
The Lost Curiosity

The world has proved those who dared to dream will have no end. In this world more than people , their dreams collide. Witness the journey of the person with overwhelming curiosity toward each and everything, the person who suffered from this uncontrollable curiosity begins his adventure once again with strong determination forged in the darkest times ------------------ writing is not one of my strong points, i am a common anime/manga/manhua/lightnovel/webnovel fan and years of watching this contents, there is a story developing inside my mind, and i here i am trying to present it. please do give it a try and if you find something worth criticizing for feel free to express you opinion

night_fisherman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Chapter 10-  Teru

Miss Meera approached the counter and said something to the man seated behind the counter, then she gestured to Krsna to come and take a seat in front of the counter.

Krsna approached the front of the counter and carefully took a seat.

The middle-aged man closed the book he was reading.

Immediately Miss Meera took out the same dark device from her pocket and placed it in front of her boss.

"Sir Jarl, this the recording"

Sir Jarl nonchalantly lifted his finger and tapped lightly on the device.

Soon the sound of a recording started to come out. It was the recording of the Krsna when he described his experience to Miss Meera.

After hearing the full recording, Sir Jarl tapped on the device again and slid it to the side of the counter.

Then he lifted his head and looked at Miss Meera as if asking is it was really the truth.

Miss Meera nodded slightly and said calmly,

"Yes sir, it was the assault of Teru"


Sir Jarl looked at the Krsna again as if in shock,

"Impossible, no one can endure such pain"

"It is true sir, he really did survive through that suffering" Miss Meera replied,

Sir Jarl still in disbelief composed himself and now with a serious expression, he looked at the Krsna.

"What is your name?"

"Krsna sol"



"So Krsna Sol, how are you feeling right now, tell me about your emotions, are they stable?

Do not hide anything from us, let us conform to your mental state"

Krsna fully understood that right now corporation is the best way to get out of this situation.

"Right now I am feeling good, happy, and calm."

He kept his answer short.

"When you were trapped inside, what was it that made you endure?"

Sir Jarl asked the next question immediately,

"When I was in the depth of despair, I found something that made me endure till the end, I dreamed of something that made me feel warm, that gave me the will to live again."

"What was that dream?"

"I never dreamed of anything my whole life, growing flowers, watching them bloom, selling them, but in despair, I found out what I was missing.

It was a goal, a dream.

So I dreamed of traveling all around the world, to explore it, to understand it more."

Sir Jarl seemed to be surprised and looked toward Miss Meera,

She too had the expression of surprise.

To them, it was the unfolding of an impossible event, because they knew no one in this world had ever survived the true assault of a Teru to tell the story.

But right now someone is sitting in front of them who survived that hell.

Both knew how sinister the manipulation of emotions a Teru can do and to survive such a maddening storm of emotions!!,

What kind of willpower, what kind of strong mentality does such a man possess?

"Why did you go to the temple immediately after coming out? And  Why did you not report it to the police or anyone?" Sir Jarl did not remain silent for a long time and asked another question,

"Even when I was able to exit my home, I was not feeling happy that I escaped from that monster, 

My emotions were not stable at that time so I chose to go to a quiet place to calm down my mind and there I thought about many things, things I should do and things I should achieve."

Sir Jarl remained silent for a long time closing his eyes he seemed to thinking about something, but for Krsna he felt like some kind of darkness was coming towards him, to engulf him, to consume him,

His vision suddenly changed,

Now he was again sitting on the small stone in front of a small campfire.

Is the shade of an old oak tree he looked at the small house and greenery around it.

The darkness that tried to engulf him vanished without a trace.

He smiled and closed his eyes and then opened them again,

His vision returned to normal, in a bookstore wall surrounded by bookshelves.

Sir Jarl opened his eyes and took a deep breath and after looking at Krsna for a couple of seconds he laughed.

"Hahahah…. Impressive young man, impressive, you are one of a kind"

  And he laughed again before saying,

"You must be feeling confused right now and I am sure you have many questions to ask,

Like who we are, what is this bookstore,

Or what was that monster."

Sir Jarl no longer laughed and with a serious face he expected Krsna to ask what he wanted to know first.

Krishna nodded and asked immediately without hesitation,

"Sir jarl, what is Teru?"

Sir Jarl thought for some seconds then replied,

"Since after this event, your life will no longer remain ordinary so it will be better for you to learn the other side of the world.

"There are many kinds of bizarre creatures lurking in this world and one of these creatures with long limbs and a wide mouth with sharp teeth is Teru.

Teru prey on humans with a weak mentality and after cornering his prey he slowly breaks their minds until the prey commits suicide,

Teru does not eat or do anything to the body of the prey, so it is believed that he feeds on the breaking emotions of the prey.

Teru are so skilled in their hunt that no one can escape their assault,

You were not the first target of Teru,

You must have remembered the two suicides that happened in mantur."

Krsna nodded,

"Those two suicides were a result of Teru's assault,

We do not know where this creature has come from in the mantur but we can no longer ignore it although it is not our job to capture him"

After some pause, he looked at the Miss Meera and said,

"Meera, inform the syndicate and tell me immediately when they respond"

"Yes sir" Miss Meera replied but did not leave to immediately do the task.

Sir Jarl looked toward the Krsna expecting another question,

"Who are you and what is this place?"

"We are the MERO, Mystic Entity Research Organisation, and our purpose to is deal with mystical phenomena and protect the world from extinction events.

Throughout the OTHER WORLD, we are represented as the bookstore workers"

"Similar to Shadow Syndicate, an organization that deals with criminals together with law enforcement agencies or

Arcane arena monarchy where everyone hopes to become emperor through fighting,

Our organization governs this world but our main focus always remains on the phenomena that could trigger an extinction event."

When Sir Jarl stopped explaining another question arised in krsna's mind and he asked again,

"Extinction events?"

Sir Jarl thought for some seconds and said,

"This subject is not something that an ordinary civilian should know,

So how about you joining the MERO"

Krsna first became stunned but then said,

"How i can join the organization, I have no necessary education and also I do not want to lose my freedom,

If I join your organization, how will I ever travel around the world"

Sir Jarl did feel disappointed at the Krsna's response but he said with a smile on his face,

"That's where you are wrong my friend, you are the one and only survivor of Teru's assault which makes you the most unique man in this world and also in MERO  we have a branch in which people travel around the world, and encounter many things,

And you just need to report the things you find mysterious to us"

"We basically pay them to travel around the world,

We just not  only pay them but we also protect them, give them information based on their clearance level, and assist them in facing the Gaze of flowing energy."

The information that was just revealed by Sir Jarl made many questions burst into the mind of Krsna.

But he understood asking anything further is futile as he just mentioned about clearance level of a person.

This information normally should not be revealed in front of ordinary personnel but in the hope of recruiting Krsna, Sir Jarl revealed it.

"Think about it and you can give your answer tomorrow,

Oh and one more thing,

We hold more authority than any organization present in this world so you do not need to worry about being oppressed by anyone outside."

krsna understood what sir jarl tried to say,

He nodded and replied,

"I need to think so I will give my answer tomorrow"


Excitement was evident on the face of Sir Jarl, Miss Meera smiled as well and added,

"You can to your home now, Teru will not be able to harm you anymore but he tried any other method we will always protect you,

So you can think over it with a calm mind."

krsna nodded and stood up from the chair,

He slightly bowed toward both of them and said,

"Thank you, sir Jarl"

"Thank you, Miss Meera"

After thanking them he walked toward the exit and walked out of the door.

As he was walking through the door, the eyes of Sir Jarl focused on something near the Krsna's pocket,

A  wooden flute!

Sir Jarl had an expression of astonishment,

And he laughed again,

"He is more unique than I realized"


He opened the book that he was previously reading taking the ship of coffee,

"It's cold"