
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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73 Chs

In the Interim: “Inside Ezrae’s Broken Mind.”

Ezrae sat cross-legged, having finished his food. He smiled at Shelomith, as she took a bite of bread and covered her mouth shyly. She smiled back at him, swallowed her food and sighed.

She had stalled long enough. It was time to tell Ezrae the truth. She looked away from him, as she could already feel tears forming in her eyes, and cleared her throat.

"Ezrae, I…" she choked up, as the tears started flowing. She closed her eyes and tried to catch her breath, and she felt a warm hand on her cheek.

"Hey, Shel… It's okay. Whatever is the problem, together we can beat it. We always have." Shelomith opened her eyes, and through her tears she could see Ezrae's big, happy, stupid smile

"You stupid boy. You big stupid boy. We aren't going to work through anything, we're not going to beat anything. I'm sorry, but my father's life hangs in the balance, and I will do whatever is necessary to help him…

Ezrae, I'm being forced to marry. And it's not to you. And it's not even to an Israelite.. I hate this, and I don't know why Yahweh would do this to me. It's so clear that I am supposed to be with you… Not this aggressive stranger."

Ezrae was momentarily stunned, and nearly speechless, as he felt tears begin to well up in his own eyes. His hands fell into his lap, and his head hung low, as he mumbled back, "…When?"

Shelomith sniffled and wiped her eyes. "Tomorrow. Or at least… I was supposed to. Because of what happened earlier today, my husband-to-be allowed us to push the date back a week…"

Ezrae shook his head in disbelief. "And you thought it would just be better to completely separate yourself from us? And Divora and Reyna were just okay with that, too? What about your soul? What about your faith? What about eternity?"

All of the emotions of the day; losing his grandfather, losing Amon, and now understanding he has to lose Shelomith, too, was too much. Ezrae broke down and sobbed heavily, laying next to Shelomith on The Plateau.

She held him tight and tenderly ran her fingers through his hair while he cried. They probably laid there for an hour, before Ezrae finally calmed down and hit a point of slight catharsis.

When Ezrae HAD finally calmed down, Shelomith softly said, "I'll answer all of your questions, and more… I guess it's time for the little storyteller to be told a story, instead of tell one." They smiled together, and Ezrae sadly chuckled, before Shelomith continued.

"6 months ago as of tomorrow, there was a terrible accident at the Giza Mines. My father was working there with a group of Israelite men, helping to work on the Labyrinth. As always, the Egyptian Guards stationed at the mines were miserable to be there.

The Mines are where the Royal Guard likes to send the more… Undesirable guards; those that they deem as 'Problematic.'

Those who have been caught accepting bribes, threatening civilians, or acting unlawfully. Instead of discharging them, they either kill them, or they send them to the Mines, to supervise the slaves who are carving out the Labyrinth of the Serpent.

Because of this, the Labyrinth Guards

are known to be notoriously harsh on the Israelites; taking out their frustrations with their own mistakes, on us. And that's exactly what happened to my father, Dibri."

Shelomith sighed, her voice beginning to shake, as a single tear rolled down her face. Ezrae, who was quiet and contemplative, reached over to her and wiped it away, smiling. "It's okay, take your time… we have a week, after all." He said with a chuckle.

She shook her head and took another deep breath, before continuing. "As I was saying, the guard at the mines are jaded, harsh, and practically evil men. One of them, by the name of Jabari, was extra angry that day, for some reason.

He was working as a Labyrinth Guard with his brother Kosey, and father Eramir.they were peasants who had worked hard to become guards… just like Amon had…

But, I guess, dad told me later; that they were caught running a black market spice racket, and the Royal Court gave them the option of Death; or 50 years in the Mines. Obviously, they chose the mines… and apparently, they weren't very happy about it…

Jabari, Kosey, and Eramir were being particularly harsh on the Israelites; who stood strong, took the beatings, and did not retaliate. Apparently, this just angered Jabari more, because he decided to hit my father with a whip, at a very inopportune time.

My Dad, taking his frustrations with the Guards, and the day's work; swung his pickaxe extra hard, just as Jabari hit him. Wincing in pain and anger, the trajectory of his pickaxe changed; and he hit the support beam next to him…

The entirety of Corridor 33 collapsed… My father was just outside of the cave-in range, and he watched as 3 Israelites; 3 of his friends, and brothers; and Jabari… were buried under tons and tons of rock, and dirt."