
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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73 Chs

The Plot Thickens: “Adam Learns More About Sin.”

Yahweh smiled at Adam's realization and nodded, "Yes, there are others. Granted, Lilith and the children were the only humans, but that is no longer the case.

Angels, half-breeds, monsters, beasts, experiments… Creatures of all shapes and sizes, with their own will and personalities.

All of these things walk the face of the Earth, and I foresaw that long ago... As I said before, with free will; comes the possibility of Sin."

Adam nodded along, listening intently to God. And so, He continues speaking, spinning his tale.

"Azazael was possessed by the first true existence of Darkness, and he became the embodiment of Sin. He was consumed by it, manipulated and mutated…

He became an Abomination… he called himself Azazoth; meaning 'The Ancient One,' and began to spread darkness and chaos throughout the universe…

Many angels were slain, or assimilated, or had their Light corrupted, and consumed by him."

Adam listened intently, his mind racing with all of the new information he was receiving. He had always known that Yahweh was powerful, but he had no idea just how complex His existence, and the universe, truly was.

He felt a sense of awe and reverence for his Creator, but he also had a sense of unease… perhaps even fear. Could there truly be things out there that are so apocalyptically dangerous… so… awe-striking-ly powerful?

Yahweh could sense Adam's thoughts, and decided to continue with His story.

"There are things in this universe that would absolutely melt your mind, Adam. Perhaps one day, I can show you. Azathoth is one of those things...

A Great War was fought against him, and those angels that he corrupted, and turned against the Divine.

Much blood was shed, and Azathoth seemed nearly invincible. It seemed there was no hope for the Light, and I thought I would have to wipe the slate and start anew.

That is, until a certain Arch-Angel began to sing. Faced with darkness all around him, and nothing else he could possibly do, Lucifer opened his mouth, and began singing a melody that I had sung to them all… when they were newly created."

For a second, God's voice wavered as He continued to speak, looking around as they exited the forest, and made their way into a field full of beautiful wildflowers. Adam was reminded once again of Lilith…

"And Azathoth, finally… finally, rested. He went to sleep, and he stayed asleep… Four Angels were chosen to play music for him, for the rest of eternity.

Their names were Sau'z'goht, the Flautist; Deiradh the Drummer; Acrania, the Vocalist; and Raath'is, the Violinist, and they volunteered to sacrifice their everyday lives to hold back true evil…

You see, Adam; To this day, they still play… keeping true evil… true darkness, locked away; in eternal slumber."

"But if sin is darkness and pure evil; then why did You create it in the first place? Why do You allow it to exist?"

Yahweh stopped walking and turned to face Adam, his eyes softening with compassion. "Adam, I did not create Sin. It came into existence because of the free will that I granted to all of my creations. It is a natural consequence of that freedom. As you know not every decision has a positive impact on this world.

Yes, while Sin may bring pain and suffering to the world; it also allows for true growth, understanding, and change.

Without the possibility of Sin, there can be no free will, no true love, no sacrifice. Sin drives one's conviction! Those with good hearts will always choose to abstain from Sin."

Adam pondered this for a moment, realizing that Yahweh was right. Without the possibility of Sin, there can be no real choice, no true love, no genuine sacrifice… He felt a sense of clarity wash over him, as he began to understand the intricacies of the universe, and his place in it.

"Thank you for explaining this to me, Father. I think I understand now… I still have more questions though. "

Yahweh smiled and placed a hand on Adam's shoulder, "You are always welcome, my child. And remember, no matter what happens, I am here for you. Always. And yes, I know. You want to know more about Lilith… and Lucifer."

He paused for a moment, because saying Lucifer's name still stung. He had foreseen his betrayal, but that didn't make it any easier to feel. He cleared his through and continued talking.

"We are another day or so away from Kori, and the Sun is beginning to go down. It's probably best if we let you rest, since you had to go through some serious psychological and physical healing.

For now, at least; and in the morning, we can continue on; and I'll tell you more. Anything you may want to know, you can freely ask of Me."

Adam nodded in agreement, laying down and nuzzling up under a tree. His mind was racing with everything he had learned, the memories he had lost that had returned, his emotions… He couldn't help himself; he began to softly cry, and he cried himself to sleep; as Yahweh stood nearby, protecting him.

If you wanna see the version of this story that has the illustrations and makes it easier to imagine what you’re seeing, please visit the Google doc!!!


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