
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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73 Chs

Revelation of War, Part One: “The Arrival of Amalek.”

Ezrae's eyelids fluttered, his consciousness slowly returning like a distant melody growing louder. His head throbbed, disorienting him as he fought to sit up. The world spun mercilessly around him, threatening to plunge him into darkness once more.

In that crucial moment, Aaron's reflexes kicked in, and he reached out, catching Ezrae just before he plummeted to the ground. A weak chuckle escaped Ezrae's lips as he settled on the ground, leaning against the cot for support.

As he shook his head, trying to clear the fog of confusion, a sensation washed over Ezrae—an unfamiliar lightness, as if the weight he had carried since his grandfather's passing 37 years ago had suddenly dissipated.

The grief, the sorrow, the burden that had clung to him like a relentless shadow—it was gone. In its place, he felt a sense of relief, hope, and renewal coursing through his veins. Wiping the beads of sweat from his forehead, Ezrae glanced around, taking in the faces of his companions with gratitude.

His voice trembled with emotion as he whispered, "I don't know what you guys did... but thank you. I feel freer now than I have since the day my grandfather passed... Father Moses, please, enlighten me. What have I missed?"

A warm smile danced across Moses' weathered face as he gently placed a hand on Ezrae's head, offering solace and reassurance. "Rest assured, my son, we will fill you in on all that has transpired."

Moses motioned for Miriam and Aaron to join them, and together, they formed a circle, sitting cross-legged on the ground—their shared history as Israelites, leaders, and family woven into the fabric of their connection.

Over the next hour, the trio recounted the events that had unfolded in Ezrae's absence. They spoke of Caleb's miraculous return, his journey to forage the herbs for Ezrae, and his battle against a demon.

Moses recounted his encounter with Metatron, and Ezrae returned the favor with a story of his own. It was about his experience before he woke up…

In addition, they told Ezrae about the daunting threat looming on the horizon—the Amalekites.

Each tale was imbued with the resilience and unwavering faith that had sustained them throughout their arduous journey over the last 24 hours. The narratives wove together, painting a vivid tapestry of trials, victories, and unyielding determination.

Ezrae's face slightly hardened, as he turned to Miriam, and said "You need to repent… I don't know why. But everything inside of me is screaming to tell you that." Miriam bowed her head and the tent was filled with an eerie silence… until a voice cut through the heavy air like a hot knife through butter.


Startled, they turned to find Caleb, awake and beaming at Ezrae, his eyes shimmering with joy. The sight of his long-lost friend standing before him elicited a surge of overwhelming relief within Ezrae's soul.

"Ezrae... It's so good to hear your voice again." Caleb greeted him, his words infused with genuine warmth and affection.

Ezrae's heart swelled with joy as he sprang to his feet, the vigor and enthusiasm of his youth coursing through his veins. Laughter bubbled forth, engulfing the air as he lunged at Caleb, embracing him tightly.

Despite the passage of time, their bond remained unbreakable, a testament to the enduring power of friendship. It was strange; With Ezrae and Caleb reunited, the weight of uncertainty that had burdened their companions lifted.

As the impending arrival of the Amalekites loomed, a flicker of optimism ignited in their hearts. There was still time to prepare, to fortify their defenses, and to stand united against the approaching storm.

Yet… fate had other plans.

In an instant, the tranquility of the camp was shattered by the haunting sound of a horn, its piercing notes reverberating through the air. The Israelites had rallied, their preparations complete, and the Amalekites had arrived.

The ominous tone of the horn sent a shiver down Ezrae's spine, a foreboding chill that whispered of the impending battle.

Caleb's expression turned grave as he locked eyes with Ezrae, his voice laced with solemnity. "Father Yahweh has revealed the truth behind the Nation of Amalek, Ezrae. It is Baal—the fallen one, 'The Brother' himself.

He has deceived the Amalekites, who now worship him as their father. This battle will not be pure physical… but in fact will be mostly a spiritual warzone."

A hushed silence fell over the group as the weight of this revelation settled upon them. Baal, the embodiment of darkness and deceit, had ensnared an entire nation, leading them astray.

The gravity of the situation loomed large, threatening to engulf them in despair. But they were not without hope. Turning his gaze to Moses, Caleb continued, his voice steady with determination,

"These people have forsaken the true God, but we know the truth. We know Yahweh. We know that victory lies with Him. Our faith, our loyalty, and His love, is the way and the light."

Moses nodded, his weathered face etched with a steely resolve. "Indeed, Caleb. We must not underestimate the power of Baal, but you are correct; we possess an even greater strength—the unyielding connection we share with God.

He walks beside us, His divine protection our shield. His light our armor, his law our sword! Fear not, my friends, for we shall face this challenge head-on. We shall not only survive… but thrive."

Ezrae felt his resolve solidify, a renewed fire igniting within him. The road ahead appeared treacherous, fraught with danger and uncertainty. But armed with faith, unity, and the blessings of Yahweh, they would endure.

As the men headed out into the field, moses addressed the warriors of Israel; his voice resonating with unwavering conviction, as the camp came alive with purpose.

Men armed themselves, honing their skills with weapons, muscles flexing with determination and readiness. The memory of war in their muscles made it easy and natural to wield these weapons.

Each movement was infused with a newfound strength, a resolute spirit that surged through his veins. Their journey had led them to this pivotal moment, where their collective faith and unwavering will would be tested.

Moses stood tall at the forefront, his staff raised high, a beacon of hope cutting through the darkness. Addressing the troops, his voice thundered with authority and conviction, dispelling any lingering doubts.

"We stand against a formidable enemy today, my brethren. But fear not, for we are not alone! The Almighty God marches beside us, and don't you forget it!!! Trust in Him, trust in your strengths and abilities; and together, we shall emerge victorious!"

A surge of adrenaline coursed through the veins of the Israelites, their spirits aflame with unwavering faith. The stage was set, and the battle against Baal and the Amalekites awaited them.

In the crucible of adversity, they would forge their legacy, fighting not only for their people and their freedom, but for the unbreakable bond that held them together. Moses' voice rang out one final time, summoning them to the front lines of a war that could define their destiny.

"Let the battle begin!"

If you wanna see the version of this story that isn’t on webnovel, and is just on my Google Docs, to can usually watch me edit and write live!


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