
The Lost Primordial

What would you wish for? the character of this novel wished for himself to be reincarnated as his OC in his world of dreams.

Aliexa_West · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Prologue: The Survey

- [Welcome To The Dream Survey] -

Whats with this pop-up. It came up on my PC witch is not currently plugged in. How the fuck does that work. Well lets see whats this survey about?

[Notice: You Can Only Submit The Question Once No Changing Answers]

[Question One: If you were to reincarnate with three wishes what would they be?]

User: [Obvious the first is to be my original character that I designed over years. The second would be to have a system to grow stronger like video games and anime. The third wold be to have all knowledge of my current world without my personal memories.]

[Confirm Y/N]

Sure the only relationships I have at the moment are online friends that I haven't met once.

[Question Two: Which world or combination of worlds would you reincarnate into?]

User: [The world I build for my game called [Eden's Garden].]

[Confirm Y/N]

Hell yes. It's the world I built and fleshed out over ten years. It's my dream world.

[Question Three: Where world you start in your world of choice?]

User: [One hundred years after The Heaven's War in the core city of Xadia.]

[Confirm Y/N]

Yesssss, Xadia was the realm of the gods however it shattered during the war. It has the best possible loot.

[Question Four: Would you keep your knowledge of you selected world?]

User: [No. Why would I tack away the fun?]

[Confirm Y/N]


[Question Five: Would you like anything extra?]

User: [I would like to add a pocket dimension for storing my items and a teleportation ring that can bring me back to Xadia]

[Confirm Y/N]


- Passerby Pov-

???: Wow I can't believe a satellite would crash in the city.

???: Aren't those supposed to ether burn up or land in the ocean.

???: Yah they are but apparently I heard it was a terrorist attack.

???: You blame terrorists for everything.