
The Lost Princess of Winterspring

Elani never really cared about the world around her. All she knows is that she has a family who loves her and she was contented with that kind of life. Not until she was brought out into the world of magic and she realized that everything that has been told to her was a lie. Heartbroken by the thought of it, she continues to walk her path and along the way, she met a lot of new friends that helped her comprehend what was really happening around her. Join Elani as she unravels the secrets that have been concealed all her life for her safety.

imlily · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


Rafael couldn't believe the stories that Elani told him--much more when Malaya ordered Levi to eat her child! She could barely run! But seeing Elani as joyful whenever she talks about Malaya, she couldn't help but be also happy for her. Rafael was glad that she enjoyed her training and that she's now more eager to learn.

Elani had not noticed that they have been walking for an hour since she's been so talkative ever since they left Malaya's house. Not until they stopped in front of a weird tree. She looked up to the tree and she would describe it as the tallest tree she saw in that forest not to mention the obvious hole that looked like it has been carved into a cave. She tried to look inside the cave but it seems that it was too dark. It's a good hiding place. She had thought.

Rafael clenched Elani's hands softly as he starts to speak, "Remember what I told you about Laeros?" He looked at her, she was still staring at the tree in front of them.

"Yes?" She answered without even looking back at him.

"You are looking at it."

Elani widened her eyes in astonishment and looked at Rafael. He couldn't read her expression, is she happy? Surprised? She thought that her father was only joking about the kingdom of the animals and that only royal bloods can enter the kingdom. Hold on, royal bloods!

"But you said--"

"Yes," Rafael pulled Elani's shoulder and kneeled in front of her. Her gaze tells him that she's confused or rather overwhelm. "I know what I said but can I tell you something?"

She nodded.

"It's a secret that has been passed to me and my wife," He had to pause. Is this the only way to get to talk to the damned beasts? Is this the right time? What if she refuses? All the questions started to linger back to Rafael's train of thought. Time passes by so quickly, look at you, you're already this tall, you're smart, adventurous I would say and I hope someday, you'll understand why we had to keep it a secret even from you.

Bryce held Rafael's shoulder to ease his tension because he noticed that Elani has been waiting for his response. Rafael shook his head and focus on the matter on hand--he has to tell her right now. But how? How will he tell her without her having the reaction he has on his mind? He gulped before he speaks, "we promised that we will never tell anyone.. even you."

"What is it?"

"But before I could tell you, promise me you won't leave me here. You can cry all you want, you may scream at me or even Bryce but do not leave me here." He looked straight into Elani's eyes and saw that she became worried. What would it be that will make me cry and scream at him? She had thought. A minute had passed before Elani could speak.

"I will try."

Rafael closed his eyes and breathe heavily, "You are the only living descendant of the Crestfall royal bloodline, the only heir to the throne, and the lost princess of Winterspring."

Elani was aghast at what she just heard. She widened her eyes and couldn't tell what she was feeling the moment she had heard the words royal bloodline, princess, and heir. It was a spur of emotions and a lot of realization. Who are her real parents? What had happened to them? Why is she abandoned? How did she become the princess of Winterspring?

Tears ran from her eyes whilst staring at her father--oh that's right, he's a stranger. He's not her father. Moreover, Olivia is not her mother. Rafael hugged her tight and massaged her back. He could feel her hiccups from weeping.

"No... no.. you are my family!" She said while crying. "That's not true, you must be lying!"

"The Winterspring.. ten years ago, was attacked by till date, unknown rebellions that caused chaos to the city. Your father, duke Montenour was asked to leave the city with your mother, duchess Ryleia. But he wanted to stay in the city. He ordered sir Terrowin and me to bring the duchess out of the dangerous rebellions. At that time, she was pregnant with you."

He pushed Elani to take a glimpse of her, of course, he wanted to make sure that she was listening and that it will lessen the pain she's feeling right now. He smiled at her, assuring her that it will all be okay. But it won't make any difference that they lied to her. As of now, he didn't know what to do to comfort Elani. He bet that Olivia could do better and wished that she was with them when he told her.

But they have no more time to spare. They are already in front of the legendary land of the animals. He sighed and stood up. He looked at Bryce, who is very understanding even if this looks like out of his work. He patiently waited for them to fix things up.

"Don't worry about me." He assured.

"Let's... I think we shall just go back to my house." He looked down in embarrassment--he couldn't face him after what he said. Is he postponing our quest? Elani was still crying on his knees and she keeps on rubbing her eyes just what a kid would do she even snorted!

"But we can't. We are already here, Rafael."

"As you can see, we have a problem with the royal blood," Bryce went beside Elani and kneeled so that he can take a good look at her. He stroked her blonde hair and massaged her back as if asking her to stop crying.

"Dear it's okay, they are still your family." Bryce hugged Elani as he continued speaking, "Their love for you is thicker than the blood running through your veins. They loved you as their own."

Elani looked at him with groggy eyes from rubbing and with a frown face. "How?" Bryce laughed at her and hugged her more. Rafael pressed his hands on his temples when he heard Bryce laughed at her crying daughter. He must've thought that she's ugly. Damn Bryce, it's not a good time for a laugh. He had thought.