
Chapter 62 Just like a dream

Hendrix POV

I hum, stretching my limbs and feeling every ache and strain in my body, and loving it. I don't know how long I've been asleep, but I'd be willing to bet it's been a few hours. I'm very well rested, and hungry for more.

A warm hand palms my arm, running up and down gently, leaving a trail of tiny tingles that I relaih. I turn my naked body into my man, nuzzling his muscular shoulder with my nose and taking a deep breath in. He smells so good. I want to jump him again already.

"Morning, beautiful. Or should I say afternoon?" He murmurs against my ear, making me shiver. His large fingers trail down to capture my wrist, his hands swallowing half my forearm. Cedric brings my hand to his lips and kisses the back of my hand. I blush.

"When is Kelly expecting us back?" He wonders in a soft voice that contrasts to his deep, raspy voice that I love so much.