
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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Moses’ Story, Part Four: “The Persona of God.”

In my hesitation, I expressed my doubts and insecurities, claiming I was not eloquent in speech. "But Lord, I can barely speak, I am shy, and I stutter…" But Yahweh reassured me, reminding me that He is the one who grants speech and abilities.

He promised to be with me and guide me, teaching me what to say, and guiding my tongue, saying, "So then go, and I myself will be your mouth, and I will teach you what you must speak."

Feeling inadequate still, I pleaded with God to send someone else in my place. But His anger with me was kindled, and He reminded me of my brother Aaron, saying, "Is there not Aaron your brother, the Levite elder born before the dark decree of Rameses I??

I know that certainly HE can speak, and you know it, too. He misses you, Moses, and when he sees you, he will rejoice in his heart. In turn, you will speak to him, and you will put words in his mouth, that I myself will give to you and to him, and I will teach you both what you must do."

To bolster my faith and the faith of the Israelites, God granted me visions of miraculous signs, consequences, and actions that He would perform through me. These signs would serve as a testimony of His power and authority, not only to the Pharaoh, but to the Israelites, as well.

So, with a mix of trepidation and trust, and all of my complaints subdued, I accepted God's calling for me. I praised his name, gathered my flock, and headed back to my father-in-law Jethro. When I got there, I told him everything that happened, and asked him for his approval to take my family back to Egypt, in the name of the God of my fore-fathers.

He agreed to my terms, and cut us free from his service, and we left… To go confront Pharaoh, challenge the might of Egypt, and lead my people on a journey toward freedom—a journey that would shape the destiny of the Israelites and reveal the glory of Yahweh to all the nations.

From there, we followed the stars, being guided by Yahweh to my brother Aaron, who welcomed me home with open arms, as Yahweh had spoken to him in his dreams.

God had told us to bring together the elders of the tribes of Israel, and demonstrate some of the miracles he had shown me, and start the redemption to Him, as well as the emancipation of the Israelites… and so we did.

The night I returned, we gathered all of the elders of the Israelites, and I told them my tale. As I stood before them, a mix of anticipation and genuine nervousness filled my heart. I could almost feel my teeth chattering as my heart beat in my throat.

This was a critical moment, for their trust and belief in me would shape our journey to freedom. On either side of me stood my siblings; Aaron and Miriam, in order to support me no matter what.

I took a deep breath and spoke with a steady voice, "Dear elders of Israel, thank you for being here tonight. I have brought you together because something incredible is about to unfold. The Lord has spoken to me, choosing me to lead our people out of slavery."

The elders exchanged curious glances, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. One of them stepped forward and asked, "Moses, why have you gathered us here? What is it that you have to show us? And on that note… where have you been all these years?

I met their eyes, feeling a surge of determination. "I brought you here in order to witness the signs, actions, and miracles that the Lord has given me. Through these wonders, you will see that God has called me to be your leader, and guide our people out of Egypt, to a promised land of milk and honey. It is a way to strengthen your faith and ignite the hope within you."

They nodded, their interest piqued. It had been hundreds of years since Yahweh had made contact with an y. With the support of Aaron and the power of God behind me, I knew it was time to reveal the miracles entrusted to me.

Raising my staff high above my head, I could feel the weight of its significance. Taking a deep breath, I threw it forcefully onto the ground, and as it landed, my eyes glowed pink for a second. In an instant, before all of our astonished eyes, the staff transformed into a serpent, its slithering form a testament to the power of the Almighty. Upon its forehead was a shimmering symbol, Ω.

Gasps of awe and wonder filled the air as the serpent twisted and turned, a living embodiment of God's authority on earth. The elders leaned forward, their skepticism giving way to a glimmer of belief, wrought upon them by the impossibility in front of their eyes.

But I knew I had to do more to solidify their faith. Yahweh had warned me so, after all. So, with a determined resolve, I reached into the folds of my cloak as if to get something, and then slowly withdrew my hand. To my horror, my once healthy hand was now afflicted with leprosy. But not just any leprosy, T'zarrat.

Ooze dripped from open sores, my skin flaked off and even some of my bone was exposed from the advanced degradation. The elders gasped, their faces etched with concern and disbelief.

Holding back any trace of fear, and swallowing the pain I was in, I reassured them, "Fear not, for the Lord will heal me. Yahweh is with us, and that will never change."

I put my hand in my cloak again, closed my eyes, and fervently prayed for restoration and healing. The warmth of God's presence enveloped me, and I withdrew my hand once more. To their amazement, my hand emerged from the folds of my cloak completely healed, unafflicted, and restored to its original health.

Their doubt waned as their voices filled with awe and reverence. "Truly, this is the work of our God. He is with you, Moses! Is there anything else Yahweh has told you to show us??"

I smiled, nodding, as I approached the sacred Nile, a symbol of Egypt's power and oppression. Taking a small glass chalice out of my pack, I scooped a glass of water from its mighty depths, and poured it upon the ground. As it hit the sand and pooled, the water transformed into blood; giving a vivid demonstration of divine judgment and God's dominion over all.

The elders stood in utter amazement, their eyes fixed on the crimson puddle. The power of God was undeniable, a force that surpassed the might of any earthly ruler… And they were all convinced the God of their fathers had returned to them."

If you wanna see the version of this story that isn’t on webnovel, and is just on my Google Docs, to can usually watch me edit and write live!


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