

The death of a professor of history at New York University during an expedition in Iraq triggers a chain of events that have been prophesied since biblical times of the flood, where The Book of Nimrod, the most powerful man, was hidden, and now the world is about to succumb to the power that God himself once feared. Gregory Evans, when investigating the death of a boy in a satanic ritual at Trinity Church, finds himself involved in a plot of global domination where everyone is suspect and guilty, including God and the devil himself.

Rafael_Zimichut · History
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142 Chs



— CAN WE COME IN, Gregory? — he asked as he opened the door to Gregory Evans' office — we have a visitor for you.

The detective, who had been studying everything he had found so far, got to his feet, and headed towards the door to greet him.

Father Roman Green was accompanied by Senator James Hofma.

— Greg — the Senator said, shaking his hand — it's good to see you're recovering quickly.

— It's easy to recover from something that poses no danger.

— I'll add that to my speeches on disarmament.

Greg smiled.

— Please come in — he said, indicating the comfortable sofa three meters from the table.

— Greg — continued the Senator, encouraged by his hospitality — I'm here to thank you for saving my life once again, as well as to apologize for not heeding the recommendations you so emphatically suggested to me.

The detective then remembered the episode that had occurred decades ago. In the episode he was — gently invited to withdraw— by insisting that Lieutenant Hofma set up a security scheme on the grounds that their lives were in danger in the camp, but as Greg was not an officer, he could do nothing or speak on behalf of everyone.

A reassuring smile spread across Gregory's face, putting the Senator at ease. Father Roman was looking at him in an attempt to capture some trace of resentment, however, he found nothing...

Surely he is a very good man... — thought the ecclesiastic.

— Senator Hofma — said the detective — although I was not heard when I tried to open your eyes to the great risk we were running at the time by neglecting our safety, divine providence allowed you to emerge unscathed from this attempt.— Now I know you believe me and will tread more cautiously, and that puts me at ease.

— Don't put God in the story for his above-average abilities, Greg, let's face it, I was wrong and you proved it.

The Senator was satisfied. Gregory Evans, had been cordial and without any resentment for the past, Hofma then made his proposal:

— My friend, you behaved with heroism and a great sense of patriotism, risking your life for the ideas you believe in. I want to hire you to be in charge of personal security for Father Roman and Nicole Hulmann on an undercover mission overseas.

Greg thought it was the strangest thing in the world.

— I'm sorry, James…but you know better than anyone that I'm not good at babysitting anyone.

At that moment, Nicole Hulmann appeared behind them:

— I believe Miss Hulmann has something to show you, Greg.

Nicole walked over to Gregory and handed him a folded paper.

— What is it?

— I think you'd better take a look.

Greg unfolded it and saw that it had an address in Italy written on it.

— I reinforce the question... what is it?

— It's an address my grandfather gave me, asked me to look for someone in case he was murdered.

— Nick, why are you…

— Greg, you know better than anyone that we have to see this.

— I'm sorry, James…but I don't see how you could be involved in this.

— Richard was one of the scholars who helped me the most in my campaign, when Father Roman came to me so I could arrange for a plane to be sent to Rome in secrecy, so since you are in charge of the investigations, I thought it was the best strategy to involve him in this, after all, I won't be able to be present for obvious reasons, and I want someone I can trust to uncover my son's death.

— But I would need…

— I've already applied to the police department and they gladly released you for this special mission, as I've also asked Interpol to temporarily incorporate you into the agency's portfolio, so Agent Pietro Ferri will continue here, I don't see where you might have any resistance to doing me this little favor, Greg, for old times' sake.

— You know that...

The senator interrupted Greg.

— It's just to accompany a priest and a student, what's the harm in that?

But Greg would know exactly what was wrong with it all very soon...