
The Lost Of One

On Thursday 12, 2000 year at 12 am, A bright light at the edge of the universe caused the entire universe to be temporarily trapped in a time bubble. . Five individuals have now begun a quest to find out what was the source of the bright light and what are these strange and mysterious gemstones that were scattered across their town.

Kerron_Masters · Fantasy
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21 Chs

A Friend Indeed

Melinda could hear the shuffling of footsteps approaching after she had knocked on the front door. After a couple of clicks and an unlatching, the front door opened revealing a medium height individual of middle age dressed in nightly attire. A welcoming smile came across his face as he said, come in! Come in!

How can I be of assistance, asked Tim as he led Melinda to his workshop. While being led down the hall, Melinda saw pictures of a young lady who use to be the daughter of Tim. Though the pictures were old, she did seem like someone with 'taste.'

Melinda sat on a stool in Tim's workshop as he stood before her, waiting for her request. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out the green gem.

'Ohhhh very pretty' he said amusingly.

Can you put it in a locket? Something that I can keep with me at all times, she asked as she handed it to him?

Tim thought for a bit and then said, I can do something better. Then he walked over to his workstation in the corner to get started on crafting 'something'.

This was the first time that Melinda had been in this room since she began coming here. She could remember the first time that they had met and how she ended up here to have breakfast.

She had been out, after midnight trying to clear her head and just be away from home on that day.

While sitting on the pavement, she started to be harass by two individuals who were clearly intoxicated. She ignored them until one started to reach to her because she was ignoring him. It was at that moment that another hand intercepted his and gripped it firmly.

"Can't you see that the young lady isn't interested," this middle age man said.

Old man! Don't be a 'blocker' was the returned response.

Melinda was unable to see the middle age man's face because he was facing the two guys but something he did caused the men to immediately get clear headed and leave. When he had turned around, he introduced himself as Tim.

Even though, he didn't have to do that for a stranger, he told Melinda that she reminded him of someone so he intervened. Why are you out this late, though he continued?

Just wanted some fresh air, Melinda responded.

With a smile, he stated that he was about to make breakfast and Melinda was welcome to join him if wanted.

Melinda looked at what seemed like a non threatening individual who stood with two grocery bags dressed in an old worn out shirt and a knee height jeans.

"You don't even need to come in, he assured. We'll eat in the gallery."

He had made eggs and bacon that morning which they ate on the front steps. It was there that she told him about her troubles at home and why she was 'taking a walk.'

"One of the greatest lessons a human being can learn is how to stand tall in the face of adversity!"

"Learn from it and rise above it! Rise above your adversity!"

Melinda mediated on those words that he had told her that day. There was definitely wisdom to it.

I had never asked you, Melinda said out loud. What had happened to your daughter?

She drowned was the response from Tim as he approached Melinda with a thick silver chain with a silver pendant. In the pendant was the green gem that she had given him earlier.

A gift he said with a smile. Take good care of it was the words said.

I will, Melinda responded.

Melinda looked up at the afternoon sun as she stepped unto the pavement after leaving her friends home. Pulling out her cell phone, she realized that she had two messages. They were from a person that she considered a good friend. It reads

'Your crush has been asking about you. If you had showed up at school today. Maybe he finally wants to ask you out. XD'

The other message reads

'Your monthly subscription to Comic Book Mania is about to expire. Please log on to check our new renewal rates for continued service. Do have a great day.'

Melinda closed her flip phone and headed towards the university.

'Blocker' or cock blocker is a term used for individuals who disrupt the chances of an individual getting through with a female.

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