
Chapter 6 . Lycans

Kelly POV

"It seems to me there must be some sort of mistake." I ramble quickly, my hand fidgeting with my pant legs nervously. I don't want to look up at the monster in my way.

Alpha Green stands tall in front of me, arms crossed over his chest while he scowls down at me. He is not happy at all. His gaze is attached to me, eyelids narrowed to tiny little slits in his face.

I don't cower, though my wolf inside wants nothing more than to show respect for the leader of our pack. As if.

What do I owe this pack? The pack that treats me like absolute scum? Nothing, that's what.

"Are you calling my son a liar?" He insists, his voice like a snake hiss between his now clenched teeth. I nod my head so hard I feel like my brain is tumbling around in my skull.

"Yes." I declare, looking him in the eyes with as much bravery as I can muster at a time like this, "I did not back talk him today. Maybe I did a long time ago, but I learned my lesson."

Alpha Green takes a dangerous step towards me, his lighter colored eyes turning dark in anger. The intimidation doesn't touch me, I refuse to shrink into my chair.

I will stay strong because I am strong.

"Who do you think I'll believe? A thieving omega, or my son and heir?" He ponders.

He made a good point there.

"Well, if you knew your son a little better, than maybe you would see the truth." A fierce growl shreds out of his throat, and my wolf side almost whimpers but I manage to choke it down and cover it with a quick fake cough.

"You've been a thorn in my side ever since you revealed your mental issues. My Beta told me over and over to just kick you out of the pack, see how you would last as a rogue." I sober at this little tidbit of information.

"Instead I let you stay. I have been more than gracious towards you, Kelly. You will not disrespect me or my son again. Do you understand me?"

Well, I do speak English so of course I understand him.

Most of me wants to demand that I've done nothing wrong at all, grab hold of my innocence with a death grip and refuse to let it go. I'm more than innocent. The rest of me, unfortunately, feels that I should shut up a take it so I can go home and go to sleep.

Maybe even try to forget this ever happened.

I know when to speak out and when to keep my mouth closed. You pick up a thing or two when you're the outcast of the pack.

"Yes, Alpha."

He nods a bit, clearly content with breaking me... again. I know the sick bastard takes pleasure in watching me squirm under his thumb like a bug. How he became Alpha, I don't know.

"If I should see you in trouble again, you will not take too kindly to the punishment I dish out."

I sit up straighter, knowing I need to try my hardest. My life is already a series of cruel situations, but my mind has conjured up all sorts of things he would do, and I'm not liking them one bit.

Let's just hope Nathan Green doesn't still have it out for me. Like there's any chance of that. It would be a miracle.

My thoughts are cut off by a blasting ring that echoes from Alpha Green's jean pocket. He reaches and pulls it out. The little silver device brings away with a loud screech, desperate to be heard as it sits in his palm. The thing is so small I can barely see it between his fingers.

He squints at the bright screen, before his face blanchs into a sheet of pale white. Flipping it open, he slowly brings the device to his ear. Every movement is cautious.

"Commander, it is an honor to speak to you."


Green waits while he listens to whoever it is, before gulping. His throat bobs, eyebrows drawing together in concern. His mind is obviously racing inside his head.

"Yes, yes of course I remember, Sir."


The tone of his voice and the words he uses immediately lead me to believe whoever he's talking with is of a higher power than even our Alpha.

Because Alpha Green does not say Sir.

Which means it has to be someone from The Guard.

After a pause, something the so called Commander says seems to take old Alpha Green by surprise. I have never seen my Alpha's mouth so wide open in shock before, and it's an interesting sight to say the least.

The tables have been turned. I'm not the one enjoying watching him scramble and I suddenly wish I have some popcorn.

"Ar.. ah... are you sure about that? I mean.. wou...would that be a good idea, Sir?" Another thing I haven't yet witnessed, my Alpha stuttering nervously while he racked a hand over his buzzed hair.

My hands clench on the arms of the chair, if my brave Alpha is reacting like this, it can't be good. It's hard for me to be nervous when I'm enjoying this so much.

"Lycans of all things!" He nearly shouts, and I smell the sweat licking his skin.


My heart nearly stops beating in my chest, fluttering like a butterfly. It can't be.

"Tomorrow." He whispers, a hopeless look crossing his face, probably mirroring my own.

I've never seen a lycan before, and I don't want to. Even the idea terrifies me. They're beasts. Monsters. I can't be around a lycan, let alone multiple lycans.

Lycans are much like us werewolves, shifters, except they're stronger, faster, meaner, oh and they love forever. Their shifted forms are titanic sized wolves, enormous. I can't imagine seeing one in person. No way, no how.

From what I can gather, lycans will be here tomorrow. No one can prepare for something like this.

My body starts to tremble.

"Of course, yes. We will be ready for them." The mumbled words are definitely a lie.

With that, the call is over and done with, and I can practically see the Alpha shaking in fear. I can sympathize with him for once in my life, lycans are the most powerful supernatural beings there are after all.

Alpha Green stands there for a few moments, staring at his phone in utter shock. He finally comes to in a whirl. Snapping right out of it, his gaze locks on me. It seems he finally notices I was here the whole damn time.

He doesn't seem too delighted that I heard all that. Oops.

"You will not breath a single word of this to anyone, omega." He growls, but hey, it's his fault that he didn't remember me sitting right in front of him. Who's the idiot here again?

I furiously nod my head, and propel myself out of the chair and straight for the door. Tripping over my converses, I catch myself thankfully before hitting the porch. The smell of rain hits me, and I take in a deep, settling breath of it.

The scent of it doesn't deter the vicious thoughts of lycans that are starting to consume my brain.

Lycans are not common at all. They're species is sparse across the globe. Even though there aren't many of them, the threat of them is real.

Everyone knows they are all powerful killing machines.

My bones rattle while I walk home, and the zipping breeze around me has nothing to do with it. The very image of being around a lycan scares me, completely and truly, as much as I don't want to admit it.

Though I have never seen one, I've heard about how terrifying they are.

Tall? Of course. Muscled? Check. Weird eye shade range? You betcha.

I shake my head. I'm Kelly, damn it! Dealing with relentless bullies and punishments has taught me to be as fearless as possible. I can look at a lycan without pissing my pants, right?


When I make it to my house, the lingering scent of ham permeated the air, even outside, making my stomach growl in excitement. I quickly stride around the corner to the dining space, only to find it cleared of all dishes. Not a crumb or a morsel is left and I sigh.

Did I miss dinner?

Rushing to the kitchen, my eyes fly to the oven clock. 8:39. I missed dinner. My stomach rumbles angrily now, and I agree with it wholeheartedly. I go to my second option. The fridge. I begin scouring its contents for a prize before I hibernate for the night.

A throat loudly clears behind me, and I almost jump out of my skin. My head whips around to take in my mother glaring, her mascara coated eyes squinting at me.

"Looking for leftovers are we?" Her head tilts to the side, willowy legs crossing over each other while she leans against the doorway. I nod timidly to which she cackles at me. She's a wicked witch.

"If you wanted dinner, maybe you shouldn't have gotten yourself in so much trouble, huh?" I bite my bottom lip, feeling ashamed of my self conscious tendencies around this crazy woman. Who cares what she thinks?

"What is it that you messed up this time, Kelly?" She demands, her eyebrows scrunching up in an ugly expression.

"I didn't mess anything up... Nathan told Alpha Green I disrespected him today. It was a lie." My mother does exactly what I would expect her to do, she rolls her eyes at me like some kind of moody teenager.

"Sure it was a lie. The Alpha's son lied. Do you not respect our leader enough to know he only raised our future Alpha to be the very best?" She spits at me, and I flinch under her scrutiny.

"I've had enough of your fibbing, little lady. Off to bed with you, no dinner." She insists, then she smiles slightly in thought, "You could stand to go without a few meals now and then." My mother remarks, eyeing my curves with a satisfied look as I shift uncomfortably.

When she turns to leave, I almost call after her. I want to tell her about the lycans, to show her I'm not completely useless.

Luckily, I think better of it before my big fat mouth spills the beans. Not only did the Alpha literally just threaten me not 10 minutes ago, but also my mother doesn't deserve to have top secret information.

Instead, I slunk off to my bedroom.

Up the stairs and down the hall, to my own not personal space. When I open the pink door, I'm met with the chatter and laughter of my too many sisters. All 4 of which give me looks as I make my merry way to my dresser drawer of clothes.

I strip down to my undies and slip into a long, baggy nightshirt. Over the years, I've gotten used to the endless stream of scoffs and remarks about my weight that my sisters love to make behind my back while I get dressed.

They love to point out that I'm not a size 0 like them.

Truth be told, I really use to be green with jealousy that they had inherited my mother's victoria's secret model, smokin hot body. I wanted to be ridiculously lanky with a larger chest, mile long legs, and pin straight blonde goddess hair.

Like my father, I have black locks adorning my head with a slight wave, I'm pretty pale and burn easily in the sun, and I'm anything but delicate. I have curves to spare, with a soft tummy and squishy thighs. Add that to the fact that I'm only 5'8", which is a bit short by werewolf standards.

I am a conundrum for sure.

I have learned over time that my looks are not what is most important, even if I consider myself more attractive than other people give me credit for. Over time, I had decided to focus on more important things than my appearance like reading, enjoying nature, or even simply smiling.

These are the things I try to do more often, rather than looking in the mirror, and they make me feel more comfortable in my own skin.

Climbing onto my bunk bed, I slip under the covers silently while my sisters continue to gossip and giggle relentlessly.

As I stare at the soft white ceiling, I consider my emotionally abusive mother, my adorable little siblings, and my not so adorable female siblings, but most of all the ominous idea of the soon to come lycans.

I want to know what they are like. How they act. What type of possession they carry. I immediately shake that thought out of my head.

No way am I stealing from a lycan of all things, unless I want my head disconnected from my body. My whole frame shudders at the mere picture.

Somehow, I am still able to fall asleep after that, having a slight pitter patter of excitement fill my heart at what tomorrow will bring.

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