
Chapter 50 . The Red Alpha

Ethan POV

I snap my jaws. I'm pissed. The tree pinning me is not letting up. My side burns and thrums as my body bucks, trying to dislodge the unexpected weapon the Red Alpha wields against me.

She stands nearby, focusing on me as her hands remain outward, pointed at me. The flame like substance encases her whole hands and forearms. The magic even flits along her long sleeves. Her eyes are full of humor. She is enjoying my pain. She loves observing on the sidelines as I squirm in discomfort.

I let out a frustrated bark, wiggling and struggling with no success. I'm not getting free any time soon unless she lets up. Somehow I doubt that will ever happen.

The Red Alpha lets out an insane cackle. She's enjoying this, that is until Alpha Veiler comes charging towards her. Her flame engulfed hands go back to normal, all traces of magic gone in a snap. She dodges Veiler quickly, barely avoiding him, and I'm able to get the tree off of me.