
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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73 Chs

Genesis Unearthed: “Legends of the Beginning.”

"In the beginning, God created the Cosmos, The Planets, and the Earth. From there, he created the Sun & Moon, the plants of Eartg, the animals of Earth, and finally, the Human race, before he rested on the 7th day.

However, before he "perfected" humanity, he first made a couple of… shall we say… slight miscalculations? "

Ezrae paused for a second, watching the children as they stared at the sands and the moving pictures, mouths agape, attention captured.

He chuckled at them, no matter how many times they've seen this, it's still awe-inspiring to them. He cleared his throat and continued his story.

"The original plan for humanity was not exactly what we ended up being...

Yahweh, having found much success giving His Angels, and some of His animals; multiple limbs, faces, hearts, and wings; made the original blueprint for humanity in a similar manner.

When God created the first human, he made them from the dust of the earth, and the air of the skies. Breathing life into their lungs, he named them "Genesis" and they had two distinct halves; one half male was male, and the other half was female.

In addition, Genesis had two minds, 4 legs, and 4 arms. They had two distinct personalities, as well as two seperate sets of genitalia, and organs.

However, the two halves were conjoined at the spine, and could not see one another, or properly communicate or connect, even though they shared a heart.

These difficulties of communication and connection between the two halves, due to their orientation, affected their psyche, as they felt alone and isolated. Because of this, God was displeased with His original blueprint, seeking something more like Himself…

Creatures made in His image, who depend on one another to survive; creatures of emotion, love, strength, and weakness; rather than the creatures he made to be his army, convoy, and personal guard.

As such, He used His divine power to separate and re-form the two halves, creating humanity as it would come to be known; one distinct entity being a male, and one distinct entity being a female.

These two, who would become the first two humans, would still be connected by their hearts, however. A powerful arcane tether that looked like a shimmering, golden thread, connected their hearts together.

God went on to name these first two humans "Adam," which meant "Of The Earth," and Lilith, which meant "Of The Winds," naming them for what they were originally made from; Air & Dust.

At first, they were happy; entirely content living their days in the Garden of Eden along with their Lord and God, Yahweh. Now, God had given both of them free will, and as Lilith went off to explore the Garden of Eden, God gave Adam his First Covenant; basically, a set of rules, for him and Lilith to follow.

The First Rule that Yahweh taught Adam, was that the female must be the perfect helpmate for the male; supporting him, loving him, and submitting to him.

In return, it was Adam's job to lead humanity on a good and righteous path; and to lead his wife, and their children, and pass on the ideals and teachings of Yahweh, The Father, The One and Only God.

The Second Rule was that He taught Adam that his job was to be the progenitor for the human race; and Lilith was to be the one to give birth to them. As such, secondary meanings of their names were revealed…

Lilith, which meant "Of the Winds," had a secondary meaning of "The Birth-Giver." Adam, which meant "Of the Earth," had a secondary meaning of "The First King."

The Third Rule that Yahweh taught to Adam, was that He, Yahweh, was their one and only God, and He was the ultimate Authority.

The Fourth Rule set forth by the Father, said they were to worship and revere Him, and only Him. And they needed to keep these commandments; for the laws and influences of all others are those of false prophets, and idols, and those should be cast out, as they have no place in the Kingdom of Eden.

And, the fifth and final rule He gave to them was a set of 2 Non-Negotiable Prohibitions:

To never eat from the Tree of Life. For when they do, they will surely die.

And to never eat from the Tree of Knowledge. For on the day that they do, they will meet a fate even worse than death.

5 simple rules to follow, with an overall theme; To keep your eyes on God. Simple enough, right?

Yeah, Adam thought so, too.

He went and found his wife, Lilith, as she frolicked through the fields of Marigold and Daybell, and joined her in her revelry.

After an hour or two, they rested at the top of a hill in the field they were in; with the big cedar tree on it. Here, Adam told Lilith of the Covenant he had made for them with God.

At first, Lilith was slightly upset, but didn't know how to show it or talk about it, since she had never felt this kind of emotion before. She felt slightly betrayed, and didn't understand what it meant…

All she knew was that she felt hurt that Adam hadn't talked to her about this "Covenant," before he had made & agreed to it, on both of their behalf.

However, seeing as how Yahweh had decreed Lilith to be Adam's submissive; his wife, his servant, and his best friend; Lilith swallowed her pain, and moved on. Many years passed, and they enjoyed bliss together, within the Garden, and Lilith gave birth to 100 Children with Adam.

However, as the years wore on; Lilith's patience with this "Covenant" wore thin; and her love and patience for Adam, too, ran thin. This, in fact, had begun to be shown.

The fraying of the thread that connected their hearts, though that thread had now multiplied by a hundred, connecting Adam, Lilith, and their children together, beginning to weave upon the Loom of Fate, using the Yarn of Fate.

"These threads were ethereal in nature, and only seemed to connect the humans together; alluding to the idea that we are all connected; and our relationships to one another, are what builds our reality… much like how a spider builds his web; together, we build our world."

Ezrae stopped for a second, allowing the sands to fall to the ground momentarily, as he could see more people had gathered to see and hear his story, and were waiting patiently to join in. When the spell had dropped, 20 or so more people; a mixture of men, women, and children, joined the crowd, sitting at Ezrae's feet.

He smiled at everyone and stood up, silently walking over to put more wood on the fire, and taking a sip of water from his Waterskin. He moved back over to his place and took a seat again, clearing his throat to start the next leg of the story.

If you wanna see the version of this story that has the illustrations and makes it easier to imagine what you’re seeing, please visit the Google doc!!!


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