
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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73 Chs

Moses, Part Two: “Persuasion & Progression.”

Metatron regarded Moses with a thoughtful gaze. "Child… Your request is not without merit, but the power of the blessing comes with incredible responsibilities and consequences. It cannot be wielded lightly. Even if you were to take it on temporarily, you are absorbing the knowledge of nearly all of history, Moses. It's not going to be fun."

Moses pleaded earnestly, his words filled with desperation. "I understand the weight of responsibility, Metatron. I am willing to bear the consequences, if it means saving Ezrae's life… Please, allow me to use the blessing just once, to restore him to health… He's my son. I can't let him die."

There was a moment of contemplation before Metatron finally sighed, before responding with, "Very well, Moses… your words have moved me, I hope your actions are as brave.

I will grant you access to the blessing, but it will only be a temporary measure. A mark on your hand shall act as a sign of this agreement, allowing you to use the power just once."

Moses bowed his head in gratitude. "Thank you, Metatron. Your wisdom and grace are unparalleled among the angels… It was quite the blessing to witness your splendor, honor, and mercy."

Metatron nodded back, and with their conversation concluded, he stretched a hand out to Moses. When he reached up and took the hand, Moses felt an intense pain rack his entire body, as he screamed and fell to the ground. Millions of images, words, faces, stories, were pouring into his mind from the ether.

He held his head in his hands and screamed for what felt like hours…

Finally, Moses snapped out of his meditation, and opened his eyes; seeing the desert around him, again. The sun hd gone down at this point, and His heart was weary, his body was exhausted, and his mind was fried… But his soul was filled with renewed hope, and purpose.

"That… was horrible… I have to remember to praise Ezrae for dealing with all this knowledge." He mumbled to himself, wiping sweat from his face, and fighting away the urge to evacuate his stomach.

He shakily stood up, determination blazing in his eyes and heart, as made his way back to the camp. He used Ezrae's staff to steady himself, knowing that Caleb, Miriam, and Aaron awaited him, as he prayed silently they were all successful in their secret mission to save Ezrae.

Armed with the Mark of Chronicles, Moses was determined to fulfill his role as a leader, and a father; and harness the power of Ezrae's blessing, to save him.

He made it back to the camp, and stumbled into the tent where Ezrae was. He sat down in a chair, and looked around, smiling at Aaron and Miriam, who were tending to Ezrae and Caleb. Worry racked his body when he saw Caleb was injured; but Miriam, meeting his gaze, said

"There is nothing to worry about, brother. His wounds have been cleaned with holy water, and alcohol. For now, he is resting."

Aaron turned to Moses, after he put a new damp towel on Ezrae's forehead. "So, were you successful, brother?" Moses, who had his head down trying to collect his brain, responded with, "Mhm." Before he looked up at Aaron, and he was in shock. "What… Aaron. What happened to your face?!"

Aaron chuckled, he had a black eye and a busted lip from his sparring match with Joshua. "Nothing, brother. Just had to remind those youngins that is old folk still got some fight left in us." He winked at Moses as he said that.

Moses rolled his eyes and chuckled lightly, "Atta boy… Yes, I was successful." He raised his hand to show the mark, which looked like a painful brand, burned into his skin. "This is called the Mark of Chronicles, and I can use it to access Ezrae's blessing one single time…"

His attention shifted to Caleb, as he walked over to, and inspected the young man. He had multiple injuries,cuts, stab wounds, and bruises… but he looked as though he was at peace. His breathing was calm, and he had a small smile on his face while he slept.

Moses couldn't help but smile with pride, as he turned to Miriam. "What happened to him? Did he tell you?" Miriam nodded, and she recounted the story that Caleb had told her about finding the Lillies, and encountering the demon.

"He was infected with demon essence, but I thoroughly cleaned his wounds with alcohol and holy water, and Aaron and I prayed over him to bless him." She finished her story and looked over at Ezrae, where they had placed the Moon-Chime Lillies. "So… we're ready when you are, brother."

Moses nodded and looked down at Ezrae's staff, which he was holding in his hands. "Don't worry little buddy, you'll be back in your owner's hands in no time." He cleared his throat, as he prepared himself to use the mark.

If you wanna see the version of this story that isn’t on webnovel, and is just on my Google Docs, to can usually watch me edit and write live!


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