
Opening New Doors

"You hurt her and there will be problems!" Jason whispers in a stern voice. Leo just smiles and hugs back then they let go quickly. 

"Well, come on you two love birds let's get to class! Were already truant." Jade walks ahead of Leo and Jason. 

"Wait, I still never caught your name you beautiful lady!" Leo says and then as Jade turns around she sees his bright smile and giggles a little bit.

"I am sorry young lad, my name is Jade." She puts out her hand to shake it but instead Leo bows and then kisses Jade on the hand. 

Jade's heart flutters in her chest. She shyly turns around face red and hands sweaty. This is one of the most terrifying things she has ever done. If she loses him her fears will all come back. The fear of love, lust, hate, and loss. She knows this and a tear rolls down her cheek as she is thinking about it. She straightens herself up and holds the tears back. 

They reach the class and as they all three walk in, everyone in the class stares. The most popular bitch of the school, Emma, says, "Oh look, the ugly twat has hoes now guys. I guess she can get some if she wants, even though her first hoe is her brother. G..ross, right?" The whole room is filled with laughter, Jade holds her head up high and her brother squeezes her hand, reassuring her she is not alone. Leo just gives the girl a death stare as they make their way to the three empty seats in the back of the class. Once Jade is seated she lays her head in her arms and a tear falls from her eyes. She knows she needs to be stronger than this and knowing that Jason and Leo are both next to her she does everything in her power to slyly wipe the tears and not cry anymore, she keeps her head down though, and just pretends as if she is tired when Jason asks her if she's ok. 

"Yeah Jason, I am ok. That ugly bitch doesn't get to me anymore." she looks up at him, eyes red, and smiles brightly. One of her true genuine smiles, not a fake one. She never gives Jason a fake smile, because just looking at him and knowing he is still here for her, healthy and alive truly does bring her joy.

Drama class is over, it's now lunchtime, one of Jade's favorite times of the day even though she does not eat anything but a fruit every day. She and Jason get to sit alone and laugh and be happy together without the foster parents up their asses or the assholes from school trying to be around.

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Jade is the one that killed her mother in which killed her father, inside at least. As she was coming out the womb the umbilical cord was wrapped around Jade's neck three times, almost killing her if it got squeezed any tighter. As she was being born though her mother lost breath and consciousness. At first, she was only going to be in a coma, but then when they were trying to take care of Jade, they were not able to stabilize her mother on time and she passed away right as Jade cried her first cry.

Her mother's death drove their father mad. He fell into a deep depression. After the first month of taking care of Jason and Jade, their father fell into the worst of his depression. They were not much of a handful; they were quiet babies and they never really ate much, but Jason and Jade is not what made him so sad. The loss of his one beloved wife is what made him so sad and seeing Jason and Jade every day never helped. He stopped going to work and eventually lost his job, he could no longer afford the twins or the bills. It's been two months and Jade and Jason are still happy and healthy, but their father is not. The bags under his eyes have gotten worse. The meat on his bones is disappearing every day. He can't take it anymore, his body is weak and he is losing the house. He takes the twins to the hospital, apologizes to the twins, then signs all the papers to give them up for adoption. 

Their father lived for four more months after that, always keeping an eye on the twins and how the family they were with was. He made sure they got the care and love that they needed, the care and love that he as a widowed father could not give them as much as he wanted to. As far as anyone knows to this day, their father, James Alexander Johnson, is no longer alive and the twins weren't alive at first either, at least not according to the internet and what some of the papers say. Most of the papers and things I found from back then claim the the twins were burned alive in the fire as well. He burned to death in the very house the twins, Jason and Jade, lived in for those first two months of their lives. The twins know nothing of their life before being taken in by the hospital. No knowledge of who their father and mother were, let alone what happened to either of them. In the hospital's defense no one really knew about who the twins belonged to. James, their father never filled out all the information like last names and files were never given. The world and everyone and everything in it could never know who their father or mother was. Little does James realize how much misery the twins have had to survive since he's given them up. (All of this which the twins know nothing of.)

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    At lunch Leo sits with them, "So what brought you into this lonely small town Leo?" Jason asks as he chows down his cheeseburger. 

    "My mom got a new historic job out here. I never can keep up with what she's working on, but I always try to be polite and keep a vague interest. It's something on a house that burned down 16 and a half years ago. It's supposed to be a really old historic house dating from early 1958 to the end of the 2000s, which is when it got burned down. There was told to be a widow that set the house on fire to kill himself, taking the two babies and all the memories of his wife with him. It's quite fascinating and truly sad actually. They do not know what actually happened to the kids though, all anyone knows is that the neighbors no longer heard crying babies or saw the poor man or the kids ever for four months before he burned the house down, although its believed the kids died in the same house that same night. She was called down here to investigate the death and possible murders of the children and to find the ashes or bones of the poor man and his kids." Leo says and looks at the twins.

    Jade thinks about the story and how she feels like it's a strangely familiar story although she's 100% sure it's not. Her heart and gut are telling her one thing while her mind is set on it not being true. It's as if her empathy has kicked in and she felt the story all the way, except this time it felt more real, she doesn't know how to describe this feeling she had about this place, but Jade knows that it's different from any of her other empathy tricks. "Where is this house at?" Jade asks Leo.

      "Uh….I'm not sure yet. It's not a house at the moment. Right now it is just a big piece of land. It's somewhere near here though." He says a little surprised she even seemed interested.

      "Ok, do you think your mom would be willing to let me see this property and help with the research or keep me updated? I don't know why, but I get this feeling that I know this place and that even if don't, I just have this feeling that it's something I need to be involved with." Jade says pondering on the subject in her mind. 

     Jason notices her mind racing. He knows her so well that he could tell her mind was racing too fast for her mind to truly process everything thoroughly. "Slow down sis, it's ok."