
Chapter 13 . Stupid Coward

Ethan POV

I can't sleep all night.

The image of her face is painted on the inner walls of my skull. The expression she wore as the light dulled in her gaze as she listened to what I had to say.

I had said some terrible things to her. As soon as I was walking away all I wanted to do was run back to her and take it back, beg for her forgiveness and acceptance of me.

But I can't.

I cant have a mate. I can't give her what she needs. I can't be a loving, doting mate that knows all the right things to say. A relationship? The idea puts a pit in my stomach. I hate myself all the more for it.

I'm weak. I have no love in my heart. The only thing close to love is what I feel for Kelly. But I had to ruin any chance of being with her. I'm too tempted by her. Too obsessed for her own good.

If she hates me, then there is no chance of her being hurt when we're too far in to turn back. Then she would realize what she got stuck with.