
The Lost Magic : Revenge of Elimen

You killed them all! I will destroy you and make you my slave. ...................................................................... In a world where humans and mages coexisted harmoniously, a sinister uprising by jealous individuals threatened to extinguish all magic. The mighty mages, known as the chosen ones of Elimen, were forced to abandon the human realm and seek refuge in a hidden, magical world called Harz, created by Lord Valix Grunch. Under his powerful rule, the mages found solace and their existence was erased from human memory. But as time passed, Lord Valix faded into the annals of history, and a new ruling system took over Harz, leaving the future of the mages uncertain. Among them, Edward Grunch, the last descendant of Lord Valix, was born without magic, an anomaly that compelled him to flee to the human world, blending in with their society. Married to a nurse, Edward had three children, unaware that within their midst, the true chosen one of Elimen lay dormant. Mariline Grunch thought that love was all she needed to conquer all until it betrayed her dreadfully. It destroyed her and changed her into a monster. Discover the secrets, power, revenge and legacy in this captivating tale of the Chosen One of Elimen.

Author_Enigwe · Fantasy
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20 Chs


"Sweet Marley, that is what he wanted me to do, or else his rage would have unleashed chaos upon the people in the building..." With those words, he lifted his friend and departed.

A burst of laughter erupted from Mariline, unable to be contained.

Rojal wore a smirk, knowing that Mariline had faked the fainting spell. It seemed that he had seen through the act.

In a flashback, Mariline recalled fainting in Rojal's arms. He carried Mariline with concern, his lips coming close to Mariline's ear as he whispered, "You are quite the dramatic one, little Miss Mariline. I must say, I am impressed." Mariline was still surprised at how he managed to see through it.

The flashback faded away.

Marley stood in shock, her eyes mirroring the disbelief shared by Carmalo and Adrenia.

"That was all a lie?" Marley asked, glaring at the doctor, who, to their surprise, sported a smile.

"I apologize, but I was sent by her majesty," he explained as they all nodded in acknowledgment.

"You could have informed us that it was a prank. Liveda..." Adrenia began, but Mariline interrupted sharply.

"Enough!" Mariline exclaimed, truly fed up with him... "He deserves every ounce of pain. He deceived Mariline, and he shall pay." Mariline bit Mariline's lip fiercely after speaking, deliberately drawing blood, savoring the metallic taste... There was a palpable fear in their eyes as Mariline spoke.

"Mariline, you are right, and Mariley and I will ensure he faces consequences. But never scare us like that again," Marley asserted before walking away. Carmalo and Adrenia, clearly angry, followed suit. "Ungrateful people," Mariline hissed, her anger still seething.

"They forced Mariline into this, and now they're upset that Mariline did it."

But Rojal, always one to lighten the mood, acted playfully. He began to sing, his melodious voice filling the air with laughter. Mariline knew Rojal had composed the song on the spot. He sang,

"Mariline, pretty Mariline, shake those relatives out of your mind... Now, get up, mom, and dance with me. Shake that booty now, booty now, booty now." Mariline burst into fits of laughter, unable to contain Mariline's amusement, as Mariline rose to dance. Although Carmalo wouldn't appreciate being called a worm, Mariline joined in the silly dance with enthusiasm.

Following the lyrics, Mariline shook her booty in a comical manner, and Rojal's moves were equally entertaining and hilarious. Rojal's cheerful presence had completely changed Mariline's mood from anger to joy, and she was truly grateful for him.

That night, as Mariline retired to her room, she found peaceful rest. It seemed that all she needed was happiness to find sleep. It was a tranquil slumber, and with sighed with relief, knowing that she had managed to avoid the sword fighting class.


Carmalo has been struck with disbelief and anger by Mariline's actions. He's so angry that he decides not to go back to his room, instead venturing into the fairy woods in hopes of encountering an angel. However, his search proves fruitless, and he realizes that he forgot Leba needs to be summoned. Feeling hurt, he turns to return but is startled by a voice.

"You already miss me, Carmalo Grunch?" The voice makes him break into a broad smile as he turns to face her. She looks different, without her wings, but her skin and eyes still shine brightly.

"You look different, Leba. It's a good different though," he says, trying to sound polite. She smiles and approaches him.

"I just transformed back. As a nature mage, being a queen requires a transformation as well." Carmalo is fascinated by her smile and longs to be engulfed in its warmth.

"Come on, let's take a walk," she says, taking his hand and pulling him along. Despite being a queen, her manner is casual and down-to-earth. She leads him to a lake where her fairies are gathered, their luminescence illuminating the water. It's a breathtaking sight, but Carmalo hesitates to step forward.

"Come on, Carmalo, don't tell me you're scared of them," Leba teases. In truth, Carmalo is scared, but he wants to project strength to impress her.

"Scare me? No way. I just don't want to hurt them if they attack me again," he says, and Leba blinks in surprise before nodding. Carmalo's gaze drifts upward, taking in the towering trees that surround them. How did he not notice their immense size? The forest feels eerie to him.

"Carmalo, come see!" Leba shouts, and he rushes to her side, breathless. She is swimming in the lake, her clothes hanging from a broken branch nearby. Realizing she's only wearing her undergarments, Carmalo's heart pounds.

"Don't just stand there, come and see. A water fairy is being born." Without hesitation, he takes off his shirt and trousers, remaining in his boxer shorts, before entering the water. He moves closer to Leba, their bodies a hair's breadth apart. She holds a pearl-like stone in her hand, and to Carmalo's amazement, it begins to crack, revealing a blossoming flower. Inside that flower emerges a fairy, with big eyes and tiny legs. This time, Carmalo doesn't hesitate to touch it but lets the fairy come to him.

"These creatures are amazing," Leba says, closing her eyes. It's as if she can feel their love in her heart, and Carmalo watches in awe, captivated by this fascinating angel.

And in that moment, Carmalo is happy he met her.