
The Lost Hero's Advent

A class of Hero was summoned to a world which is on the verge of collapse because of the invasion of the demon lord. Each of them received powerful abilities except for Andre. With no exceptional power at all, he thrived to became powerful to return back to earth but because of a accident he got separated with his class to an unknown place. With a mediocre power, Can he return? I will be posting this to royalroad. com

doragon · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 7 Reina's Past

Third Person POV

After hearing Instructor Eve's instruction, each one of the heroes started to look for a group that they can join. Andre was with Fatty looking for a suitable group for them when Andre saw Reina approaching them. 

"Let's find someone there, Fatty" Andre said to Fatty as he went to the other direction avoiding Reina. 

"B-but I can see Reina walking towards our direction. It looks like she want to join us" Fatty stopped Andre when he saw Reina approaching them. Andre look at him and said with a pained expression as he dragged away fatty. 

"Don't be stupid. She already have a group and if she join us, we will just be burden for her.  With both our skills being mediocre,  we should just look for other people who can complement our skills. I don't want cause any more trouble for her, fatty, so let's go find some groupmates please"

"okay, let's go if that's what you want. I understand" 

Looking  at Andre's pained expression,  Fatty somewhat understood the situation he was in.  

'Andre ia always save by Reina, it must hurt his ego' Fatty thought.

Reina tried catched up to them but her friends blocked her way. 

"Rei, why not join us we still lack one member" One of her friend suggested. 

"b-but I------"Okay I'll be glad to" Reina tried to turn them down but when she lost sight of andre, she just force her smile and accepted their offer. 

'Is he still angry with me?' Reina asked herself. She can feel that the distance with Andre was growing ever since that night. She didn't want this. She didnt want to be ignored by Andre, that was the very last thing that she want to happen.


For Reina, Andre is more than a friend. It pained her seeing Andre avoiding her.  He was her family. The closest one more than her parents.

Andre was Reina's only friend when they were kids. Andre was her savior. She was her comfort zone. 

She was boyish when they were kids, that's a fact. 

Rei was always bullied when she was in elementary school because of her short hair and boyish looks.  Because of this,  she started to hate everyone. She even started avoiding them. 

Her life became a home to school and school to home but one day, in an unexpected twist of fate, he met a boy in the riverside. At first, she taught he was a girl in a boy's clothes because of his silk-like hair and her long eyelashes.

She just finished crying at that time when the boy approached her holding a baseball bat.  She was terrified when she saw a boy holding a bat in front of her.  She taught he was going to smash her to death.

"hey you!  want to play baseball?" The boy asked her in a proud way. 

"huh?!!!" Reina looked at him in an annoyed expression. 

"don't huh me?  instead of sulking there like an old man, why not play with me" the boy said with a slight mock on his face. 

"tch!  I'm not an old man!!!!  I'm a girl!!!" Reina shouted on top of her lungs.

"Oh you're a girl?" the boy looked at her, full of surprised. 

"Y-you also thought that I was a boy, right!!? every one of you are the same!! I'm gonna punch you in the face" Reina snapped and tried to punch the boy but  stopped by the boys word. 

"I don't really care If you're a girl or A boy.  What important is I challenge you to a battle!  Are you scared?" the boy declared. 

"is that so!  then I'll show you my fastball try  to hit it you gay!" Reina puffed her cheeks as she tried to retort. 

"what gay!! you tomboy!!" 

In that very moment, Reina was having fun in her heart's content. It was her first argument  with someone that you could call fun.  It was very long time since she felt that kind of enjoyment. 

"What are you doing?  do you really know how to play this game?  you didn't even hit anything yet. " Reina said mockingly as she threw the ball. 

"Spinning Tornado!!"

The boy swing his bat with all of his strength spinning like crazy but he did not hit anything.  The boy collapsed on the ground with his eyes spinning like a rollercoaster. 

" hahahah what spinning tornado? are you an idiot?" Reina laugh as she looked at the boy collapsed  on the ground. 

"Shut up! It was my first time today! " the boy said while catching his breathe. 

"You are weak hahaha" Reina once again laughed seeing the boy catching his breathe.  They were not even playing for 30 minutes but he was already out cold.

"Yeah yeah,  I get that a lot but I wont give up. But I may say,  for a girl you are pretty strong. Those balls I can't even hit it even once"

"We'll I play baseball with father before! " Reina proudly said as she also laid on the grass.

"I will now declared you as equal so lets play again sometimes"declared the boy. Reina eyes sparkled brightly when she heard what the boy said.

"A-are you sure?  do you really want to play with me? people called me tomboy and dont want to play with me" 

"Isn't that great that you are equal to boys?  while me they always think that I'm a girl.  It's really sad, you know, but I just let it not affect who I am. well,  It doesn't even matter if you're a boy or a girl as long as you enjoy what you are doing" the boy said as he glanced to orange tinged sky.

"Yeah, I guess so. well,  I also thought of   a girl at first" Reina smiled. Something inside of her change. She became at peace at that time, looking at the same sky as the boy beside her. 

"Ouch that hurts! well I'm already used to it.  By the way, I don't even know your name. I'm Andre." Andre smiled as he offered his hand for a fist bump. 

"So your name is Andre. My name is Reina, Nice to meet you, Andre" Reina also made a fist bump colliding it with Andre's fist.  on that day there friendship began. 

"Reina huh, It's like queen in english.(Reyna "filipino" word for queen)  my first friend in this town, well let me just call you Rei(Boyish name) .The shorter the better and it rhymes perfectly with my name.  Rei, Andre hahahah"

"if that's what you want AN-"DO-REI"(SLAVE)-KUN! " Reina laughed in heart's content as she run away. 

"Why does it sounds degrading, You!  What does that mean? Are you mocking me!" Andre also stood up running after Reina. 

"Hi-Mit-Su" Reina winked with her tongue sticking out teasing Andre.

"W-what's that?  i don't understand!" Not understanding Japanese words, Andre just stand there dumbfounded. 

"I'm here tomorrow afternoon, lets play again. I will make sure to hit your throws tommorow!! " Andre shouted as they part their ways.

Reina walked home with a smile in her face. Today, she found a friend, a real friend. Finally, those lonely days without a friend were over.

The next morning, Reina was outside of their house on the way to school when she saw a familiar face just next to their house. 

"W-why are you here, Andre-kun? " Reina saw the same boy she met on the riverside. he was wearing the same uniform logo as she was.

"Oh its you Rei?  Well I don't expect that l'm living next to your house.  We just got here yesterday. Oh! that's nice! we also going in the same school. I'm glad to be at the same school as you. Please  take care of me" Andre smiled happily as he point on Reina with both of his hands with a gun-like pose. 

Since that day Reina and Andre became best friends.  It also changed Reina's look in life. That's why for her, Andre was the reason who she was today.