

Mambala kingdom is a high design city made in all kinds of world precious stones, the entrance gate of the city of mambala is designed with high precious red gem' stone, from the entrance gate to the mambala main palace is highly decorated with silver and gold,so all the indigenous people of mambala is highly doing well in all life aspect both schools, electricity, and water supply were all free of charge due to the good government system to an extent all the neighboring city admire mambala kingdom and in the kingdom of mambala their king was late, his only beloveth daughter was crown the 6th king of mambala kingdom, her name is isterbela Frankfurt, so in the 3rd year of princess isterbela reign there was a new crown king in the neighboring city of mambala known as SEACROSS CITY , his name is prince anold gambuzer, prince anold gambuzer is a man of disunity and hatred, arrogance's, disrespectful, so in the same year of his reign he met treated his people so badly because his full of pride and he guarded himself with heavy arm men's one day he woke up with so much hatred over all the good things he had about mambala kingdom and over all the treasure They used in building there kingdom,in his heart he was trouble much, so one day he assemble all his personal guards and all the arrogant bad men's he associated with and he told them about his plans to invade mambala kingdom and steal all their precious stone including princess isterbella all in the name of destroying the beautiful city of mambala, so they planned raiding the city at night on the following day and there plan went as they planned it, prince anold gambuzer and his bad gangster's succeeded stealing many stones as they can they also kidnapped princess isterbella Frankfurt out of mambala kingdom.