
The Lost Haruno

Someone reincarnated in Naruto as Sakura's Twin brother that got lost in the Nine-Tails attack.

FanFic_104 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


I was just chilling in the warm darkness before something started to pull on me. The pain that came with it was unbearable as it was happening. After some time I bright light blinded me and the pain was gone then I heard some muffled voices.

+3rd Pov+

In a hospital room, a woman is giving birth. The woman has blonde hair and green eyes. On the side holding her hand was a guy with dark pink hair and green eyes. There were also a bunch of doctors and nurses. After the woman was pushed out came a baby girl.

The woman was happy because she always wanted one. The doctor cut the cord and handed the baby to the nurses. After the woman started to push again and out came a boy. Everyone was surprised because they were only expected one baby. Still, the doctor cut the cord and handed it to the nurses.

Once they were done cleaning the babies they gave the Mother the babies.

SM: "The girl will be Sakura Haruno and the boy will be sent to the orphanage."

The man seemed surprised but let it be. He knew his wife only wanted a daughter. One of the nurses took the baby away to an orphanage.

+Time Skip/Dan's Pov+

After some time I realized many things. One was I was reborn in Naruto. Two I somehow related to Sakura. Three it is a day before the Nine-Tails attack. Four I'm in an orphanage. Now all I gotta do is wait and wish that I survive.

+Next Day+

It is the day of the attack and it is nighttime. That means it's going to start soon.

As an hour passed I started to hear screaming. I assumed it was the people running away. I started to crawl yes you heard that I can crawl. I'm a strong baby if I say so myself. Then an orange tail comes right in front of me. It tears the floor then I could see the outside world. It was littered with bodies of people. I was horrified and couldn't move. Suddenly I felt something kicking me. I was flying in the air into I landed in front of the Nine-Tails.

+Third POV+

In a clearing of trees, you could see four figures. One was the Nine-Tails the other is the Fourth Hokage and the last was his wife. As Minato was about to seal half of the Nine-Tails in him he stopped. A baby landed right next to his son. The Hokage was only thinking one thing 'It won't be useful to the village if I seal it in myself.' He then seals the first half into his son. Then a claw is stabbed in their backs. With the last of their strength, they said their goodbyes and sealed the other half in the other baby.

+Dan's POV+

Wait did they just seal some of the Nine-Tails in me. Is this the gift God say he would give me?

[The gift was received starting the System.]

Wait I thought he said a gift, not two. Well, at least I will always have someone with me.

[Would you like to review the System.]

+Third POV+

As Ninjas were heading towards where the Nine-Tails used to be a Ninja kicked a baby that he did not notice.

+Dan's POV+

I'm not a fucking soccer ball so stop kicking me.