
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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73 Chs

Catching Everyone Up: "A Warm Reunion."

Hur looked at Moses with a mix of surprise and curiosity. "Moses... You jest, surely. Why has God felt it necessary to bless me with a new name?"

Moses's smile widened as he reached out and ruffled Hur's hair affectionately. "Well... to put it bluntly... Caleb was a traitor to Israel.

He abandoned us 37 years ago in the pursuit of revenge, choosing anger, pain, and isolation. He forsook the assembly, the community who cared for him, and abandoned his brothers and sisters."

Hur's heart sank as he absorbed the weight of Caleb's betrayal. The memories of that fateful day flooded back, and he felt a surge of emotions. But Moses's words continued, offering hope and redemption.

"But now, he has been born again. YOU have been born again, Hur. You have returned to Israel, shown yourself to be worthy, and proven that your heart is true, with the light of God shining in you. So welcome home, 'Hur, the Bright.'"

Hur wiped away the tears that had welled up in his eyes and smiled back at Moses, his heart filled with gratitude. "Yes... I promised that I would tell you everything, as long as Ezrae survived. Yahweh gave me a message for him, and I intend to deliver it."

With his scimitar and staff in hand, Hur began to walk back to the camp, with Aaron and Moses following closely behind. As they made their way through the Israelite camp, Hur couldn't help but take in the surroundings. Despite the modesty of their dwellings, the beauty of their culture shone brightly.

The women tended to their husbands, gently caring for them after the battle with Amalek. The most critically injured were being attended to by skilled physicians, their wounds tended with care and compassion. The children played and celebrated their freedom, their laughter and joy echoing through the camp. The elderly found rest in odd places, smiling lovingly at their families, observing the bustling community with contentment.

Hur felt a sense of belonging and peace wash over him. For 37 long years, he had yearned for this. The true community of the children of God, the love that flowed freely between them, living a life of truth and light.

Lost in his thoughts, a voice called out to Hur, bringing him back to the present. Moses spoke, his voice warm and understanding. "I know you are deep in contemplation, my son, but we're here. Are you ready to tell a story to the storyteller?"

Hur chuckled, sharing a lighthearted moment with Moses, as they entered the tent. Ezrae, his long-lost brother, looked up with a mixture of worry and anticipation. When he saw Hur, a wide smile broke across his face, and he jumped up, exclaiming, "Caleb! You're really here!" He enveloped Hur in a tight embrace, their reunion filled with emotion.

Moses intervened, shaking his head gently. "Not quite, Ezrae... Caleb is gone now. This is Hur, the Bright. The newest High Priest of Israel. He will be one to lead the future of our nation, alongside you and Joshua."

Ezrae's eyes widened in astonishment as he turned to Moses, seeking answers. "Moses... you said you weren't going to make it to the promised land... What did you mean? How could YOU not make it to the promised land? You're our leader, our father, our king!"

Moses sighed, his gaze filled with a mixture of sorrow and acceptance. He comforted Ezrae, placing a hand on his shoulder, while Hur stood beside them, offering silent support. "Ezrae, my dear son, the time has come for me to pass the torch. Joshua will lead you to the promised land. It is God's will, and we must trust in His plan."

Hur interjected, his voice filled with warmth and assurance. "It's good to see that some things never change, Ezrae. We all have our own stories to tell, don't we?" As he finished speaking, his stomach growled loudly, breaking the tension in the air. Laughter erupted from everyone in the tent, bringing a sense of relief and unity.

Miriam rose from her seat, shaking her head with a smile. "Alright, I think we could all use some food and a little bit of rest. Let's take an hour to relax, eat, and enjoy each other's company. Then, we can exchange stories. I'll go fetch us all some food."

The anticipation of sharing their tales and strengthening the bonds that held them together filled the air. The 4 men, Aaron, Moses, Hur, and Ezrae, waited on Miriam to return, each of them choosing to rest quietly and enjoy each other's company. Miriam went and fetched a meal of Lamb, 2 loaves of bread, olives, lentils, and figs.

As they sat down to savor the meal and embrace the camaraderie, Hur felt a renewed sense of purpose. He was an Israelite… A Child of God… And he was home… FINALLY.

Once again surrounded by his people; he was ready to lead, willing to learn, and eager to contribute to the legacy of Israel.

If you wanna see the version of this story that isn’t on webnovel, and is just on my Google Docs, to can usually watch me edit and write live!


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