
The Test

The students are now rushing to the Northern end of Emerald forest. Suther is at the beginning, stretching his limbs and feet. It was clear that he was excited. This time, instead of those special assignments that Ozpin often gave, this was something with no thought put into it.

Ozpin said to him while he's in the middle of his business.

"We need to create a sense of inferiority and inspiration to the students. For that, we need you to be ahead of them. As I've said before, don't use your weapon when you're against students. Only use it against the Grimm." He spoke with a serious tone.

"In a nutshell, we're just lowering their ego?" Suther said to him after finishing his stretches.

"Yes, considering that you are fairly young with skills surpassing a high rank Huntsman and Huntresses. We don't need students who are weak willed and fragile. I think it's safe to assume that you're the right person for the task."

He unwinds the wraps on his God arc and rests it on his shoulders. Suther leaned slightly forward while his left leg was on the back and right leg in front.

"I couldn't agree more, still I hate standing out." He mused.

As he was about to launch himself without the use of the plates on the ground. Glynda said to him. "Good luck Suther."

He paused for a bit and looked at her. That quick look gave her a small blush. She turned away so that he couldn't see it.

Suther faces forward again and launches himself into the forest with great vigor.

Ozpin couldn't help but ask her. "Do you like Suther?" To which she responded by slapping him with her riding crop.


He landed with the weight of a thousand swords which gave rise to a small dust cloud. In the deep verdant forest, he alights with fervor. Suther ran to the objective with blinding speed. The students turned their heads to see that the right hand of Headmaster Ozpin was participating. Ruby is the first to see him. Naturally, she gave chase like a dog to its ball.

"<Dance of the Gods, First Form: Perpetual Grace>" He whispered to himself. His breathing vastly changed, almost like how a piston would act. The circulation of Oracle cells began to spike, his muscles are hardening like steel. In the company of his first enhanced step, Suther is now gone from Ruby's sights. He ghosted her in real life.

She tripped and rolled, dazing her for a little bit. After that event, Ruby saw a pale-skinned young woman with pale blue eyes and long white hair that is often pulled back into an off-center ponytail or braid on the right side and pinned with a silver, icicle-shaped tiara.

It was Weiss Schnee.

Ruby erected from her lying position. As the girl in front of her was about to rotate her body around to face her. The wind that Suther produced after using his breathing technique fluttered her skirt, allowing Ruby to see the untainted white undergarments. In response, Weiss swiftly pulled it down. Embarrassment was written all over her face, with cheeks red as tomatoes.

She drops down on her knees accompanied by hands covering her complexion.

"TAKE RESPONSIBILITY, SCUMBAG!" She screamed on top of her lungs.

Suther was too far away to hear her voice, only a faint sound entered his ear. While running to the northern end of the forest, he sneezed randomly. He could tell that it's a bad omen. "Oh man, this isn't gonna end well."

He sees his first Grimm. It was shaped like a bear, he recognizes it as an 'Ursa'. He instantly stances himself for a devastating move.

"<Dance of the Gods, Fourth form: Sweeping Edge>" The Grimm was sliced through its stomach like butter. Quickly separating its lower half and sending the upper part flying to the sky.

This snatched the attention of Grimm called 'Megoliath' and promptly rushed to the location.

Lie Ren together with Nora, were avoiding confrontation against Grimms in order to save energy, they witnessed from afar, the same Megoliath that was charging unto Suther. He sat down on the branch, observing the end result. Nora is standing beside him, also watching Suther.

"So, what do you think is going to happen?" Nora asks excitedly.

"He's gonna win, I'm sure of it." Ren replied.

*Ooh! I see an excellent target to test my old moves.* Suther mused to himself. He stopped from his tracks, he aimed his blade to the sky with his right foot forward. With this unique breathing form that he's performing, his upper body is strengthened, the God arc is being coated with Oracle energy. The way energy was being poured power into the blade, caused it to seethe out a mist of Oracle energy. The Megoliath is only 2 meters away, which is enough time for him to deal massive damage.

"What's that? A new form of semblance?" Nora asked Ren.

He replied. "No idea, all I know is that it's dangerous."

Suther quietly said. "<Dance of the Gods, Third form: Falling Petal>" he swung down his God arc. The resulting impact sliced the Grimm clean and in half. The shockwave blew away the trees anchored down the soil. Debris is flying everywhere. He doesn't know how but he could sense that Ozpin was smiling. He presses on forward, leaving the two in awe.

In the distance, a few kilometers away, he could see Yang and Blake fighting each other. Their clash was like a dance. It has rhythmical shotgun shots and peals of steel connecting like magnets. Suther couldn't help but watch for a little bit.

He was prohibited from helping the students battle the Grimms but Ozpin never said anything about resolving conflict. Suther puts away his God Arc to his back and enters the scene. Just as Blake's blade was about to hit Yang's bracers, he abruptly disarmed them to stop the battle. Upon doing so, Yang was pulled out of her trance state while Blake is staggered.

With a commanding voice he said. "What is the meaning of this? Are both of you not students of Beacon?" He questioned them.

"I'm sorry Professor Suther. I was a bit too heated in battle." Yang said awkwardly.

Blake added. "It seems to be a common occurrence of hers whenever the battle dragged on"

"I see. A powerful trait of the Semblance that can act as a double edged sword." He mused while holding his chin. "Good work with minimizing further damage, Miss..."

"My name is Blake Belladonna." She said to his wandering mind.

"And the other one?" Suther said while pointing at the girl that donned golden hair.

"I am Yang Xiao Long. Nice to meet ya Professor." She said joyfully.

"Likewise." He commented. Suther then gave a quick lesson. "If anger is the problem then you just have to be cold hearted. Yang, let your anger be calm and tame. Don't let it consume you, turn it into a candle that can burn brighter than a forest fire. By doing that, you may have a chance of being the best there is." He taught her like a wise man would.

"Well then, see you guys at the end." He waved goodbye, then ran again to his desired location, leaving the two alone.

"He's hot. I wonder if he already has someone." Yang mentions. To which Blake just stared at her with disgusts. "What? Can't have a man in my life?"