
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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Israel in the Exodus: “The First Days in the Desert.”

The Sun had begun to set, as Ezrae sat down next to his best friend, and adopted father, Moses. The two of them shared some banter and small talk, and discussed the day's events.

They were interrupted every few minutes or so, as another Israelite would stop by their fire, and give their thanks and praises to Moses. Ezrae would smile, and look upon his best friend with pride, awe, and respect.

It was the 4th day of the week, and 3 days earlier, on the first day of the week, Moses, through the miracles and plagues of Lord Yahweh; had successfully convinced the Pharaoh, King Ramses II, to let the Israelites be freed from their slavery, and leave the land of Egypt.

The Israelites had bore witness to the power of God first hand; having watched as The Lord rained 10 separate and horrifying plagues upon Egypt, and her people.

During the plagues, the Israelites were given SPECIFIC instruction. Moses's commands to the Israelites, which were given to him by Yahweh, spared them the Wrath of God.

The rest of Egypt, however, and ESPECIALLY the Pharaoh; experienced the bitter pain at the bite of His sword. This led to the birth of the "Holiday" of Passover, and the Freedom & Exodus of the Israelites to The Promised Land.

However, earlier that day, after 3 days of traveling, the Israelites discovered they were being pursued by King Ramses II, and his armies. The Pharaoh's heart had become hardened, as he mourned the loss of his first-born.

He had suffered, and changed his mind almost immediately after freeing the Israelites… He wanted them to suffer as he did.

He then sent a massive contingency of his army to hunt down and destroy the Israelites. He required vengeance, and no "God," was going to stop that.

As Israel packed up their camp around noon, they could see the Egyptians approaching on the horizon. In turn, they called out to Moses for guidance, and to Yahweh for help.

It's here that Moses again spoke with God, as the Israelites fled from the encroaching Egyptians. At first, Yahweh told Moses to tell the Israelites to be quiet and to be calm, and they would be able to outrun the Pharaoh and his men.

Unfortunately, they did not listen, and they panicked more as the day progressed; asking Moses again and again to ask Yahweh for help. Their failure to focus on their task of escaping, was causing them to fail worse, as King Ramses II got closer, and closer.

And so, Yahweh told Moses to "Stretch out your hand over the sea, and raise your staff to the sky; and We will move the ocean itself. With a strong wind all through the night, The Lord God will divide the waters, and give the Israelites a path of escape."

Moses did as he was told, and the Red Sea was split, and a highway of dry ground was opened up to the Israelites, in order for them to escape.

Moses led the Israelites through this new path, where the water raised up like solid walls on either side of them. The Egyptians pursued them still; and in response, Yahweh sent down a Pillar of Fire, Smoke, and Dust, in order to confuse and panic the pursuing Egyptian Army.

And then, Yahweh said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand over the sea, and raise your staff to the sky once more; and We will let the waters return over the Egyptians, over their chariots, and over their charioteers."

And so, Moses did as he was told… He again stretched out his hand over the sea, and raised his staff to the sky. The sea violently returned to its normal level and positioning, and the Egyptians attempted to escape the dangerous, rushing waters.

However, Yahweh swept them into the middle of the sea, saving the Israelites; despite their faltering faith; and dispersed the cloud of Smoke, Dust, and Flames.

In response to being saved, being freed, and being given grace & charity by Yahweh; the Israelites sang, danced, and celebrated their hearts out, in praise to Him.

The women went forth, and danced, and played their tambourines, exalting Him and His glory. The children danced alongside their mothers and their grandmothers.

The men praised His most holy name; praying, calling out shouts of, "Shalom! Praise be!" And "Baruch HaShem Adonai Eloheinu!" All the while, celebrating with the women and children.

Ezrae looked on, smiling at this festival of happiness, and feeling completely at ease, for the first time in 50 years. He nodded to another of the Israelites, as they broke contact with Moses and walked away.

If you wanna see the version of this story that has the illustrations and makes it easier to imagine what you’re seeing, please visit the Google doc!!!


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