
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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73 Chs

The Cavalry of Calvary: “The Arrival of the Arch-Angels!”

Walking towards them, in all of his glory, was Michael, the Now-Leader of the Arch-Angels.

His eyes burned with blue electricity; his golden bronze skin shined in the sunlight, and the sword at his waist burned with holy fire. His physique was glorious and intimidating, and yet, all the while; on his face, he wore a massive smile.

Adam's face rose, and a smile spread across his face. Michael was Adam's best friend, and the one who taught him how to be a man.

He taught Adam how to fight, how to act, and how to protect himself and his family. He taught him how to tend to the animals of the Garden, and has been present in his life as a friend; since the beginning.

Michael was nearly perfect… As no-one but Yahweh IS perfect; But Michael comes close. He represents Strength, Courage, Protection, Wisdom, Mercy, and Justice. Michael is known as "The Protector," and the General of God's Army; as well as the Leader of the Arch-Angels.

He scooped Adam up into a bear hug and the two of them wrestled for a minute. "Boys, you can play later, we have important things to do right now?"

Kori rolled her eyes and chuckled at the two of them. Seeing the happiness in Adam's eyes again was nice, and it brought a smile to her face, and warmth to her heart.

The two of them seperate and dust themselves off, looking at Yahweh. "So, Father… what happens next?"

Adam walks over to Kori and holds her hand, sitting on the ground next to her, while Michael stood nearby to hear what God had to say.

"I have seen what is to come, and we are to wage a war, here, in the Garden. When I cast Lucifer out, he crashed to the Earth, and he hit the ground so hard, the crust of the earth itself was thrown into the sky; creating a massive cavern, surrounded by tall and jagged mountains.

His impact changed the very landscape, and it created what will now be known as "Je'bel Qurun'tul," The Mount of Temptation.

One day, that will be the site of a Great and Wondrous Miracle… One that reminds Lucifer who he is, and what his place is." Yahweh trailed off for a second; as he looked to his left, and his right, smiling… acknowledging…

He continued speaking, "Lucifer was thrown deep into the Earthd and that Darkness I told you about… The infection… From Azathoth.

It managed to survive my assault, inside of him; and it bonded to him, and changed him. His anger, his jealousy, and his hatred towards humanity, mixed with the darkness from Azathoth, changed his form completely."

Another form, another creature, was shown briefly; A man with pale skin, Eedd eyes, and 2 sets of black horns. He had long, sharp nails, like claws on both hands; and he wore a deep black cloak around his body.

However, wherever his pale skin did show, it was covered in scars, and imperfections... his face however… was still familiar; though his eyes were filled with pain. It was here, for the first time, Adam saw The Great Arch-Angel Michael shed a tear over his lost, and broken brother.

The tear fell from his face, and when it hit the ground, the grass it touched turned to gold. Adam gasped in awe, quickly reminded of the incredible power and design of these creatures, and their creator.

Yahweh spoke up first "Michael, I'm sorry that your heart breaks over the betrayal of Lucifer… but we don't have the time to mourn him, now. We have much work to do."

He turned, so he was addressing all three of them; and as he did so, the other six Arch-Angels, and His personal Scribe, Metatron, all phased into The Garden behind them.

"Perfect timing. Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel… Raguel, Sariel, Remiel… and Metatron. We have exactly Three Weeks, until Lucifer leads the army he is creating, to the Gates of Eden."

This time Uriel stepped up, to ask a question "Father, why does Lucifer assault the Garden? He has been given a whole world to rule, as was your intention… Why does he need to destroy the Garden?"

It was not Yahweh, who answered him; But instead, it was the most beautiful of the Angels; Remiel. Her form was astounding; with blonde hair, blue eyes, six wings, and tan skin; she was perfect in nearly every way, and the light she radiated was as near to God's as the other Arch-Angels'.

Her voice rang out, strong, melodic, and beautiful:

"He wants my Soul-Mate… He wants Azazael… And the only way to him, is through The Garden of Eden."

If you wanna see the version of this story that has the illustrations and makes it easier to imagine what you’re seeing, please visit the Google doc!!!


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