
Mother And Dad

Pete is my closest friend. We met each other when we were still pretending to be the heroes of the entire world, or kings; the girls... pretending to be queens.

I'm talking about the time when we were, maybe, five or six years old.


Full name: Peter Erudite.

Middle name: I don't know.

Age: Seventeen.

He is not very tall...not short either, moderate height, broad shoulders, not heavily muscular but lean body, brown caramel eyes, auburn hair, pale skin ... same as me but I have black hair, dark eyes and olive skin.

So, as I was telling you earlier, the people here barely show any emotion or only show sadness (according to Pete).

Sometimes, they do show emotions besides sadness or emptiness. They do.

The OneGov strictly controls everything. What we do everyday to what we think everyday... everything... Every. Single. Thing.

Well, not ours'. My Mother is the Leader of the Third Sector. There are thirty sectors like this and every sector has a Leader. The OneGov has thirty Leaders and my Mother is one of them. My Grandfather was one before my Mother, my Great-grandmother before him.

I'm not sure if my Great-great-someone was the Power Holder before her or not.

I don't care.

To me, my Mother, is my Mother... and my Father, is my Dad. I remember calling her 'Mom' when I was younger, but as I grew up, she became more and more distant and the word, the sweet word faded more and more and became - 'Mother'. Like her. Cold and distant. Hard and sympathy-less.