
The Lost Asteroids

[Check out My new Novel, "Temporal Pearls"] Earth, the year 2063. Technology has stagnated after reaching a certain threshold. There were a lot of breakthroughs in innovation and inventions, but nothing groundbreaking enough that will send scientists crazy. In that situation, a strange phenomenon starts to appear from different parts of the world: Unique children born with Special Ability. And finally, Scientists went CRAZY like never before!!! *** Bala, our MC, was born bearing a Unique Ability. An ability that he did not completely understand. At the age of fifteen, he was first kidnapped by a group of Mysterious Witches. After he managed to escape, a few years later he was kidnapped again by one of the most Powerful Organisations in the world. In the Organisation's Research Facility, he met with others like him, with ability. From the Facility, Bala learned about an impending doom encroaching toward Earth. Unfortunately, for Bala, the World Authority (World Government) thinks he has one of the few Abilities require to stop the Calamity. And it might lead to their death to do so. To save his life, a game of chase began between him, and almost every Country and All-powerful Organisations in the world! If that is not enough a group of Ancient Sorcerers and Witches also wants a piece of him too! Will he be able to save himself from the terrible fate of being a sacrifice to save Earth? Maybe not!!!! ******************************* Discord https://discord.gg/CbfPyXgAuV

The_Celestial_King · Sci-fi
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244 Chs

C 127. True Essence Of Reality!

Let's say, in reality, you can walk back to a Natural Garden in ten years but in the Essence of True Reality, you have spent only one hour doing it.

Your insane amount of perception and your eye ability helped you sense the True Essence of what really happened. Even though you escape to your Internal Mind to take a break.

So, in short, I guided you through all the Ten Rooms and Parlour within 23 years of your stay there.

Your True Sight has seen everything that is to see in its True Essence but your mind buried it deep even making you forget that you have used your ability.

Are you following me?"

I sank into my Internal Mind to calm down and analyse it, then I came our nodding!

"If you understand that, let go back to the True Essence you have seen. As you know the computer recognized only two numbers 1 and 0. So, this Virtual World knows only one thing: Small Circles.