
The lost portal

Jake Carter is a renowned 19-year-old explorer and adventurer who has dedicated his life to searching for the legendary lost city of Atlantis. He believes that Atlantis holds the secrets of humanity's origins and the mysteries of the universe. He has spent years searching and collecting clues, and he finally has a lead that could lead him to the underwater city. He joins a team of experts and divers who embark on a risky expedition into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. They face many dangers and challenges, such as aquatic animals of unknown origin, storms and mysterious rival explorers who want to sabotage their mission. They eventually reach the location of Atlantis, but are shocked to discover that it is not a city, but a portal to another dimension. Jake is the first to enter the portal and he finds himself in a strange and beautiful world where magic and technology coexist. He meets Aria, a princess heir to the throne of Atlantis. She tells him that Atlantis was once a powerful civilization that ruled both dimensions, but was destroyed by a mysterious cataclysmic event that separated the two worlds. She also tells him that his father, King Orion, is dying and that he has given him the task of restoring Atlantis to its former glory. However, not everyone in Atlantis is happy with Aria's plans. His uncle, Lord Zane, is a ruthless warlord who wants to usurp the throne and conquer both dimensions. He has gathered an army of worshipers and dark creatures, and he has also allied himself with Jake's earthly enemies. He plans to use the portal to launch a massive surprise attack on both worlds, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Jake and Aria join forces to stop Zane and his allies. They face many dangers and obstacles and intriguing mysteries, such as deadly traps, ancient curses and betrayals. They also develop a romantic bond as they learn more about each other and their cultures. They discover that they have more in common than they thought and that they are both destined to play a key role in the destiny of Atlantis. However, they also discover a shocking truth that could change everything. Jake is not an ordinary human, but a descendant of the Atlanteans who fled to Earth before the cataclysm. He has inherited some of their powers and abilities, but he also carries a dark secret that could destroy him and everyone he loves. He must choose between his duty and his heart, and he must face his ultimate destiny. The Lost Portal is an exciting and captivating novel that combines science fiction, fantasy, action and romance. It takes the reader on an epic journey through two different worlds connected by a mysterious portal. It features intriguing characters, creative plot elements, escalating conflict, and a major twist that will leave the reader breathless. This is a novel that will appeal to fans of adventure, mystery and romance.

Mathis_Louis · History
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Chapter 3: The discovery

Jake Carter felt a mix of anticipation and anxiety as he sat in the cockpit of the submarine. He was wearing a special suit that covered his entire body, except for his face. The suit was made of a flexible and durable material that could withstand high pressure and temperature. It also had various sensors and devices that monitored his vital signs and communicated with the submarine.

He was holding a helmet that matched his suit. The helmet had a transparent visor that allowed him to see clearly underwater. It also had a microphone and a speaker that enabled him to talk to the submarine and his team.

He was waiting for the signal to put on his helmet and leave the submarine. He was waiting for the moment to enter the portal and explore what lay beyond.

He looked at the monitor in front of him and saw the image of the portal. It was a huge underwater structure that resembled a circular gate. It was made of metal and stone, with intricate patterns and symbols carved on it. It had a diameter of about 100 meters and a depth of about 10 meters. It was surrounded by a faint blue glow that indicated some kind of energy or force field.

The portal was located at the coordinates indicated by the map that Morgan had found in Morocco. The map was an original Atlantean map that showed the exact location of their city before it sank into the ocean thousands of years ago.

The submarine had reached the coordinates after several hours of diving into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. They had encountered many dangers and challenges along the way, such as sharks, storms and rival explorers who tried to sabotage their mission.

They had also encountered many wonders and mysteries, such as sunken ships, ancient ruins and exotic creatures.

They had finally arrived at their destination and discovered the portal.

They were amazed and astonished by their discovery.

They were also curious and eager to find out what was behind it.

They decided to send one person to enter the portal and explore what lay beyond.

They decided to send Jake.

Jake was the first to volunteer for this task. He was the most qualified and suitable person for this job. He was an expert in Atlantean history, culture and language. He was also an experienced explorer and adventurer. He had spent years searching for Atlantis and collecting clues. He had also inherited some Atlantean traits from his father, who had disappeared during an expedition in search of Atlantis.

Jake wanted to enter the portal for many reasons: he wanted to see Atlantis with his own eyes; he wanted to solve the mystery that had consumed his life; he wanted to find his father.

He also wanted to meet Aria, the princess heir to the throne of Atlantis, who Morgan had mentioned in his letter. He wondered if she was waiting for him on the other side of the portal. He wondered if she would welcome him or reject him. He wondered if she would like him or hate him.

He shook his head and dismissed these thoughts as silly and unrealistic.

He focused on his mission and his goal.

He looked at Morgan, who was sitting next to him in the cockpit. Morgan was his mentor and friend, who had invited him to join him on this expedition. Morgan was also one of the few people who shared his vision and enthusiasm for Atlantis.

Morgan smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up.

"Are you ready, Jake?" Morgan asked.

"Yes, I'm ready," Jake said.

"Good, good. You're doing great, Jake. You're making history," Morgan said.

"Thank you, Professor," Jake said.

"Don't thank me yet, Jake. Thank me when you find Atlantis," Morgan said.

"I will, Professor," Jake said.

They looked at Lisa, who was sitting behind them in the cockpit. Lisa was the scientist and engineer of the team. She was responsible for designing and maintaining the submarine and its systems. She was also monitoring the portal and its activity.

Lisa nodded at them and spoke into her microphone.

"Everything is clear, guys. The portal is stable and safe to enter. The energy readings are normal and consistent. The communication link is strong and secure," Lisa said.

"Good work, Lisa," Morgan said.

"Thanks, Professor," Lisa said.

They looked at Max, who was sitting in front of them in the cockpit. Max was the pilot of the team. He was an expert in flying and maneuvering the submarine. He was also controlling its position and speed near the portal.

Max turned around and winked at them.

"Ready to go, guys? I'll take you as close as possible to the portal, then you'll have to swim through it," Max said.

"Ready as ever, Max," Morgan said.

"Let's do this, Max," Jake said.

Max turned back to his console and pressed some buttons.

The submarine moved forward slowly towards the portal.

Jake felt his heart beating faster as he saw the portal getting bigger on the monitor.

He put on his helmet and secured it to his suit.

He heard a hissing sound as the helmet sealed itself and filled with oxygen.

He heard a voice in his ear.

"Jake, can you hear me?" Morgan asked.

"Yes, I can hear you, Professor," Jake said.

"Good, good. I'll be talking to you through this channel. Lisa and Max will be listening too. We'll guide you and support you along the way," Morgan said.

"Thank you, Professor. Thank you, Lisa. Thank you, Max," Jake said.

"You're welcome, Jake. You're not alone, Jake. We're with you, Jake," Morgan said.

Jake felt reassured and comforted by Morgan's words.

He looked at the monitor and saw that the submarine was almost at the portal.

He saw a hatch opening on the side of the submarine.

He saw a rope ladder hanging from the hatch.

He saw a sign above the hatch that read: "Exit".

He knew what he had to do.

He got up from his seat and walked towards the hatch.

He reached the hatch and looked outside.

He saw the portal in front of him, glowing and pulsing with energy.

He felt a surge of curiosity and courage.

He grabbed the rope ladder and climbed out of the submarine.

He felt the cold water enveloping him as he left the submarine.

He looked back and saw Morgan waving at him from the cockpit window.

He waved back and smiled.

He looked forward and saw the portal waiting for him.

He swam towards it with determination and confidence.

He reached it and touched it with his hand.

He felt a tingling sensation in his fingers as he crossed the threshold of the portal.

He entered the portal and disappeared from sight.