Evans, when investigating the death of a boy in a satanic ritual at Trinity Church, finds himself involved in a plot of global domination where everyone is suspect and guilty, including God and the devil himself.

Rafael_Zimichut · History
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142 Chs



— HELLO — ANTOINE SAID, answering the phone — who is this?

"Senator James Hofma!"

— No, it's not a nuisance at all, Senator! We are all awake, our big goal has been achieved. Wait just a moment, I'll pass the phone to Victoria.

Antoine turned to Victoria.

— It's Senator James Hofma.

— You have no idea what we've just achieved!

Victoria heard the answer.

— The Golden Book!

— But that's not worth it, you've hit the nail on the head — he said smiling.

— If you were here, Senator, this discovery would be complete! — Do you also have news? Yes, I'm curious to turn on the television in an hour... Yes, I will!

— What did the senator say? Nicole asked. — Did he hear we discovered the Golden Book?

— He said he knew we'd find him, but there was another reason he called.

— Which?

— To keep the surprise, he didn't say, but he asked us to turn on the television in an hour.

VICTORIA, NICOLE, Roman Green and Gregory Evans were already in front of the television when Antoine switched on the CNN channel.

— The senator said we would be surprised by news. I'm curious to know exactly what it is — Gregory said, looking at Nicole.

— We'll find out soon — Nicole replied without taking her eyes off the television, which was currently showing a report on Southeast Asia.

— I think…— continued Gregory.

— One moment! — broke in Roman Green — look!

Everyone's eyes turned to the device, which at that very moment had stopped reporting on the Korean crisis.

"Attention to important news!" — said the reporter who suddenly appeared on the screen: "US Senator James Hofma has just announced his candidacy for the Presidency of the United States! Check now the Senator's pronouncement with our correspondent in Washington."

SENATOR JAMES HOFMA was focused on by a television camera with dozens of microphones in front of it, whose logos indicated the most varied communication stations in the world. He was in the office of the president of the Democratic Party, and his austere figure acquired greater sobriety when he had the American flag behind him as a backdrop.

— Senator Hofma — asked the reporter previously chosen by the party — why did you decide to run for president of the United States in the next elections?

— You see, the decision to run for the Republican party primaries was the result of political maturation and the realization that American society needs a new proposal: a proposal to value the aspects that form national identity. We can no longer tolerate what is happening in this country. The American nation, in recent decades, has suffered from what looks like a systematic attack on the most significant values of the soul of this country, our society is sick. What was once right, today has become highly condemnable, and what was shameful, is now openly defended even with legal protection. The Judeo-Christian values that helped build this immense country are now being fought even in the courts. Teachers are prohibited from teaching the virtues of Christianity in our public schools, and pornography that degenerates the youth is widely supported in our highest courts of law. My proposal is a proposal for national reconstruction, for making the United States belong to the Americans again and not to those who, under the pretext of freedom, are slowly causing the nation to deny everything that our ancestors helped to build.

— LONG LIVE SENATOR HOFMA! — Nicole exclaimed with enthusiasm — So this was the surprise he wanted to give us: his candidacy for the White House.

—If the Senator reaches the White House, the Golden Book will be safe — added Antoine.

— Not necessarily — observed Victoria — remember, Antoine, that the President of the United States is not the Queen of England, the Presidency is not for life... What would happen to the Golden Book after its term ended?

— The Brotherhood of the Serpent could use their massive influence to gain access to the book.

— This is my fear — continued Victoria — we are in a dilemma. Even if Senator Hofma is elected, I do not believe the book is safe in the custody of the US government. Now I don't trust the Secretary General of the Vatican either... In my opinion, I think we should destroy the book.

— Destroy the book? — Nicole was surprised.

— No, Victoria — interfered the priest — you mustn't do that! If your father were here, he wouldn't approve of that idea. See, if that was his intention, he would have destroyed the Golden Book himself!

— Roman's right — interjected Greg — this certainly wasn't the solution Richard Hulmann adopted. Destroying the golden book would mean depriving humanity of an impressive archaeological treasure: an artifact from the pre-flood period. I'm sure you would be heartbroken to do this yourself.

— Yes, Greg, I don't like the idea of destroying the Golden Book either, but I see that if the Brotherhood of the Serpent gets hold of the book, a great evil could establish itself over the whole Earth. Don't you remember what my father said in his letter that the golden book conceals within it the key to discovering where is hidden a terrible secret sought by the greatest magicians of antiquity?

— I agree with your concern, Victoria — continued Roman Green — but as you said, the book holds the key to a great mystery. It wouldn't be wise to destroy it without at least knowing the nature of this hidden treasure... What if it can bring some benefit to mankind?

— I agree with Father Green — Nicole said — we mustn't destroy it, at least not now. Rather, we must try to discover what a grand treasure it hides!