
The Lost Fruits

Ace is a young man with the Fire and lightning Logia powers. After his fight with his enemy in a last stand match, he was defeated. He was defeated but not killed, forcing his opponent to use all of his powers in one trick attack kicking him to another unknown space to escape another conflict between them. Once he has regained his powers and consciousness, Ace found himself in a new world in the middle of the golden desert.

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80 Chs

Lahab and Raad

"who is't summons me?". A blue genie (will smith) raised up from the blue smoke and spoke proudly.

Hearing the Genie speak like that made Ace chuckled as he continued after him."T is i who is't hast did summon thee." Using a deep voice and a noble-like aura around him while using the little knowledge about the Shakespearean English to speak with the genie.

The genie nodded and descended to the ground to face Ace "I am the genie of the lamp, maketh a wisheth and t is yours to dish!" he said.

Ace tilted his head as he laughed "Realy dude?! To dish? what got wish related to dish?".

The genie broke off his character as if it was the hardest thing to maintain "Pahha!!" he breathed heavily "Sorry dude, I just wanted to sound a little charismatic, but you get the jest of it." The genie said as he circled around Ace, he then noticed the Carpet "Oh! Carpet! its been a long time dude! here, pump it." The genie did a fist pump with the carpet.

He then looked at Ace and found that he was alone "Where are your goons? I thought that you guys always bring guards with you, the last guy who came had 100 men around him with spears and shields!" The genie started traveling around the cave to see if there is anyone else here.

When he came back to Ace. He was met with a fireball flying towards him that went right through as he turned to smoke "Whoa!! where did that come from?!" he said. He then noticed Ace's flaming hand.

"Does this look like I need a guard?" Ace asked as he puffed on his hand making the fire disappear. The genie speed up near him and looked at his hand "Whoa! no, I think the guards will need you." he said. He rarely sees a human sorcerer that can control fire.

"So you must be a great wizard to make this fire. ut anyway, let's get down to business, you know the deal." The genie cracked his blue knuckles and breathed in and out heavily.

"No." Was all Ace had to say to the prepared Genie.

"HUh? Beg your pardon?" The genie spoke "What? what are you saying? you don't know the rules? you mean to tell me that you came to find the lamp and you don't know the rules?"

"Yup." Ace said. well, obviously he knows that there are three wishes and all but he needs to hear it from the genie, who knows how much changed from what he remembers.

The genie sighed "Great! I have to do the song again." He then rounds up and prepared to sign, Ace sat on a rock as the genie sang "Friend like me."

'Hm! a good song in reality' He started pumping his head to the music, the carpet joined the genie who was trying to get Ace into the sang but he couldn't catch as Ace would prefer to die than to sing a song.

"Tada!!" They finished the song with a proud face "How did you find me, i got moves right? hahaha! no need to calp! no need, no need."

"So I have three wishes." Ace stood up and removed the dust from his clothes.

"Yesh, in addition to 1- I can't bring anyone from the dead, 2- I can't make people fall in love, and 3-I can't kill anybody. Just make sure you rub the lamp and say "Genie, I wish...And you say whatever your heart desires." He made a luxurious golden couch letting Ace sit on it and giving him a message "Take your time, don't rush it, think carefully."

Ace chuckled 'Quiet the talkative guy.' Ace has taken a liking to the guy, though he seems a bit dishonest at the moment, but he still can feel his kindness. "Alright..." Ace stood up and the couch went into smoke "I am ready for my first wish."

"Alright! here is the fun part." Genie's hands started shining with blue light.

Ace smirked as he rubbed the lamp "Genie, I wish for an unlimited amount of wishes." he said making Genie freeze in his place.

"Wh-wh-what? WAIT!! that is not possible." Genie protested as he rubbed his head.

Ace rubbed the lamp again "Then I wish for it to be possible." He said. Genie looked at him with his eyes rolling on the ground and his ears bleeding "You alright dude?" Ace asked. A moment later Genie's body exploded in a cloud of blue smoke.

"I-I-I don't understand? the wish is impossible, but, but, but the wish for it to be possible." He started running around the cave, then stopped in front of Ace and took out a large book as big as an elephant and started going through it "Hmmmm not here, not here, not here eighter, and not even in the stupid wishes' section, hmmm, peculiar" Genie was wearing the classical nerd outfit with glasses and pants and shirt.

"Ahahaha!!" Ace started laughing "Oh! man, I always wanted to do this, Ahahaha!" His stomach started hurting making him fall to the ground, Genie's reaction didn't disappoint him at all.

Genie took off his glasses "What's going on here?" Genie felt something amiss "Are you playing around with me?" he asked with his eyes narrowed.

Ace stopped laughing as he removed a tear from his eye "Yeah, sorry man, I wasn't serious about that...Ahahahah!!" he then started laughing again.

Genie rolled his eyes and shook his head "Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want. Just hurry up and say your wishes."

Ace finally stood wheezing "Well, I have a very important wish I want." he said with an occasional chuckle; Genie's reaction wasn't something he is going to forget easily.

"Well then go on." Genie turned his lower body to smoke and floated around Ace.

"I...want you to send me back to my world." Ace said. He clenched his fist. He loved being here, very peaceful and quiet. But if there is a possibility to return to his world, he has to take, he doesn't want to feel like a coward who ran away after losing in battle.

Genie was confused "What? your world? what are you talking about?" he asked as he descended to Ace's level.

"Well, I am not from this world, or this universe either." Ace said as he sat down on the ground. Genie touched his chin and thought for a moment.

He then reached for Ace's forehead "Can I?" he asked for permission from Ace. As if understanding his intention, Ace nodded at him.

Genie used his powers to see Ace's memories and he was shocked, he felt like he has lived Ace's life in that short moment which seemed like an eternity to him, he was shocked as he mouth opened and closed like a fish, then "AWESOME!!!" he shouted. "That was so cool, you, you, you are not from this world, Ohh, finally something interesting after many years! dude, what is your name?" he asked.

"Didn't you just see my memories? you should know that." Ace rested his head on his palm and spoke.

"Nah, I saw your memories, the keyword is "SAW"...I didn't hear them. It was like watching a mute videotape." Genie said.

Ace smiled and spoke "Ace...Portgas D. Ace." he said. The magical carpet came near him and rested on his wide shoulders as if sleeping, their conversation doesn't interest it.

"So, Ace. should call you A, C, or E...Boy, you did skip a few letters in that name." Realizing Genie's joke, Ace chuckled at it.

"So, you said you wanted for me to send you back...uh~bad news for you A...Uh, I can't send you back." Genie fidgeted with his fingers not trying to hurt Ace's feelings.

"Hm." Nodding his head. Ace acknowledged the truth and looked to the floor.

Misunderstanding his reaction, Genie continued "Look, A. it is not that I don't want to send you, I just can't, your previous world is out of my power, I can only play in this universe. Other universes are out of my reach and power. I am sorry." Genie put his hand on Ace's shoulder trying to cheer him up.

"Oh, Actually I didn't want to return that badly, it's not like I am dying to go there." Ace said with a calm expression as if he wasn't affected by that which he was in truth "If I can't return then that is, I am the guy who accepts reality as it is. If I can't go then I will stay."

Ace was surprised at his reaction "W-Well, good...I mean, In your memories I noticed that you have control over lightning and fire, I am sure that there are a lot of things you can do here anyway." Genie said he laughed trying to recover from his surprise.

Ace shook his head "Like what? conquering the world for example." He said.

"That is a good start." Genie clapped his hands together.

"Wait! what?" Ace raised his head sharply to look at Genie.

"What? it was your idea, not mine." Genie shrugged his shoulders as he made a branch of grapes appear and ate them while relaxing in the air.

Ace sighed "Hey, what about immortality? can I wish for that?" He asked. Genie stopped eating and thought for a moment.

"Yeah, you can, although Immortality comes with great problems for its owner in the future the longer he lives. But you don't need that anyway." Genie said as he tossed Ace a branch of grapes too.

Ace caught and ate some "Why?" he asked.

"A, my friend. When I touched your forehead, I felt those...things...the flame one and the lightning one." Genie spoke, Ace looked at him curiously, he felt that there is something new he will learn about his powers "You said you wanted immortality, but because you have trained those flames to the max, they turned to the eternal flames, Amaterasu. I saw a vast sea of those flames in your soul, the moment you could use those black flames, you became immortal as a side benefit."

Ace was shocked, this is a first, the book of the devil fruits didn't mention anything about that "How is that possible?...and how do you know about that?" Ace asked sub-consciously.

"They aren't called the undying flames for nothing and also the reason I know about that is...Cosmic power." His hands started shining with rainbows. Ace made a face of understanding.

"So, the most important wish is out of the way and I still got three." Ace nodded with satisfaction. He then remembered his curse of the devil fruits "How about removing the sea curse from my body? That is also something I wished to do in a long time ago, it makes me hate water and I like to bath in the water a lot."

Genie who was stuffing his face with what appears to be donuts looked at Alexander with his cheeks full "Hm? yeah, sure, just a minute." he said as he throws all the left donuts in his mouth like a shark. Genie came near Alexander's face and looked in his eyes "Yeah, I can see those two living inside you comfortably, they even split your inner world and designed them to their preference. Are those devils?" Genie asked.

"I assume they are based on where I get their powers." Ace replied.

"Yes, yes. I understand now." Genie made a blackboard and transformed into Einstein with his white mustache and sweater "I see, if it is like this and the curse is like that, then the devils are using it for this. hmmm! interesting!" Ace watched as Genie started filling the blackboard with weird symbols that he doesn't understand.

"Aha!!!" Genie shouted, "Now I understand what is the reason behind that curse!!" Ace raised an eyebrow in intrigue.

Genie smiled "Hear me here buddy. This is very important, you know the reason behind that curse is to keep the devils inside your body. It is not just a side effect"

Ace was surprised, he never thought of it like that "Tell me more." he said.

"Basically, in short. The devils use something like a barrier to protect themselves. They feed off your soul and as a natural defense, your soul fights back and tries to throw them out from your inner world, henceforth why the barrier is there and the reason you can't swim and feel weak towards water is that water is the devils' natural enemy, it's not that because you have those in your body that you can't swim. But because water recognizes that you have them inside you and it locks you down to kill you in an attempt to kill them. Understood." Genie said to Ace.

"...No." Ace said sub-consciously. Some made sense, some not "But if you removed the curse will I still be able to use my powers?" he asked.

Genie nodded "yup, perfectly fine, they are now part of your soul, especially since you have trained them to this point, nothing in this world can take them from you." Genie said with pride, he may be foreign to such powers, but his wisdom is infinite to use when needed.

"Well, what you are doing! take it out!" Ace shouted, he can't wait to swim in the ocean again. He always stayed away from it, afraid he will drown each time he takes off into the sea.

"You got it, pal." Genie flashed his arms as they glowed with the Mayan tattoos on them, he then shot a blue light to Ace making him flench from pain. After a while, Ace started glowing with Red and Blue.

{DAMN YOU!!!} a forbidding voice shouted {ACE!! HOW DARE YOU DO THIS?!!} it shouted again.

{NO!! NOT LIKE THIS!!! WHY?!!} another one screamed.

Ace felt something coming out of his body as two giant creatures came out of his body, one coated in flames and the other in lightning.

"Whoa!!!!" Genie was pushed back alongside the magical carpet "Are those the devils?!!" Genie struggled to see as his sight was blinded.

The flaming devil looked at Ace as he and the other kept on floating up {Curse you!!} he said {You dared to kick us out of your body after using our powers to your heart content?!} Anger was clear in his menacing voice. Ace looked at him and smirked

"Well, it is good to see your faces...Lahab and Raad. It was good to have you two with me." Ace waved at them as they reached the ceiling and were about to go through.

{NO!!} The flames devil shouted {NOT LIKE THIS!! I WILL NOT LET IT GO UNPUNISHED!!! MARK MY WORD!!} Those were his last words before both devils shoot up away to god's know where.


The Lost Fruits / Chapter 32 is out on Pat reon

Food Wars: The Golden Hands / Chapter 172 is out on Pat reon

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