
The Lost Fairy

Winter Bloom lives alone in an ice castle, hidden deep in the ice mountains. She has lived there all her life, thinking she's the only fairy that exists. One day while out fishing, she rescues a gnome from danger, and learns from the gnome, that she is infact not the only fairy that exists; she learns of the existence of other fairies like her and magical beings! The gnome brings her to an enchanted forest, the land of fairies. Winter Bloom learns a shocking truth, that she is the long lost frost fairy! She also learns that the Sun King tried to kill her a millenia ago! Will she seek revenge or not? Updates by one chapter everyday!

Ruby_White758 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Frost Fairy

Winter Bloom stood at the entrance of her home, high up in the frozen mountains. She down looked at the world below, which was white and frozen. The frosty wind blew from northwards, chilling the air and whistling blusterously. The mountains were bathed in billows of cold mist, that swirled around their slopes, close to their summit. The mountain's peak where she lived, pointed above the floating clouds, and seemed to pierce the sky.

Oh, how Winter Bloom loved the winters! It was her favourite season of each and every year. She had always loved the frozen weather for as long as she can remember, which is thousands of years ago. She breathed in deeply, of the cold air, and a broad smile stretched across her pale face. She fluttered her beautiful, petal wings, which glittered a bright, silvery glow.

Winter Bloom turned and flew back down into her home. She descended into the icy, frozen depths of the mountains, towards her abode. The icy cave walls were frozen white on all sides; the glossy surfaces reflected like clear crystals her pale form, which was suspended in the air, with her wings flapping in flight. Snow cones hung from the roofs of the cave, which occassionally dripped drops of icy water on her, as she flew past by.

Winter Bloom touched the walls with her pale hands. She loved the cold and she never felt uncomfortable in it. She never felt the biting bitterness of it all. All she felt instead, was happiness and she felt like the cold was a part of her being. Coming through the cavern, she came into the entrance of her castle, where she lived.

The castle was quite big and wide. It stood tall and frozen. She floated into the hall of the castle, through the glassy, frosty doors. The hall was spacious and blue with ice; a chandelier hung from the arched ceiling, which was furnished with intricate patterns. The chandelier sparkled with many decorative icicles branching from it.

The floors of the castle were smooth, crystalline and lustrous, so were the walls and infact, the whole place shone like one giant crystal. This was Winter Bloom's home. This was the only home she had ever known. Only she lived here, all alone by herself in this giant castle. She had built it with her frosty, magical gifts.

She climbed up the staircase of the hall, leading up to her chambers. Winter Bloom often felt lonesome, living by all herself here. Sometimes, she ventured out beyond the mountains, into the woods and yonder. She had seen strange, hulking beings and beasts, but had never ventured close. None ever had the semblance of herself.

Winter Bloom reached the top of the staircase, and then entered into her chambers. Her chambers were just as crystalline and icy as the rest of the castle; a big, frozen bed lay in the centre of the room. She walked straight to the mirror, which stood at the end of the chamber. The mirror was long and wide, and its frame was made of delicate, ice patterns.

Winter Bloom stood in front of the mirror and contemplated her reflection. Her long, white hair fell in straight strands on her shoulders, flowing down her back and bosom. Her eyes were an icy blue, and her face, neck and arms, pale blue. Her ears were long and pointy, they extended backwards to a pointed tip.

The delicate silver-blue dress she wore sparkled with tiny twinkles, which complemented her equally, sparkly wings. The dress fell in soft folds to her ankles; it resembled the folded flower petals of a light blue flower.

Winter Bloom needed food for dinner, so she planned to go fishing in the frozen lake, far away from the mountains and near the woods. She took a woolly hood of blue and white colour, from her armoire, and donned it on. She, of course, didn't need it for protection against the cold, but instead to conceal herself against unforseen dangers, involving dangerous predators.

Winter Bloom soared high above the mountains, floating high in the air. She savoured the feel of the chill wind around her as she flew; she rolled in the air and laughed a little in delight. Flying in the cold, especially in winter always gave her great pleasure, and make her forget her lonesomeness. She gave a whoop for joy as she zig-zagged through the frosty air and she let herself be carried in direction, by the tempestous, icy wind.

The mountains were gradually left behind, until they stood at a far speckle in the distance; she flew now, over pine trees blanketed in thick snow. Mist covered the trees like a great fog. Soon, Winter Bloom came to a clearing, at the edge of the trees, where a large, frozen lake stood. She alighted, and her feet gently landed on the frozen lake.

The lake froze the more, the moment her feet touched the surface. Gliding about the lake gracefully, she skated, while singing in a beautiful voice that sounded like bells:

Lovely forest, still and frozen,

Hail the wild wind, that thereby blows in.

High mountains, big and icy,

Behold the lake, all smooth and glossy!

Winter Bloom giggled in delight and then flew to the edge of the lake. She molded a long, sharp rod with her frosty magic, that she would use to catch fish. She used the pointy rod, to open a small circular hole in the lake. She then dipped the rod into the water. After some moments, she brought the rod out and saw that, she had caught a big, fat fish.

She felt happy that, she'll have a good dinner tonight. Just about when she put the fish down, a cry for help pierced the serene air. She also heard the frightening sound of a dangerous wolf nearby. Winter Bloom immediately flew to her feet. Her first instinct was to run, but then, she heard the shout for help once again. It sounded helpless and afraid.