
Chapter 50 Picture of my past

Cedric POV

A relief like any other floods me when I pull into pack grounds on two wheels. The gate swings open, the road takes me closer and closer to the love of my life and the center of our safety.

I hated every moment spent away from her. It was pure torture. I'm sure she was fine, but I wasn't. I need her more than she ever needed me, and I'm slowly realizing that. Since finding out she's pregnant, I can't stand to be far away. It's hard to stop myself from considering what would happen if she went into labor while I was gone. What if I wasn't able to get back in time? What if something happened to her?

I pull up to the house, parking my motorcycle and climbing off in a hurry. I take the stairs three at a time up to the house, swinging open the front door and practically slamming it shut. I'm impatient to get to her. She's in this house, so close yet so far away.