
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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The Journey to Elim, Part One: “There’s Difficult Terrain, Ahead.”

"We've escaped the clutches of Pharaoh, and the Egyptian army at the Red Sea. We have witnessed the miraculous parting of the waters, and the destruction of our oppressors.

We have rejoiced, and sung songs of praise to Father Yahweh, who has delivered us from bondage. But our journey is far, far from over."

Ezrae snapped out of his memories, the sand falling to the ground around him, as he heard Moses's voice echoing through the camp. Coming to his senses, he realized the sun was up, and the night was entirely gone…

He had accidentally spent the whole night in his memories. It was late when he sent the children to bed, but he didn't realize he had become so enraptured.

He stuck his head out of the tent, and saw the Israelites gathered around Moses, who turned and smiled at him. He raised his hands and clapped, saying,

"Ah, Brother Ezrae has decided to wake up! Talitha Yah, go help Papa Ezrae pack up. We're leaving in a half hour!" Moses smiled at Ezrae, who was rubbing his face, tired and confused; when the children swarmed him.

They "attacked" him with love, questions, and assistance, helping him pack his tent away, and chattering incessantly about his stories. He entertained them, talked to them, laughed with them, and the next thing he knew, they were heading out with the other Israelites.

The vast wilderness stretched before them, a harsh expanse of sand, rocks, and thorny bushes. The sun beat down relentlessly, and the winds whipped up clouds of dust and grit that stung their eyes and parched their throats.

They were hungry, tired, and disoriented, but they had no choice but to move on. This didn't stop them from complaining, however.

After all, this was the famed "Desert of Shur." It was a desolate place, with no signs of life except for a few scorpions, some snakes, and the occasional tarantula; all of which skittered away at the sounds of their footsteps.

The Israelites trudged through the sand, their sandals scraping against the rocks and their brows wet with sweet. Their eyes scanned the horizon for any signs of another Oasis, or any kind of shade; constantly on the search for a safe place to rest.

All the while, Moses spoke to them. He recited the Torah, ensured them of God's Love, and reminded the Israelites who the Chosen People of Yahweh were.

For 3 days and 2 nights, they traveled through the desert without much of anything happening. Day in and day out, they dealt with the harshness of the desert environment.

At the end of the third day, they had run out of food and water; and discourse and unhappiness was running deep through the Israelite camp. Moses began ti fear that the Israelites may come for his head if they didn't find Elim, soon.

Little did he know that would be the least of their worries.

As they settled in to set up camp on the 3rd night, and the sun hung low in the sky; they saw a dark shape in the distance. It was massive, much larger than anything they had ever seen, before... and it was… moving?

Yes, it was moving… and It moved with a strange grace; like a predator stalking its prey. As it came closer, they could see that its eyes glowed, deep and red; and that's when Ezrae realized what it was… Behemoth.

A titan he had only heard of in Legend, and one even HE couldn't believe was true.

Behemoth was a legendary beast of the wilderness, feared by all who knew of his existence. He was said to be as large as a mountain, with scaly skin that repelled arrows and swords; razor-sharp claws that could shred armor; and fiery eyes that glared with hunger, and rage.

Some said that Behemoth was a demon, summoned by evil sorcerers to terrorize the innocent. Others said that he was a test of faith, sent by God to strengthen the resolve of the righteous.

In reality, Behemoth was one of 3 "Primordial" creatures; the first beasts that Yahweh created, and placed on the Earth. They were known as Behemoth, King of Gaia; Leviathan, the Queen of the Oceans; and Ziz, the Lord of the Skies; respectively.

Leviathan is described as a powerful creature with impenetrable scales, and fierce eyes that inspire terror, and nightmares. Her body is compared to a long, twisting serpent or dragon, which moves with grace and strength through the water.

It's also said that Leviathan breathes fire and smoke, causing the water in which she swims to boil; which further adds to her fearsome reputation. Her teeth are described as the sharpest of blades, and her eyes are massive, yellow, and fearsome.

Finally, according to legend, Ziz is a giant bird with wings that are said to span the entire sky, and it is known as the "Lord of Birds." In some stories, it is also described as having feathers that are as bright as the sun, and can even "Store the Wrath of God in its wings."

The Israelites panicked and scattered; They, too, had heard of Behemoth, in mythology and bedtime stories… they had never even DREAMED they would encounter it, or ever even considered the legend to be true…. It was just a story! How Could it be True?!?

They knew that no human could defeat it, but Moses and Ezrae stood firm. They were the leaders of the Israelites, chosen by God to guide them to the Promised Land.

They had seen many miracles and wonders, and they knew that their faith and their blessings were powerful weapons against ANY foe.

Moses' voice rang out like melodious bell, carrying a message of hope to the Israelites:

"Stand fast, and be strong in your faith! Through the Father Yahweh, anything is possible. We will not fall today! God HIMSELF Stands with Israel!"

If you wanna see the version of this story that has the illustrations and makes it easier to imagine what you’re seeing, please visit the Google doc!!!


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