
How is he, now?

In the previous chapter, we read that Robin asked Robert some questions about his family on this Robert, not remembering anything, started thinking and got a panic attack he was rushed to the hospital where Dr. David explained the cause of his panic attack and how he should be treated in this condition he further explained:

Dr. David: ...In this case, the memory that was lost is safe and some part of his pain can't be discovered easily. When the patient doesn't remember anything it is best not to ask him about his past. When Robin asked Robert about his pat and parent, Robert started thinking and overthinking, and when he couldn't remember he panicked.

Warden: Ok! We will try to give him a better environment from now on

Dr. David: And one thing more

Warden: Yes!

Dr.David: You must not leave him alone, he must not be given time to think, he wants extra attention being a special one.

Warden: Ok!

But you know how the orphanage is after an hour they took him to the orphanage. The warden didn't do as he said, everything was just like before but Robin had changed a lot. how? you will find out later. when the warden sent Robin and Robert to their room. On the way to the room Robin met some of his bully friends, Michael; and Mike. They shook hands and they looked at Robert oddly...







Can you imagine what will happen next? How had Robin changed? and in what way? why did the Doctor say that Robert was special? and why did Robin's friends look at Robert in a strange manner?

If you are curious see the author's thoughts


From now on, one chapter will be published a day!

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And I wanted to tell you the great news that is:

From now on If you have any questions related to me my book or anything you can ask by doing a comment I have decided that I will answer each and every and If the comments exceeded 100 then I will make a separate chapter for that

I hope you like the idea!


PK Writer