
A fortunate encounter

Ozpin, the Headmaster of Beacon Academy was observing if there is any change in the Grimm behavior in the area, surely enough he found a strange reading on his radar. It was human....ish. And this humanish reading is in combat so he had to hurry and see what was happening before it could turn into something else. He saw from the window of his ship that was flying towards the location, a white hair swordsman with a purple and black battle attire.

He was a little bit relieved when he found Suther battling Grimms.

But this gave him more questions than answers.

Who is the man fighting the Grimms?

Ozpin sees him change weapons from swashblade to a shotgun, then from shotgun to scythe, single handedly cut them down with ease. One of the Grimms was running for dear life until Suther changed the form again and turned into a sniper rifle. With a simple pull of a trigger, the gun fired and pierced the Grimm, leaving a giant hole in its chest. The surge of energy that he emitted dissipates and the radar that was reading him started to calm down.

What shook him to the core is what came after the battle.

A Golden wolf emerged from the base of his sword and consumed their bodies like a feral beast, without even leaving any bones.

This display of power was either for evil or good. He had to take this chance. Ozpin landed his ship behind him in which Suther took notice easily. He walked out of his ship and tread to his general direction.

Suther turned around and saw what looked like a middle-aged man with tousled silver hair and thin brown eyes. He has a light complexion and sharp facial features. Interestingly, Ozpin has black eyebrows, suggesting that he may have had black hair when he was younger.

"Excuse me young man." Ozpin waved his right hand while greeting him. "I can't help but notice that a person of your caliber is fighting Grimms in the dead of night. May I ask for the reason?"

"Those are called Grimms?" He scratched the back of his head in confusion.

"You don't know about Grimms? It's very common knowledge in Remnant Vale, even an ant knows what they are. Are you not from around here?" Ozpin questions.

Suther silently panic. Being a person not from this universe may cause complexities that can cause problems in the future.

*Crap, I can't tell that I'm from another dimension. Gotta play it safe, I don't want things to complicate here. Just like what Professor Daemos said. 80% lies 20% truths.*

"You're right, I'm not from here. I lived most of my life in isolation so I don't know much about the current events happening around the world right now." Suther lied as he naturally breathed.

*There wasn't a single lie in his words. He breathes naturally and his heartbeat didn't change even after saying those words.* Ozpin thought. "Oh, if that's the case. How about you join me in Beacon Academy sir..."

"It's Suther." He answered

"Happy to meet you, sir Suther. I am Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon Academy."

Ozpin extends his hand for him to shake it. And shake it he did.

"Drop the honorifics, just call me Suther." He requested.

"If you say so, Suther." Ozpin smiled.


(-Timeskip, 4 months later -)

In just a few months of working under Ozpin, he somehow regained his title "The Devil" by defeating a horde of Grimms that a group of students accidentally lured into the academy, with a devilish smile until the end.

Suther is now part of his staff and works as a Field Instructor. A person who specializes in teaching combat and ways to get out of sticky situations. He's quite famous in many social circles and there's even a fan club dedicated to him. He would sometimes get special missions from Ozpin but it was nothing too dangerous by his standards.

In the middle of the training grounds, he was teaching a student about sword combat. Suther has very little experience when it comes to using aura. His body adapted to this world faster than he thought it would.

There weren't a lot of opportunities to use it and mostly stayed as a niche. Suther only wields it whenever he's bored. Hence why he doesn't have a Semblance. Ever since he became a Field Instructor, the quality of this year's students skyrocketed. This of course along with carrying his special missions without question, turned him into Ozpin's right hand man. He wasn't opposed to it. After all, Suther got a good look of his character and personality, so he trusts him completely.

Back to the training field.

He tilted his body slightly to the left and dodged a student's attack, nearly making a cut on his casual attire. The student pulled the trigger of his sword and a large force of energy disintegrated the tree behind him. His feet were wide open, ready to be swept. Suther kicks the students right leg lightly and trips him over.

"Afton! You wasted too much semblance on that move. Focus on your timing. At this rate, you're better off as a wild card rather than a fighter." Suther said to his student. "Don't rush, think two steps ahead. Can you do that?"

"Yes, teacher Suther." He told him weakly.

"Now stand." He instructed his student.

Just as the student stood upright, the phone in his pocket rang.

"Hold on a minute Afton, someone's calling me." Suther asks his student.

He checked his phone and who was calling. It was Ozpin.

"Hello Headmaster, need something?"

"Listen Suther, I'm a little bit under the weather. Since I govern the school and its surrounding areas, I want you to be the caretaker for just one day." Ozpin told him.

"You mean that I'll be the Headmaster for a day?" Suther questioned. "Don't you have someone more capable?"

"Naturally yes, but you're the first thing that came to mind. I can't leave my seat to some rando that may bring harm to my Academy. So, how about it? Up for the challenge?" He said with a confident tone.

"Double my pay grade, then I'll do it." He requested Ozpin.

"Oh ho! Nothing gets past you." He commented with praise. "Sure, I can do that. Thanks for accepting it."

"No problem, Headmaster."

Suther hangs up, turns his phone off, then tells his students.

"Let's make this quick my soon-to-be Hunter fools. I have to be somewhere after this."

With all the students in sync, they all groaned. Which surprised him a little. Some of the girls started crying over it.

"What the? I didn't even do anything yet." He commented.


Few hours passed and it was 8:30 pm. Sitting alone in his chair felt strange. Most of his work is already completed, all that's left to do is wait until morning comes. Nostalgia struck like a truck because this is the same time when he met Ozpin in the woods not too long ago.

"I wonder what my life could have been if she didn't do that." His thoughts slipped past his mind and out of his mouth.

The Headmaster's office phone. Suther answers it.

"Headmaster, you might be interested in the info that I'm about to present to you." The woman on the phone said to him.

"Alright then, lay it on me."

"Who is this? You're not the Headmaster."

"Isn't it a proper custom to state your name before asking someone else's?"

"My apologies, I am Glynda Goodwitch. And what about yours?"

"Suther Michaelis. I'm currently a substitute Headmaster so bear with me for just a day. A pleasure meeting you lady Glynda Goodwitch." Suther now focuses on the subject. "Now, speak of the information."


(- 30 minutes later, 9:00 pm -)

Glynda is currently lecturing a girl named Ruby Rose.

She appears to be a middle-aged woman that has very light-blonde hair tied back in a bun with a curl hanging down the right side of her face. Her eyes are bright green and she wears thin ovular glasses. She has dangling teal earrings that match the hanging pendant on her collar.

While the one being lectured wears a black long-sleeved blouse with a high collar and red trim on the sleeves, over which is a black waist cincher with red lacing up the front, and a matching skirt with red lining. She also wears a pair of thick black stockings and black combat boots with red laces, red trims around the top, and red soles.

"I hope you realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly young lady. You put yourself and others in great danger." Said by Glynda.

"They Started It!" Ruby retorted.

"If it were up to me, you'd be sent home. With a pat on the back. And a slap on the wrist." She slaps her riding crop to the table and causes Ruby to get startled. "But... There's someone here who would like to meet you."

He enters the interrogation room and sees Ruby. He bore eyes tinted in gold, hair that is white as snow, a battle attire clad in purple and black, while having a fair expression on his face.

"Greetings Ruby Rose." Suther waved to her. "So where did you learn to do this?" Glynda presented the video of her fighting the minions and Torchwick.

"S-Signal Academy." Ruby spoke hesitantly.

"I find it hard to believe that they have the facilities to conduct training with a hazardous weapon." He commented.

"Well, one teacher in particular." She commented hastily.

"Oh, really?" He mused. "It's just that I haven't seen any scythe-wielders that can operate it at that capacity, aside from myself at least. My friend did say something about a dusty old crow that can match my skill."

"You're probably talking about my Uncle, Qrow. He's a teacher at Signal." She said, "I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing. No pun intended. Now I'm all like: Howaaaah! Witchaaaa!" She said all that while making weird sounds come out of her mouth.

Suther giggled a little bit. "If you were taught by that person then everything would make sense." He then questioned. "So, why is a person like you doing at a school designed to train warriors?"

"Well, I want to be a Huntress." She mused to Suther.

"It seems I overestimated my expectations." He said to himself. "Is that all there is to it?" He asks Ruby.

"Yeah." She replied. "I only have two more years of training left at Signal. And then I'm going to apply to Beacon. You see, my sister is starting there this year, and she's trying to become a Huntress."

Her manner of speaking gradually rises in speed. "And I'm trying to be a Huntress 'cause I wanna help people. My parents taught us to help others, so I thought 'Hey, might as well make a career out of it.' I mean the police are alright, but Huntsman and Huntresses are just so much more romantic and awesome, and really, gosh, you know!"

Me and Glynda just stared at her. Ruby's words sounded genuine but something seems to be amiss. Like a puzzle with a lost part of the picture. To make sure that everything was in place even with the missing pieces, Suther asked her.

"Do you know who I am?" He questions Ruby.

"You're Professor Suther. The rising star of Beacon Academy." She replies

Suther smiled knowing that his image is spreading even outside the school. "So you want to attend the school of future fools?" He asks again.

"More than anything." Ruby said to Suther. He gave a quick look at Glynda, almost like asking for approval in which she nodded as a sign of permission.

"That can be arranged."