
The Lost Princess of Winterspring

Elani never really cared about the world around her. All she knows is that she has a family who loves her and she was contented with that kind of life. Not until she was brought out into the world of magic and she realized that everything that has been told to her was a lie. Heartbroken by the thought of it, she continues to walk her path and along the way, she met a lot of new friends that helped her comprehend what was really happening around her. Join Elani as she unravels the secrets that have been concealed all her life for her safety.

imlily · Fantasy
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27 Chs


He lifted Elani from the ground and placed her on top of her head. Elani was startled and stumbled when Bryce took her and gave her a piggyback ride to kind of comfort her. But Elani was not in the mood for his remarks.

"Hey!" She demanded but Bryce only laughed at her. Elani couldn't argue with this huge nimphian who just smiled and laughed at her so she just pulled his hair, crossed her arms, and rolled her eyes.

"Look," Bryce called her out to check the castle since she's not fazed by it. When Elani tried to check, she was surprised by the beauty of it. It was quite small in comparison to nimphian's castle but the beauty of it, it was made of trees.

The castle has a dome shape in the middle and is surrounded by eight large towers which are all painted in white. Trees are attached to the towers making green and yellow hue colors and a number of circle windows around it. On the top of the entrance door boasts a huge circle mosaic window of a blue dragon. Below the mosaic window is the entrance door itself and it is made out of an old oakwood surrounded by full bloom pink bougainvillea flowers

Elani gasped she hasn't seen an enchanted castle before but she could tell that this might be one of her favorite.

As they walk past the old oak wood door, she noticed the red carpet stretching its size to the throne room where a king awaits their arrival. The king of Laeros Kingdom is a Lion and beside him is his Queen Lionness both are well-dressed in their most beautiful royal attire. The king wore a royal robe with strokes of red and black while the Queen showed off her royal jewelry--diamonds, golds, and emeralds were all over her body. Her crown was made of gold with pearls and emeralds whilst her royal attire is a peach sleeve applique beaded dress with a ribbon in the middle.

They were seated like how nimphians seat on a chair, but the king was running impatiently. He was slouching and by the looks of it, he was dubious of them. The three of them came over to his Kingdom, uninvited moreover, all of a sudden.

For the King, it was the breaking point of the treaty with Napolia but it was different for his Prime Minister Ula who has been sitting at the right side of the throne room alongside his ministers. Ula and the other ministers are owls but he is the only owl in the castle who has white feathers and a pair of galaxy eyes.

Elani couldn't sneak a peek at the interior of the castle since she's been receiving deadly stares again from these animals. She wanted to walk but she couldn't say a word to Bryce considering that she might be accidentally be heard again. She even shook away the thought of whispering to prevent them from being dubious even more.

"King Heimdall and Queen Devaki, I present to you our visitors from Napolia," Captain walked in front of the group and kneeled at the royal highness to which the visitors followed his gestures. He then stood up, still lowering his gazes, and looked over to Elani and Bryce as he continued talking. "the heir of Ryleia Crestfall and the princess of Winterspring, Elani Cathleen Crestfall."

The king and queen gasped. Heimdall looked over to Ula who had predicted Elani's coming but he didn't believe it. He had thought the same with the captain--that Ryleia died alongside her unborn child. That was the news that spread like wildfire ten years ago.

"That is preposterous! She died! We saw her die!!" The Queen roared so loud that it vibrated through the walls of her castle. She stood up from her throne and teleported herself in front of Bryce. "Even I cannot compare the energy you possess to one's that of her!" Bryce was astounded that she was already in front of them. He almost stumbled but managed to get back on his feet.

Elani widened her eyes and fear keeps on adding like a stack on her. It just never stops, doesn't it? She had enough and wanted this narrative to be over. But with the looks of it, they're just starting to uncover the secrets Ryleia left her.

The Prime Minister flew his way beside the throne of his royal highness and tilted his head to the right. "My Queen, everything has been planned accordingly." He said nonchalantly.

The queen growled but the king lifted his fingers ordering her wife to get back to her sit. If Ula predicted Elani's coming, he must've had a valid excuse for his so-called plan.

"Allow me to explain everything but first shall we greet our visitors on how we should properly greet them?"

The guards brought seats for Elani and Bryce. Bryce accompanied the child to her seat and this was the only time Elani could appreciate the beauty of the castle. She was allowed to roam her eyes around but only for a short period of time. Ula cleared his throat and tilted his head to the left.

"This must be reasonable, Ula." Heimdall growled under his breath waiting for Ula's statement as if he's been waiting for a year. He is sure impatient.

"Thank you for giving me the time your royal highness," Before he could continue, Bryce raised his hand, "I apologize for interrupting but we are with sir Raphael and his presence in this meeting would greatly help us improve in our investigation in our kingdom."

"Very well, we shall bring forth Raphael Helewys."

Minutes later, Raphael appeared slightly groggy. When he realized that they have been waiting for his arrival, he quickly finds himself kneeling in front of the royal highnesses and sat beside Elani.

"Shall we continue? Before the attack of rebellions at Winterspring, Ryleia Crestfall is a lovely maiden who keeps on breaking kingdom treaties by entering the kingdom of La eros without the permission of both parties. The treaty is another story but let us focus on Ryleia.

She was well-known in this Kingdom, she was easily loved and the energy she possesses was always light that if you come across her with a heavy heart, it will be easily swayed away by her smile. She was the only nimphian that our royal highness allows entering this kingdom because we all know that the goddess Almira was with her.

As you, Elani, may have not known since you were hidden all your entire life, Ryleia was the vessel of the goddess, Almira thus the responsibility that was given to her was also a handful. Ryleia had thought that the gift was too overwhelming considering that it was not planned at all, she has decided to consult my predictions regarding the plan she composed to which I greatly agreed."

"And her plan was?" asked the king.

"She plans to have a successor. In a much clearer explanation, she wanted to hide this successor until she reaches her maturity where her energy will also be fully grown. And in order to hide Elani, she disguised herself dying alongside her unborn child."

"Then why did you not let it known to us, Ula!" The queen demanded. The king massaged his temples as he waits for Ula to continue.

"My queen, Ryleia had made a strict rule to not let anyone know she has an heir. Did she not, Raphael?"

Raphael looked back at the owl who has been revealing the untold secrets. Raphael felt an outburst of realization when it dawned on him. Maybe Ryleia also planned the adoption of Raphael and Olivia of her daughter? Maybe that was the reason why she took care of him, she groomed and mold him to protect Elani.

He shook his head, I cannot believe this. He had thought. "This can't be true."

Ula tilted his head to the right, "Yes it is,"

"After the duchess gave birth to Elani in our house, she warned my wife that no one shall divulge of her child." Raphael looked down; looking for the right answers while connecting all the puzzle pieces. He looked over to Elani--who's looking the same as he is, confused. But she looked more tired than anything else. Wish this could finish as fast as it could so she can rest. He thought.

"Ryleia is never too bold for such a plan, Ula. Prove to me that the child is of hers." The king said in a calm manner.

"But of course your highness, the queen has already noticed the child's energy is contrasted to that of the Duchess but Ryleia did not die from giving birth. She died because she concealed her energy in Elani's body."

The room was filled with utter silence so the owl continues his proclamations.

"And Bryce, you say we needed Raphael's presence in this room for your investigation?" Ula tilted his head to the left and looked at Bryce who has been fidgeting his fingers.

"Yes, according to sir Raphael, a group of Leviathans showed themselves and hop inside his ship," Bryce explained briefly.

"We were told by our friend that La eros might have something to do with them since it's very unlikely that Leviathans attack nimphians without a valid reason." Raphael had added trying to focus on the question.

"You are correct," Ula then again tilted his head to the right. "It is very unlikely. I tasked those Leviathans to attack specifically your ship sir Raphael to summon the successor of Ryleia in the kingdom of Laeros."