
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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73 Chs

Inside Ezrae’s Memories, Part One: “The Tale of Baal'zebul.”

Moses settled down by the crackling fire, the flames casting flickering shadows across the faces of both Moses and Ezrae. The air was still, as if holding its breath in anticipation of the story about to unfold. Moses looked at Ezrae, his eyes filled with wisdom and a deep understanding of the struggles they both faced.

"Ezrae… You are a chosen of Yahweh, now. This means you are open to so many dangers that you may have never considered before." Moses began, his voice carrying the weight of experience and knowledge.

"Let me tell you the tale of Baal'zebul, a fallen archangel who once walked among the celestial ranks, but fell to a path of darkness."

Ezrae leaned closer, his eyes fixed on Moses, eager to soak in every word.

"Originally, he was known as Baal'zebul or simply Ba'al, and he was an archangel, and was a member of an elite group of angels known as 'The Echelon,'" Moses explained.

"These ten archangels held tremendous power, and Baal'zebul embodied the regenerative energy of the Moon, and the tranquility of the night sky, as the 'Silvernight.'"

Moses paused for a moment, allowing the essence of Baal'zebul's angelic origins to settle in Ezrae's mind.

"But alas, Baal'zebul's fate took a turn toward darkness," Moses continued. "Alongside Lucifer, who was his closest brother, and was known as the Morningstar, and a third of the angels from the legions of heaven; he rebelled against the divine order and was cast out of Heaven.

In anger, hurt, and vengeance, Baal'zebul renounced his connection to God, forsaking his divine essence and embracing a path of darkness, blasphemy, and active defiance."

Ezrae's eyes widened, captivated by the magnitude of Baal'zebul's choice.

"Once banished, Baal'zebul roamed the mortal realm alone, filled with resentment toward Lucifer, whom he blamed for his own disgrace, " Moses recounted.

"He wandered as a self-proclaimed god, manipulating and deceiving various tribes throughout history. Baal'zebul offered his false divinity, magic, and seduction until the true worship of God prevailed in those people, or God's Wrath extinguished those who had strayed from His Truth."

Ezrae's breath hitched as he realized the far-reaching consequences of Baal'zebul's actions. "Wow…" he whispered under his breath, his mind reeling. He had heard a lot of these names before, but none of them had been too significant until now…

"But Lucifer, recognizing the power and potential in his fallen brother, approached Baal'zebul on three separate occasions, offering him a place in what would become known as 'The Unholy Triumvirate,'" Moses continued.

"The first time was immediately after their fall, when Lucifer sought a companion, power, and an ally. Vulnerable, hurt, and abandoned, the two brothers attempted to reconcile.

Yet, Baal'zebul, consumed by bitterness, and hatred, blamed Lucifer for his banishment and turned his back on him. He abandoned his brother, and made his way into the world on his own."

A shudder ran through Ezrae as he grappled with the weight of these angelic conflicts. Although he knew Lucifer was pure Evil, Ezrae couldn't help feel bad for him, relating to him through his feelings of abandonment and loss.

"The second opportunity arose after the Great Flood," Moses recounted. "Lucifer had saved the majority of the fallen, along with a majority of his armies of demons, devils, and Nephilim; by leading them to the newly created, cavernous realm of Hell, through the mountains Lucifer landed in when he Fell.

Baal'zebul expressed gratitude for his brother's actions, but he was not yet ready to join him. Instead, he sought a way to defy God, either by destroying Him, or ascending to His divine status."

Ezrae's eyes widened, the complexity of Baal'zebul's motivations beginning to take shape. How could someone, anyone, even a former Archange, 'Ascend to the divine status of God?!'

Ezrae shook his head and wiped his mouth, noticing he was thirsty. He reached for his canteen and took a drink, before offering it to Moses, who smiled and took a sip, before passing it back and continuing his story.

"The final invitation came after the judgement at The Tower of Babel," Moses said, his voice tinged with a mix of caution and significance.

"By then, Baal'zebul had amassed immense power, and the people equated his name with 'Lord,' even worshiping him as 'Elohim,' the true god… He had tricked an entire generation of humanity into thinking they were greater than God, and could ascend to Heaven, simply by building a tower to get there."

Ezrae gasped, a mix of awe and horror coursing through his veins.

"Yahweh, deeply angered by this blasphemy, cast confusion upon the people of Babel, fragmenting their languages and dispersing them across the earth," Moses explained.

"The pompous society that had forgotten the true nature of God was torn apart by His divine intervention, and scattered to the four corners of the earth to seek His face again."

Ezrae's mind spun with the sheer magnitude of God's power and justice.

"In the wake of this event, Baal'zebul, highly angered by Yahweh's wrath, returned to Hell." Moses continued. "He sought out Lucifer, vowing his loyalty to him, and completing the Unholy Triumvirate, along with his brother Lucifer, and their Sister, Satana.

Together, they ruled over demons, devils, and all the darkness that plagued humanity. Baal'zebul agreed to all of this and more; basically agreeing to become soul-bound to Lucifer and Satana… However, he had one insidious condition— He demanded that all of hell embark on a quest to achieve the impossible… To find a way to kill God."

"But fear not, my young friend," Moses said, his voice filled with unwavering faith. "You have been chosen as the Staff-Bearer, 'The Storyteller.'

Your purpose is to counter darkness with light, to share tales of God's love, mercy, and triumph over the forces of evil. Your role is not to destroy, but to inspire, to ignite hope in the hearts of those who have lost their way."

Ezrae felt a surge of confidence welling up within him, a profound understanding of his purpose. He was slightly overwhelmed and could feel tears begin to start selling up in his eyes, as he sniffled, while listening to Moses.

"Remember, Ezrae, that Baal'zebul's tale is a reminder of the choices we face," Moses emphasized. "We can either succumb to the allure of power and darkness or embrace our divine calling, shining light even in the darkest corners of the world."

Ezrae pontificated upon this, and asked Moses "But… what does that have to do with the thing that attacked me?"

Moses smiled, and said "Everything, silly boy. The thing that attacked you was a demon, and based on its construction, and personality, it was one of his… one of Baal's.

Which means he is back; back to his old ways of torturing the chosen of Yahweh; back to manipulating the tribes of earth, and back to trying to find a way to kill God…"

Ezrae gasped as the realization set in… His bloodline was more than just Storytellers… They were Holy Warriors.

If you wanna see the version of this story that isn’t on webnovel, and is just on my Google Docs, to can usually watch me edit and write live!


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