
the Lost Ones

Hollowmoon Bay is a booming city, known for its nightlife. Despite the ambiance, crime rarely occurs here. Until a particularly dry summer season brings forth mania and disparities. Six women have now gone missing in the sleepless city, and the community is torn on how they should feel. However the missing women are just the beginning of their problems. With cultural embassies being broken into, and long protected museums being desecrated, a young woman, Regina Gray, is trying to piece together how the three events could possibly correlate. When her dreams slowly start to seep into reality, she gets her first real clue of what is going on. God Eaters. What are they? And why is it, that whenever the title is even mentioned, the elders try to shut her up. Discovering a conspiracy in the very agency she is sworn to serve, she now seeks to learn the truth. However, as she travels down the road of intrigue she learns that perhaps some things are better off being forgotten. ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ I hope y'all give the story a read! its got everyone's favorite themes sex, violence, hoetry, betryal, cursing, the misuse of carrots and a lot more so please stay tuned!

Summora_Knots · Urban
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

mini update

hello Everyone! this isn't a new update unfortunately. I just wanted to let you guys know that chapter 3 probably won't be coming out in September like I hoped and instead its being pushed back til October.

I recently started a new job and I've been trying to get acclimated back to going to work since the pandemic and im having a bit of trouble. in the meantime, I'm instead working on editing and updating previous chapters that have been released on here since I've noticed that there has been quite a few mistakes. with that being said, hopefully those edits will be done by September. anyway, I want to thank you guys for your support and reading my story and more good things will continue to come!