
The twist

The princess was taken back and astonished on seeing herself in such a state ,it all felt like a dream and after some time of realization she recognized the place she was it was the palace that was mentioned in one of her old frames ,she was filled with excitement, the irony of the situation and the advancement of the device astonished the team

The output response of the character that was closely simulated and made with carefull advanced personality building techniques was beyond the the expectation of the team thar built it ,they immediately stopped the advanced simualator and called the team of design to immediately come over

The coffee break of today was the most heart clutching moment ,is technology going beyond what we fathom or understand?

Are we creating a world on life in a simulatory world they all wondered in silence

Not knowing what to say to each other and that was the moment They dread took over them and they did not know what to say or do ,shivering on the inside but will bold faces they tried to stay strong and face the consequences of their own works

Shortly after the coffee break the design team arrived and assured them that this was suerly an expected outcome and has no harm and they turned on the device after looking into the background details of the project

The first few moments were completely unfathomable as the princess stars to look around the palace with glee and gladness ,they just realized that when structuring the background and the impact of past experiences of the character they sketched they were able to restore the memory and the experiences more accurately than ever

And the princess started walking around all over the place she touched the pillars with a sense of nostalgia and then suddenly remembered what happened and why she was hear ,she was afraid, the meters measuring the emotional quotient started beeping and one of the technitians despite being asked to stay quite fed thought patterns of calmness and stillness but the code crashed and the emotions were still at the highest peak