
The lost MAFIA Princess

Living as one the of the mafia princesses of France. There are 7 of them ,but only her ,Aliandra, was treated differently among them. Her father, the king of the mafia world, personally in firing gun, in throwing daggers, using sword. He favor her form all of her daughters. So as her brothers, they love the girl so much, too much where they came to the point they wouldn't let the girl go everywhere freely. In short the family are obsess with her except her witches sisters. Not until she decided to escape since she can't tolerate anymore the leashes tide around her neck. And ending up in Italy..... In a dark alley he found her being beaten by some fuckers cruelly on the cold ground, with bruises on her body. She's helding a little unicorn in her right arm, like someone is gonna take it away. And that's the clue he confirm she's a little...... ----- "ssshhhh you'll be safe..

Fatima_Nai_Ra · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 8

The cold breeze of autumn past through the city's park. The winter is in doubt approaching soon. Everybody are busy putting their stuff inside their houses to have it safe for coming of the winter.

In the middle city, a tall and well defined building is standing with it's glory. It has the name of Il re oscuro and owned by the mafia boss named Zayn Ambrose Moretti. A well known mob boss of the world and mostly in Europe. A man who is admired by women and envied by men. But the man everyone dreams of falls in love with a beauty who suddenly comes into the man's life.

Let's go back to the two. They are inside Zayn's office because he didn't leave the beauty in his mansion for the thought that she was too naughty with his men, but we all know that is just one reason for him to have the girl all for himself.

"Sir, she's insisting to come in and see you." His assistant said with hesitation in her voice.

"Tell her to get out of my property before I drag her or of this place myself." Zayn replied still typing in his laptop.

"I'll tell the guards then sir." The woman at her early thirties said respectfully and Zayn replied to her nodding his head.

"Bring the papers fr-"

"Zayn! We need to talk!" A woman barge in with teary eyes and run towards the latter's desk.

Zayn gestured the assistant to get out of the office and leave him the woman to deal with.

"There's nothing to talk about, get the fuck out and never comeback." He coldly answered after slamming down his laptop.

"But love I'm preg-"

"You dare to call my man what?!" A roaring voice was heard at the office door.

There standing Aliandra with a furious look on her face as she march inside and to Zayn's side.

"And your who?" The woman ask arrogantly.

"His only woman, and here you are claiming him as the father of your bastard child!" Aliandra bravely answered. "Tieni le mie parole nella tua testa donna. Quest'uomo in piedi accanto a me è il mio uomo, è solo mio!, quindi vattene da qui, prima che io stesso ti butti fuori dalla finestra!"

(Keep my words inside your head woman.This man standing beside me is my man, he is only mine, so get the fuck out of here before me myself throw you out of the window.)

Aliandra glared at her but the unknown woman didn't even budge and even lift her chin up higher as if doubting she can do it. That made Aliandra more furious than she is earlier.

"Okay, you give me your choice cagna."


She marched to her and grabbed her hair with so much force, dragging her towards a corner in the office near a very big window but Lia didn't forgot to grab a vase from Zayn's desk. She will use it to break the window and surely she did...

"Listen here...I won't hesitate to kill a human being hmm? You don't even know how many persons did my hands had tortured." She whispered in her ears.

"Zayn, help me out please! This woman crazy!" The unknown woman helplessly cried.

But to her dismay the latter was just standing on where his position since earlier, not able to move due to his shock. He didn't expect his little to be this possessive.

"Oh come on!" Aliandra looked at Zayn. "You! Won't you even help your bitch here! Huh!"

Zayn recovered when the girl called her. He just gestured his hand signing her to continue whatever she's planning to do.

Lia have a satisfied smirk on her face and broke the window with the vase but the window didn't even have any crack.


She looked at Zayn with narrowed eyes. He look away and drank his whiskey. He is calmed because he knows the window was thick and hard to break.

Aliandra didn't look at him again but instead she kicked the window with her heels. She can't tolerate the cagna in her hands anymore.

With so much force in it the window successfully broke, and 5 inch width window glass easily broke in just one kick of a woman.

"Lia!" Zayn rushed to Aliandra's side.

The girl look at her with a glare making him halt in his steps.

"Baby, it's okay my men will get her okay..." He said trying to coo the girl.

"And what?" She raised her right brow.

"You'll get to do anything with her, I promise." He said in a convincing tone.

With a satisfied smile she let go of the girl's hair and walked towards Zayn. He wrapped his muscular hands around her.

"Sshh, we go home now?" With his cooing voice, she immediately switched to little space.

"Yes, but buy food on the way please..." She said with a pouty lips and added "I'm now hungry for doing that work."

Zayn smiled and walk them out of the office to the basement parking lot. He made note to ask her later on what is the meaning of her actions earlier....